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[12:00 PM EST - No subject.]

Ahh! March is nearly over! I'm not done writing yet!! Ahh!!!

*QYV runs around in circles*

The weather turned for the clear yesterday. After the rain stopped, the skies cleared and the temperature dropped. I was nearly going to kick myself for only wearing a T-shirt (and jean jacket), but I can handle the cold.. yeah.. *shiver*

Actually, the clear skies spilled over to today, and with the sun, the weather is amazing today! Warm and sunny..

Great, and I don't have any good excuses to go outside to enjoy it. *shakes fist at sky*

Well, the weather has been pretty whimsical today, so I'm not complaing too much now. It rained a bit on the way to our usual lunch spot, and then it was sunny again afterward (it's like these little rainclouds are running around the sky getting random pieces of the ground wet). Now, I'm not sure what to call the weather. Partly sunny? Partly cloudy? It's all fickle to me.

Anyway, I got a couple of links forwarded to me. One was from Laz, and had something to do with claymation, while the other one was from Stripes, and has something to do with wasting time (if you have a java-capable browser).

Man, this is weird. The day that I get the e-mail from Stripes about the Constructor, I saw Laz with an comment about it, and even ArsTechnica is into it! I must admit though, it's a fun playtoy. Word is definitely getting around fast..

Before I forget:

"An honest god is the noblest work of man. ... God has always resembled his creators. He hated and loved what they hated and loved and he was invariably found on the side of those in power. ... Most of the gods were pleased with sacrifice, and the smell of innocent blood has ever been considered a divine perfume."

-- Robert G. Ingersoll

Which I find quite interesting.

Updates. Lots of them. Really! Laz has a couple up, and even KGL has a fairly decent sized entry up as well. (Man, that's a nice sunset out there.. *stares*)

Jax also has an update up there too, while to the south, Sparky is a little (just a little?) depressed, while Tiffi is a little lost (or wandering, I'm not particularly sure).

Quite jam packed indeed!

I did get around to doing my laundry last night (mostly), but I found out only too late that I barely had detergent for one load! Doh! This morning, I remembered that I had just finished my bottle of shampoo so sifting around in my cache of supplies, I realized that I forgot to stock up! Doh!


Eh, it's not too bad. I don't think anyone noticed.

*runs hand through mop on head*

On the way back home last night, I noticed that the gas prices have gone back up. That day, the prices were 68.7 and 69.0 cents per liter at the GTO and Shell. That night it was 72.6 and 72.9 cents per liter respectively. Ouch. Glad I don't drive!

Last night at dinner, I was talking with AgentP about Spawn (the animated series - not the crappy movie). I've been catching a few episodes on the tube recently and I wanted to check with him to see where I was in the series. He told me that he had seen the first two seasons already (six episodes per season, not much of a season). So I told him that I was at the part where Twitch found out who shot him.

"Twitch got shot?"

*blink* Oops.. perhaps I have said too much..

JCC later told me that that was the beginning of the fourth season (yikes!). At least AgentP doesn't know who shot Twitch.. (Unlike how I found out about Kayser Sozse..)

Hmm.. KGL has a new .plan:

its funny how you can meet people in the weirdest places...


Grr.. weirDo tried to pull a fast one on me. While I was here updating the page, he put something (sharp) on the chair seat (easy to spot) and pulled out the keyboard and mouse cables (hard to see). Took me a minute to figure it out. Had he not put the thing on the chair, I would've thought that the computer actually locked up. I was so close to rebooting the computer but somehow that little prank tipped me off to more possible meddling on his part.. Lucky!

Hrumph, just found this on the board.

[QYV], Make sure everything is plugged in! =)

Gee, thanks.

Been checking with my committee to find a good date for my defence. Seems like April the 20th is a good date. I'll have to pencil that in and make sure everything goes as planned (I have to submit my thesis by the 6th! Ahh!).

Played around with the picture windows again, and it seems like it's fine. So I think I'm going to switch all of my pictures from the perl script over to the javascript (or plain HTML for older browsers).

There we go, all done. Been plauged by this dry throat all day and it's really starting to get to me now. I think I'm going to go home. Too much on my mind..


Wednesday, October 16, 2024 @ 06:38:09 EDT

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