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[12:00 PM EST - No subject.]

Hmm.. I never did get around to finishing yesterday's entry. Nor did I actually go skating today *sob*. Mind you, I didn't get home until after three in the morning, but I'll get into that later.

I went to broomball just before being warned my KGL that she and her roommate were both coming to the game. Well well, seems like Riston convinced them to come along! At least he was able to convince one of them to play (still working on the other one). Only two people from the other team showed up. The convener even played for them, but that only added up to three. I talked to one of them and he told me that there was some sort of funeral that they went to. Oh. Anyway, I got sent off to the other team, and we played four on four for a little while there. Once Mr. Broomball and Graduate showed up, we played five on five, but with the extra ice, the game was very open. I was feeling tired and sore and spent most of my time in net. Amazingly enough, they were only able to score once on me (I'm a sucky goalie). I was very impressed!

Since Mr. Broomball and I played for the other team, we ended up winning the game. Riston wasn't very happy about that. (He never likes to lose.) We hung around for a while to see if they needed people for the game after ours and we found out that only one team showed up for the slot. Well, we jumped into that opportunity and played the extra frame. I was even more tired in that game and couldn't capitalize on any of the breakaways that I had. Very disappointing. Ah well, I think everyone had fun at least.

Riston somehow convinced KGL and TY to go have a drink so I decided to join in. We stayed out for three hours! Three hours!! Can you believe that? Talk talk talk, that's all we did. No wonder I was so tired when they closed down the restaurant. So, I didn't get to sleep until sometime around four. Didn't get up until this afternoon, and didn't make it to school until five. There goes any chance of getting any work done. I did finish marking the assignments, but I still have a pile of labs to go through.. *sigh* Labs are annoying to mark.

I think I'll leave the marking for another time, I'm about a third done, and three quarters annoyed, so I'm gonna go home. Actually, before I go home I'll just got over the updated homepages and .plans. Well, this won't take long. KGL has an explanation on how hectic her weekend has been, while Jax doesn't be left out in the lyrics department (I think they're lyrics) with this new .plan:

You'll have to excuse me, I'm not at my best
I've been gone for a month
I've been drunk since I left
These so-called vacations
Will soon be my death
I'm so sick from the drink
I need home for a rest ...

Apart from that, not much else to say.

Okay, time to go. Not much of an exciting day.. gotta get milk and bread. Hope I don't forget..


Wednesday, October 16, 2024 @ 06:38:16 EDT

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