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[12:00 PM EDT - No subject.]

Ahh, today is Friday. Dusty came up and we (with weirDo listening in) talked about the good old days in first year. We had a couple of stories about one of our first year physics profs who I thought had already retired a number of years ago. Well, several minutes after Dusty went back downstairs, this old (and a little sunburnt) guy saunters in looking for another prof and asked me if I knew where his office was. I sorta stared for a second because I recognized the voice (thick Scottish or Irish accent) and he looked like.. no. Well, I told him that I wasn't very sure. I never did ask what his name was.. that was so.. weird. *twilight zone chime*

Went skating right after that encounter. The ice was good and when I got there (right when the period started) there was not a single soul around. The rink was mine! Yahoo! So I went out there and stretched my legs. Found out that I can't do a lunge on smooth ice (I'll have to keep practicing), and started doing my turns and stuff. A couple of people started getting on the rink, but that's not too bad, there was still tons of space where I could start practicing my jumps. For some reason I just couldn't do the Salchow. Not at all! (Okay, I did do it once.. but was so surprised that it worked that I couldn't do it after that.) Let's just say I fell quite often, and even when I didn't, my recovery must've looked spectacular (in the flailing of arms, dancing of feet style).

After half-an-hour or so (I wasn't really paying attention to the time, we had a lot more people show up, and the numbers kept rising. Eventually I was regulated to trying to practice my spins, which also wasn't particularly productive (since I still can't do them). After quite a number of fumbles and falls, a number of people started suggesting that I should by some figure skates. One even told me that I might actually be good if I got them! (Thanks for the confidence boost.. you telling me I'm bad right now?!? Don't answer that.)

Still, I realize that after a two week break, my skating skills have atrophied. Although after a couple of falls, this lady came up to me and said:

"It's the ice's fault isn't it?"

Yeah.. that's it! Actually, I think my skates need to be sharpened. Most of the skating I've done recently has been on fairly roughed up ice, but today I had a lot of trouble keeping my edges during my three-turns (normal skating wasn't affected). That would probably be why I kept sliding every time I tried going into the Salchow. Man, and it's only been four months since the last time I sharpened them!

I had a quick lunch and right after that headed off to the PAC to invigilate. I was the first of my group to get there (a first!) but it didn't take long for the big two to show up. After putting out the exams, I noticed someone at the door waving. Oh! Waving at me! So I went to the doors and noticed that it was CJF! Well I'll be.. she wanted to know when my defence was (doh!) and told me about what happened after we screwed up her account (doh!). Hmm.. *flips through archives* I don't think I ever mentioned that. Ah well, a story for another time.

Well, the exam itself wasn't very eventful. There were quite a number of questions, but even more interesting were the number of people who had to go to the washroom. One guy went twice! *eyes suspiciously* I actually went into the men's washroom and didn't find anything out of the ordinary, so I'm not sure if this was legit or not. In any case, near the beginning of the exam, I wandered around to see if I could find anyone I recognized. Looked into the small PAC and thought I saw JCYH writing one of the CS exams. Hmm.. but no Jax. One of my brain cells was telling me that Jax was writing a CHEM exam and apart from the one I was proctoring, I didn't hear of any other CHEM exams taking place at the PAC. This lead to a bit of confusion on my part, but.. *shrug* oh well!

After the exams all finished, I went back to the small PAC to see if it really was JCYH in the other room. As I was heading there, I passed by someone who had.. waitaminute! It's AC! What the heck was he doing here? Well, I talked to him for a bit before he took off. I peeked my head into the room but realized that I was too late. All of the students and their proctors had fled. Dejected, I started to head back to my office when I looked up and heard


What the?!? It was WSCW! She apparently also wrote the same exam that AC wrote (so I assume that JCYH probably was also writing that exam but I had come too late to confirm. I did however get to see the person I really wanted to see. I really don't know what to do! *pulls at hair*

Rumour has it that Gundam Wing showing sometime this month. Here's what JCC said:

My sources tell me that three episodes of Gundam Wing will be premiered on YTV on Monday, April 24th. Hours: 5:30pm-7:00pm.

Should be interesting.

Speaking of animé, Jax mentioned that CTRL-A should put together fan video in her new update. SUGOI's response was well placed, and I would like to add that after our "how to find the CTRL-A office" fiasco, I don't think any of our execs would ever want to do something like that ever again. Never ever. At all. *shakes head vigourously*

Ooh, just saw the Kodomo no Omocha/Neon Genesis Evangelion fusion one and I would like to reiterate the point I made before. Never!!! *shakes fist in air*

Anyway, both KGL and Laz have updates up. KGL's pretty grouchy and happy (no, I don't get her either), while Laz has been getting more practice in Counter-Strike.

Oh yeah, seems like Jax just updated that .plan:

Trees are starting to bud.
1 day to go.

One week for me..

Well, I'm getting hungry, and my hands are getting cold from lack of circulation (either that or I've been gripping the mouse way too much). Gonna get some sour cream and whip up some beef stroganoff.. Mmm..


Wednesday, October 16, 2024 @ 06:41:35 EDT

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