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[12:00 PM EDT - No subject.]

A quote that came to my mind yesterday while I was thinking about the weather. A number of years ago, it was raining pretty badly outside and I asked MJO when it would stop raining. He replied:

"When it starts snowing."

(I even have the quote listed too!)

Came to school early today. Skipped out on breakfast since I didn't have enough milk for cereal. The campus is strangly quiet today. Well, perhaps not strangely seeing as it is the break in between lectures and exams. Still, it's quite eerie to come to school and see only a few souls wandering around, especially when I got into the office! *haunting music plays in background*

The broomball thing last night went over fairly well. We only had a couple of people not show up this time. After plaing around on the N64 a bit, we watched Army of Darkness (what a great film) and ate pizza. Didn't stay too long, but it was fun listening to Graduate, Riston, and SDS have verbal dukeouts (not for children's ears however).

Man, after the last two days of hammering away at my thesis, I've got another mental block (again). I gotta finish writing up this summary and complete the last section of my results. Then I have to go through the arduous task of finding typos. (Yahoo.) To think that this is the easy part of my thesis..

KGL's got a new .plan up:

Sometimes it's hard to believe
That you're never coming back for me
I've had this dream that you would always be
By my side, oh I could've died
But now I see that you're so happy
And it just sets me free
And I'd like to see us as good of friends
As we used to be

Aww.. (apparently I'm not supposed to Aww at this - so KGL says.)

Hrumph. Seems like I know what I'll be doing this weekend. Marking! Yahoo! I foresee a couple of hair pulling nights and sighs of exasperation over the course of the next couple of days.. But to think, this will be the last time. That's what I'll keep telling myself. (Funny enough, that's what I was telling myself two terms ago.. my how wrong I was..)

Hey.. I just noticed this comment :

Gee, everyone seemed so normal at first...

Hmm.. (Marge Simpson style.)

Hey! Yow! The sun's out! I'm glad someone had the brains to draw the blinds before the same come out to blind me. No, if you were wondering, it wasn't me. *hangs head*

What the.. just saw on ArsTechnica that Final Fantasy 9 should be coming out in Japan on July 19th and coming out sometime in October in the US. Holy crap, and I still haven't seen FF8 yet..

What the.. Sparky wasn't kidding when she said she was going to be taking her page down.. err.. I'm going to have to look into this. Hold on..

It seems as if my eyes have not deceived me.. I don't know.. what am I going to do now? Who's life will I read about now? How will I ever continue?!? (Tune in next time to find out.)

But seriously, I think it's a great loss to have another person burned by putting their thoughts and ideas up for the world to see. I like the idea of exchanging notes with the world, although there should be certain limits (I ain't tellin you my PIN sorry..). Unfortunatly, different people have different limits, and generally the people who do put their thoughts on the net are the ones with the loosest limits (I think so at least). Although this probably has nothing to do with Sparky's situation.

In any case, I wish her luck in her voyages through life, even though I probably won't be reading up about them.

Tiffi on the other hand has two (three actually!) entries up sorta detailing the aftermath of whatever was going on down on her end. (I have no idea what was going on down there either, so don't ask me. I just read.)

Laz has an interesting commentary up on the growing power of China that was sparked by Growly's interest in the subject.

KGL and Jax both have updates as well, although I think KGL's directing most of her entries lately to that Ingrid person..

Hold on.. ooh! Seems like MJO also has an update up (quite a number today). Sorry, I can't place "'till the ball drops", but KGL or Laz might be able to find the song where that came from..

Now it's getting late. Now I should go home and do laundry. Now is the time I realize that I'll never be able to finish my thesis the way I want it to be finished. Mind you, I don't think I'd be able to finish it the way I want to finish it given any amount of time, so I think the best course of action is to hand it in and get it over with..

Oh yeah, seems like all my committee members are okay for the 20th. Mark that down. Don't say I didn't warn you..


Wednesday, October 16, 2024 @ 06:41:12 EDT

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"The opposite of the religious fanatic is not the fanatical atheist but the gentle cynic who cares not whether there is a god or not."

Eric Hoffer (From The Quotations Page.)