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[12:00 PM EDT - No subject.]

So I didn't make it to Mononoke Hime this morning.

Laz seems to be working a bit more on his homepage now that his television is fried, while KGL has been doing something.. and being vague about it.

Noticed on ArsTechnica that there's a Geek Pride Festival being held in Boston that started a couple of days ago. Hrumph. Too bad I missed out.

There was something I forgot yesterday. Yes, I forgot something. It was rather important actually. I forgot that I was holding the key to the equipment room. Now since the room is locked, it's usually save for us to hold our equipment there overnight. Saves us the hassle of moving the stuff across campus and such. Unfortunately, it also means that if the person with the key doesn't appear on time..

Well, you can figure out what happens.

Anyway, I made it to the show around fifteen minutes before the show started. Apparently they were able to open the room without me. Apparently they voted to have me used as a guinea pig for a particle beam gun that they were going to develop. Apparently they're hypocrites (at least in my eyes). Let me explain.

At the last show, I was in charge of the AV key. I showed up on time (that is, half an hour before the show started). One person was there. He wasn't even a volunteer. Oh good. (I even have pictures!) I waited around ten to fifteen minutes wondering what I could do to set up the equipment before people started wandering in. So I asked them (I say them because I couldn't remember who I specifically asked) why they were so late and they pooh poohed me telling me that because the equipment was so close by there was no problem since the setup time would be very short. (We did in fact start early that day.)

Fine. (Well, their reasoning did make sense.)

I dunno, what do you think? It's annoying to have this responsibility, but it's always so much easier to blame a single person than it is to blame a group. Eh. Whatever.

Okay, now onto more boring stuff..

I forgot to pick up my blades when I got back to the office (did I mention that I bladed to school yesterday?). That kind of sucked since I don't think I can blade back home with the rain and all (did I mention that it was raining?). I might have to leave them here overnight again.

Although I was feeling a little groggy, tired, stuffed up, sore, and sick in general (seeing as I was), nobody I asked thought I looked or sounded sick (I asked three different people okay?). This means one of two things.

  1. I look and sound good when I'm sick.
  2. I look and sound poor when I'm healthy.

I'm quite sure that the second choice is more likely.

In any case, we did have a nice (expensive) meal last night. I spent over thirty bucks on it.. *looks at empty wallet* Ouch. Another thing was that there were about fifteen of us (well, there was sixteen but one of us left) at a twelve person table. We all knew each other pretty well and and stuff, but when I'm eating I don't like to have an elbow in my face (or a face in my elbow for that matter). So FlyingS, the person who eventually left, and I split to another table. I didn't realize that the second table would be so far away from the group. I also didn't realize that we got plunked next to the live entertainment (nice jazz trio) and in the middle of formal city. Okay, I may exaggerate a bit, but me in my white T-shirt and jeans didn't quite fit in too well with the local patrons in their semi-formal wear (some had ties! Ahh!).

We had a cute waitress at least (who seemed new at the job, but strangely familiar.. ) and they seemed to put up with us despite our ungainly appearance. Ungainly on my part at least *rubs stubbly chin*. So I left a nice tip.

Got a link from KGL a number of days ago. For all you Raptors fans out there, you may want to check this out.

What the.. *looks at watch* Jax seems to put up some sort (shorter) of update. *looks on date*. I could've sworn that the March 31 entry was up until just recently.. *looks at watch again*. Ah well.

We had a power failuer this morning. I reckon sometime around 7:21 in the morning. For some reason I was concious enough to hear a whirring noise and a beep in my sleep. It must've taken me an hour as I passed in and out of conciousness to figure out that the whirring noise came from my USB Zip drive while the beep was from my cordless phone. (They make those sounds when you connect them to power.) If my brain wakes up that early when the rest of me is still comatose, that would explain why I'm way too out of it to finish these corrections to my thesis.. wah.

In any case, I'm getting hungry so I'm going to go home. Stroganoff sounds good no?


Wednesday, October 16, 2024 @ 06:31:07 EDT

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