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[12:00 PM EST - No subject.]

Two math problems. What is the smallest number with 28 proper (not including the number itself) divisors? The other question is: if two numbers have a product of 9986, and their greatest common divisor is the difference of these numbers, what are the two numbers? Solutions and not answers please. (So that I can compare with our solutions.)

While I'm on this thread, weirDo found a link that shows the divisble by seven rule. I can now put it into my solution for the problem Laz sent me a few months back.

Oh, remind me to write up the solution for that @Discovery.ca math problem with the ten digit number where the first digit is the number of zeros in the number, the second is the number of ones, etc. until the last digit is the number of nines in the digit. The solution on @Discovery.ca was a little rushed.

Got up late today. Probably had to do with the fact that the first broomball game tired me out. (The second was a good cooldown however.) I don't expect to wake up early tomorrow considering what I've got lined up tonight. Skating and broomball. Yay. Anyway, let's see what happened last night..

Hmm.. not much it seems. The first broomball game last night was up against what was left of the farm team. Too bad only three people from their team showed up (although it was their three better members). We were able to convince the convener to play as well, and even KGL joined in! (Despite the arm thing.) It was a good game, after sending Graduate and Dusty to the other team. I ran around a lot on the good ice. It was too bad it lopsided for their team since although Stripes got some good shots, I think he wanted more of a challange. Ah well. Maybe next term.. (or tonight? we'll see).

I'm actually impressed with some of our less experienced players. They've learned a bit over the term (despite playing only half the games or whatnot).

We didn't stay too long at McGinnis (I had french onion soup - Mmm!). I'm actually surprised how funny Graduate can be. (Never thought as him being the joke maker, Riston's usually stealing that spotlight.)

While I'm on the topic of broomball, I just got e-mail from Tim! Yes! Isn't that amazing? Well, I invited him out to tonight's game, although I'm not sure if he'll get the message in time. We'll have to see. That yutz is so hard to get a hold of. Maybe I should try to get Gary out too..

Alright, back to work..

Oh, weirDo sent me this link last night. (Intersting especially with Napster running rampant.)

Hmm.. apparently today is National Goof Off Day. Man, and National Procrastination Week was not too long ago. March is definitely not a productive month is it?

Hey! I learned two new words! One from Jax (minutiae) and the other from Riston (truant).

Not much going on today. Been going through my thesis grinding through the parts I've written already and realizing how much tripe I've been spitting out. Mind you, two weeks from now, I'll be wondering what sort of crap I put in after removing all this tripe. The cycle never ends.

I finally got around to cooking the five pounds of ground beef I got from the Price Club on Monday. Boy did it take a long time to cook. I probably should've made something interesting with it (like meatloaf or something.. okay, it's interesting for me!), but I don't have the time. It'll be spaghetti for the next month or so. (Oh hurray.)

Skating was good, I got to learn a new technique. Okay, I still can't do it, but it's a forward mohawk, cross, backwards mohawk and repeat. Man it's tough. I brought all of my broomball equipment with me to the rink despite the fact that my game is actually an hour after skating finishes. I was hoping people might be needed during the interim game. No dice. So I'm here.

I don't know if I'll be back later so I'll go through some things I forgot to talk about yesterday, namely the homepage updates. If I remember correctly, Laz - who had another interesting dream, MJO (MJO!) - who had some sort of beef with Star Office (or Microsoft, or.. well, check it out yourself), and Jax (with a very interseting letter) all had updates up last night. Actually, so did Sparky with her rain walking and recount of their hotel blues in Toronto. I'm still wondering why they didn't stay in one spot, but I have yet to read up on their trip (I know, I know) so I should probably keep my mouth shut. Ahem. Tiffi also had an update describing their bathroom sign fetish. (Okay, okay, it's not a fetish, but it got your attention didn't it?) Check it out!

Holy updates Batman! The night I don't have time to do it too..

For today's updates, Laz was looking at his log, while Jax was busy.. surfing (I guess I don't need to give her any reason to procrastinate ;). KGL finally got her arm checked. Sparky has another update (that kid is really making up for all of those entries she skipped out for the past month..) but I'm in a rush now since my game will be soon! Ahh!

I was hungry, but I think I got over that hunger hump. To think I skipped out on dinner because I didn't want to get cramps during skating. I've been eating so poorly lately (french onion soup last night, and chocolate milk the night before).

Anyway, gotta run!


Wednesday, October 16, 2024 @ 06:35:16 EDT

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