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[12:00 PM EST - No subject.]

Again the weather has smiled upon us. Nice weather out there, and I'm stuck in here marking these assignments. Gah.

Holy nice weather Batman! I skipped out on skating today. Wasn't particularly in the mood. What I should get into is a writing mood, but after marking those assignements (with an average of 3.7 out of 10) I don't really feel like doing much ATM.

I find it rather interesting that people who surf (to this page at least) fall into three types of catagories. There's the casual surfer who just hit the page once, find out that they're not interested, and move on. Then you have the type of person who comes here, does find it interesting, but after a week or so, stops coming to visit becuase it doesn't keep their attention. Finally, you have those who will hit this page every day (or every hour it seems *looks at Jax*) and these are the people I find interesting. I mean, why the heck would they want to keep checking this site? I don't even think there's any merit in my jabbering. Mind you, I always tend to check up on some people on a daily basis myself, but I've always wondered why..

Oh, I finally got to see the original Budweiser Wassup commercial. It all makes sense to me now!

Well, I guess I know why one preson reads my page now. Oh my, it's already past six.. and I haven't finished marking the labs.. better start..

Ahh! *tears out hair* It's already nine and I'm nowhere near done!! These things are easy to mark if the kids are really bright (i.e. no wrong answers) or really.. er.. cranially challanged (i.e. no answers at all). Unfortunately, most people fall into the middle group and tend to give answers, but they're wrong. My job changes from giving the full/no marks to the student, to finding out what sort of part marks the kid deserves for the work done. That is so tedious, not to mention difficult to stay consistent. Thus, the amount of time being spent to mark these labs. *bangs head on table* This is gonna drive me nuts!

Okay, that's it for tonight. I'm tired and I'm still not done yet. *sobs* I want food and I want sleep. Before I go, I should put up those pages which have been updated recently. Jax has put up something about the weekend. (Mind you, I only look at code when someone puts in something interesting to see! *flicks foil.. riposte!*) KGL also has a (more lengthy) entry on that page.. a little overboard with the links, but hey, can you blame the kid? (Well, yeah!)

Oh, I put up the Gunslinger rules for those of you still play BattleTech and are interested. I'll also be changing the way my pictures are loaded.. I believe I'm going to resort to popup windows.. yeah yeah, javascript hell, but heck, I find the perl script a little slow..

That's about it, and that's it for me. One more thing before. This is for Jax (because she likes talking about me so much):

It's time to go home.



Wednesday, October 16, 2024 @ 06:39:48 EDT

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"I'm worried that the universe will soon need replacing. It's not holding a charge."

Edward Chilton (From The Quotations Page.)