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[12:00 PM EST - No subject.]

Yesterday went by quicker than expected, I went to the rink carrying all of my junk with me. I think this is the most I've ever carried off to the rink, my broomball stuff, skates, and camera equipment. It was not a pretty sight, and boy was it a pain lugging all that stuff to and from the CIF.

I didn't want to push myself too much during skating. I was already tired, and I didn't want to use up all my energy tring to get that darned Salchow to work. Anyhoo, today we worked on our jumps again. One of the original instructors actually showed up today (plus the other regulars who show up but don't actually belong to the class). After doing our drills, the instructor came up to me first to take a look at my jumps. *eyes wide* Me? But.. but.. *hangs head* Okay. So I demonstrated a very small waltz jump, which was okay, and then a rather poor Salchow. She said that it was fine, although I really should try landing straight since I don't have a toepick (a toepick would prevent me from falling forward). Easier said than done. Oh well, she told me to try out the toe loop, which I had originally thought was a right inside three-turn followed by a mohawk toepick waltz jump. I guess I was wrong, it's a right inside three-turn and a three-sixty jump. It was not easy. Actually, I still can't do it yet. Not even close. I can't seem to get into the air from that position (you're supposed to bend the knee to give you something to jump from but it's harder than it looks). Well, I spent the rest of the period practicing my jumps, but I had a hell (oh, did I say that? I meant heck) of a time staying on my feet. I fell quite often. So often in fact that my gloves got soaked and started leaving nice blue streaks on the ice and on my pants. *looks down*

I should wash them soon, but heck, blue on blue isn't that bad right?

Ooh.. another message and run.. I'm going to get that girl..

I ended up injuring myself during that time. I had a couple of bad falls where I landed on my knees. One bad one where I landed on the knee which already had a bruise from Sunday. *winces*

Now I've got bruises on both my knees. I hoped my kneepads would keep me from injuring them more during the games..

It's funny, but after skating was over, I was very limber and so full of energy (and much more happy too). Completely opposite of how I was feeling before I started the night..

Well, there weren't that many people who showed up for skating, so the ice was pretty smooth. They had flooded the ice right before our class as well, so broomball was quite hazardous. Well, hazardous is an understatement. Unless you had broomball shoes on that ice, you were quite likely to kill yourself.

Anyway, the first game was the semi-final game against.. er.. I can't remember the team, but we weren't too worried about them. We basically dominated the game and only had one time when our defence collapsed and gave them a scoring chance. In the end, we won 4-0 although I had nothing to do with any of the goals. Too bad.

The second game was the finals. Seeing as we won the semi-finals, we headed off against the team that tied us in the regular season. Unfortunately for the other team, this time we had our full lineup including Mr. Broomball (who came back from his visit to the land of the rising sun). I was a little worried about the other team's speed, but there were number of factors that gave us the advantage. The ice was very smooth, which basically negated any speed advantages that the other team had (it's quite hard to run on flooded ice), we were a little more used to the smooth ice after playing one game on it. Also, we were pumped and ready to play. (Except for me, I was dead tired.)

So in the end, I ended up shut out of the scoring. That kind of sucked. We controled the ball a lot better than I had expected, and I had a couple of chances on the net, but I couldn't get anything by the goalie. In the end, the score was 3-0. For us of course. Riston got the game winner with a screened shot from the slot which hit the goalie's foot and managed to roll in. So I guess we're numero uno again. Yahoo! *does the victory dance*

Just heard on the news that the government (or the Bank of Canada) wants to change our money! They want to replace the pictures with famous places and people from Canadian history. Personally, I don't know if this is a good idea or not. It's breaking our ties with the old British monarchy, but due to our ever growing multicultural background, I don't think that's a problem. I don't see anything wrong with this, except that, well, I'm so used to these coins and bills. *shrug* What do you guys think? Well, I know you American's don't really care, since you guys already have your coins depicting famous Americans already.

While I'm on the topic of news. Here's this thing about some prostitutes in London going on strike. Yup. I won't ask either. The other one I forgot to mention yesterday was the German Baby Bank. I don't know where these things are coming from. I'm just reporting them. One last one to finish off this set. That would be Britain's Pet Passports. I have no idea what this world is coming to, but I got all of these gems from the ShackNews.

Hmm.. hwan.com seems to be flaky recently. Is it still up? I've changed the link from hwan.com to hwan.risto.net, so those of you with similar problems might want to follow suit.

