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[12:00 PM EST - No subject.]

Geez, took me a while to figure this out, but it's actually quite an interesting coincidence:

Real Programmers always confuse Christmas and Halloween because OCT 31 == DEC 25 !
-- Andrew Rutherford

Kewl huh? (Alright, weirDo thought it was pretty gay..)

What the.. I guess I forgot to mention those new .plans last night. Anyway, Jax had (and still has):

The definition of insanity is: Doing the same thing over and over and over again and expecting different results.

So I guess computer users are insane? "Dang, it crashed, let's turn it off and on and see if it works.. Hmm. Let's try it again. Hmm.." While KGL is a little more profane. So I'll let you figure out what she said.

Last night I forgot to mention that RHS came up for some help with fitting to data. Finding any sort of excuse not to do any work on my thesis, I jumped at the challange. We sat there for a good hour scratching our heads and wondering what the heck was going on. We couldn't figure anything out, so after he left, I continued working on the problem. A couple of hours later, I realized what had happened. Some of the bands were missasigned. Gah. That screwed up the entire fit. At least I figured out what was going on and pass my information down to RHS. He came up this morning and we cleared up some of the confusion and got cracking on how to continue on the analysis. I think he's on the right track now. Only time will tell. Oh well, I can't use this as an excuse anymore.

Oh hey, I finally went out grocery shopping last night. It was sort of planned ahead, but I didn't know when HNT and Werdna were gonna leave. I left a message on the answering machine since nobody was home, and as it got later into the night, I began to worry that I missed out. Getting hungry, I headed back home and basically just when I got in, the phone rang. It was Werdna telling me to get ready to go shopping! What timing huh?

We got a call last night from some girl who I didn't recognize. I thought that she had a really nice gentle voice, but she wanted to talk to HNT. I couldn't seem to find the boy, and she seemed kind of desperate, so she asked me:

"Do you know anything about networks?"

That's when I found out that it was Joanne! Man, at that point I really wanted to know about networks but unfortunately, I couldn't help her (Too bad she wasn't looking for a date to the formal or something). She seemed to recognize who I was when I told her my name, but I only saw her.. twice I think. (God she was cute. I wonder if she's single..) Ahem. Anyway, I found HNT eventually so I passed the phone off to him. *sigh*

What an amazing day today. Warm, breezy, and not too humid (it was a bit more humid than I would've liked it but hey). It sure as heck felt like a cool summer's day as opposed to a very warm spring afternoon. We took advantage of this short spell of warm weather by going onto the field and throwing the disc around for a bit. It was a bit more windy today, and although it shouldn't have affected us that much, we didn't fare so well today. Quite a bit of disc chasing today. (It's good exercise though.)

My knee seems to be healing fairly well. I felt a little soreness yesterday after playing Frisbee, but I feel much better today. Hopefully I should be in good shape for the broomball finals tomorrow..

Hey, last night I was thinking of doing a movie, about some schmoe who just can't win. Do you think anyone would watch a movie like that? I mean, it'll be depressing as hell, but would people think "Well gee, at least I'm not him." or would they think "Aww man! His life is like mine!"? I guess it depends on how you look at it I guess. I'll keep thinking about it. Oh wait.. wasn't Leaving Las Vegas one of those depressing nobody wins things? Hrumph, time to go to Rogers..

Oh yeah, before I forget. When I got home last night (before I got the call for shopping), I checked the mail and found a large folder that was for me. Hmm, it was from the National Capital Commission. I had no idea what it was for. (I was hoping it was money.) Opening it up, I took out the contents and tried to find some sort of "Dear Sir" letter. Then I saw it:

Participation Form for Members of the National Trek Team

*jaw drop* Oh no! I got chosen! What am I going to do now? I applied for Future Trek half jokingly. Man, that was months ago! (*paces around*) Well, I think it's like being a frosh leader, but on a much grander scale. Whether this is going to work or not is another question. Well, I guess I'll try it out. (*scratches head*) What do you guys think?

Oh man, I forgot to mention that I came across this article at HardOCP detailing the overclockability of the PIII 550E Coppermine CPU. It's a pretty sweet deal, although the price for the chip itself is a little hefty (around two hundred fifty US!). With the recent announcements from AMD and Intel however, I can see the price of this badboy dropping like a stone. Any of you interested in upgrading? Laz?

Err. I think I wanted to say something, but I forgot. In any case, I might as well go on with the daily updated homepages list. KGL has a longer than normal entry detailing her exploits from yesterday (including her encounter with me, and a message for Jax about golf). Speaking of Jax, the kid's got the shortest entry that I've seen her put up to date! However, since Jax finally got around to seeing the Terminator, I won't complain. (Good movie.) Besides, I'd rather have Jax finishing off that chem lab and graduating rather than working on the homepage, failing, and blaming it all on me. (I hate taking the blame.)

Er.. that's it. Pretty sparse for today, but it is early in the week and people are probably outside enjoying the weather (which I should be doing). I'm a little worried about Sparky. She hasn't put up a new entry in weeks! Then again, they could be preparing for Oh Canada 2000..

Okay. Long day tomorrow. Will have to make food tonight (got pork schnitzel.. Mmm..) and remind me to bring my camera! I want to take some pictures of the broomball team before the season is out.

Alright, enough gabbing and more moving. I'm gonna get going now..


Wednesday, October 16, 2024 @ 06:22:36 EDT

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