The day started off very sunny and warm, but it started getting hazy and clouds started to roll in. I was able to convince weirDo to go out and throw the disc around before the weather turned bad (it's supposed to be crappy this afternoon). I wasn't able to get Dusty or RHS however. So the two of us went outside and played around a bit. It was awfully windy and none of my shots were making it anywhere near him, so we moved over to the DC quad to try our luck in the more sheltered field. Unfortunately, it was already occupied by a couple of other disc throwers, so we were regulated to a small patch of grass on the edge of the field next to the path. Even with the subduded winds, I still couldn't seem to throw properly. I was way too tired to put any effort into my throws. Must've frustrated weirDo to know end I must imagine. I ended up injuring myself a couple of times too becuase I wasn't particularly careful out there. Geez, now I've got a new bruise on the inside of my knee. Ow.

Now it's getting dark and it's raining! Ah well, the good weather was enjoyable while it lasted.. back to winter we go..


[4:00 PM EST - That's it, that's all.]

The lab was rather uninteresting today. Many of the students didn't stick around for the entire lab period. Most of them just came by to hand in their labs before taking off. Yeah, it's around that time of the term so I'm not surprised. Only a couple of them stuck around. Some of them were there to heckle Dr. Fisher, but on the most part, I only saw two kids actually working on the lab.

During that period, I was basically goofing off. Helped the other lab TA with her quantum, although I can't remember squat. While I was downloading MP3s, I realized that I have not touched my thesis this entire week! That was rather depressing.

Hmm, did I say it was uninteresting? For me it was, but some of you might be interested in something. Near the end of the lab session, the frosh girl wandered into the lab. After talking with her last time, I didn't think I'd be that interested, except..

I don't know. Some of you might have that same feeling when someone you want to see suddenly walks into the same room with you. Your heart leaps into your throat and you suddenly become incredibly self-conscious. (Especially since I stunk to high heaven from running around during lunch.) You can't seem to make eye contact with that person, and you have no idea how you can approach him/her. I think I've described the symptoms of a shy person.

Anyway, the last time I went through something like this, I ended up talking about her here and that pretty much ended up in tragedy, so I might not talk about it anymore..

What do you guys think? Well, while you're thinking, I helped her out with some printer problems, and we talked a bit. She asked me:

"How's your thesis going?"

*hangs head in shame*

I don't know. I get these passing infatuations way too often, and they tend to come and go fairly quickly. *goes through list of names in head* Should I just ignore this one?

Went to volleyball today. It was the last game of the term, so I wanted to make the most out of it. We had a good game, although I skipped out on the second game (they had tons of people). I bumped into the volleyball aficionado after the first game but I wasn't able to convince him to join in the expert game going on in court 2 (It would've been good practice for me at least). I did play for his team in the final playing slot, but even with two dozen great sets, I couldn't land a spike. Not a single one. *groan*

<!-- Two things. Jax showed up but didn't play with us tonight.. what a wuss huh? =) No no no, she can beat me up so she's not that big of a wuss.. Someone else also showed up. That would be JCYH. She was playing badminton or something in the small gym and came by during the second game. FlyingS was the first to notice her actually and I didn't recognize her until FlyingS told me who it was. She told me where she was and that she'd be coming by later to see how we were doing. I figured she'd be back in ten minutes or so. She came back sometime in the end of the third game, after everyone else left for food (I stuck around because it was the last game). Oops. I thought FlyingS heard where she was at, but neither of us apparently told the rest of the crew that she was actually around. *looks around* Hmm.. what they don't know won't hurt them right? Right, time to comment this out.. -->

Since I had a bit of time, I passed by the cove to check out Silent Scope 2 (Werdna told me that it was there last week). It seems interesting for the fact that it's now a two person game, much like Time Crisis 2, but since the game modules are seperable, there was only one of them at the Cove ATM. Once they come out with the second one, I might try it out.

Another thing I found out while I was down there was that there will be a free game night next week from eight to midnight. There's a five dollar admission charge, but all the games will be free, including the pool tables! Oh yeah! I'll be there..

It's much colder tonight then it has been in the past week. It should be getting awfully cold over the next couple of days, but after our little taste of summer this week, I can't complain.

KGL's got a new .plan:

I am so sleepy.....

Aww.. *hands KGL a pillow*

Now onto the homepage updates: Laz had some commentary about the German Baby Bank, KGL's happy that someone actually signed her Guestbook, and Jax enjoyed the good weather (although if you really want to hear some cute girl stories, I've got lots on Jax.. =).

Okay okay, before I dig myself into a bigger hole for myself, I should get going. Before I do that though, I've got a question for you folks. Any of you have music by Tom Lehrer on CD? I'm itching to hear a couple of his songs, namely "The Elements", "Who's Next?", "New Math", and "National Brotherhood Week". Quite a character that boy..

*looks at watch* What the.. it's one?!? *sigh* I'm going home.


Wednesday, October 16, 2024 @ 04:45:54 EDT

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