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[12:00 PM EST - No subject.]

Gorgeous day out there. Sunshine, clear skies, and a nice gentle breeze.. time to break out the dis.. oh yeah, thesis. Gosh darned it.

Guess what? Someone from above is smiling at me since the file I deleted last night still exists! (Not on my computer mind you.) Whew!

I should go and respond to my e-mail today. I doubt I'll have time or excuse to spend the time to respond over the next week..

Put the new pictures up, although they are only slightly better than the previous incarnations. At least they aren't THAT blurry. Yeah yeah, we'll see how my new camera does with clear pictures..

Went out to throw the disc today. I couldn't resist. Sorry. What surprised me more was that KGL ended up wandering by. How come each time I actually go outside to enjoy myself, she comes by to make be feel guilty? Of course it would've gone better if the guys didn't throw the disc at me while I was talking with her!! Geez, made it look like I was showing off or something.. Gah! It mattered not. I threw and caught horribly today. I don't know if it was the wind, or my subconcious tugging at my conscience, but boy did I ever blow a lot of catches (and throws).

Got word from AgentP that there's a Buffy Marathon coming up soon:

While I know some of you won't admit to being fans, there is a Buffy marathon on campus on March 30. It looks to be starting at 5:00pm and going until 11:00 (wussies!), and will take place in AL 116. Be there!

Mmm.. a SMG marathon.. I think I'll pass.

Hmm.. KNZ has this idea of buying up all of the Apex DVD players in the area and selling them off on ebay. What do you guys think?

Well, scratch that idea, the Future Shop down here is completely out. Won't be getting any more until April 10. I figured that by then, those would be the "corrected" versions so nix on the raincheck. (Why I didn't get one when I first heard about it? You tell me.)

I guess I didn't really need a DVD player either (seeing as I have no DVDs and have no intention of getting any anytime soon). I'll wait till the PSX2 comes out!

So I skipped out of school for a bit over an hour to find out that there were no more Apex DVD players in stock, but at least I tried. Heading towards the car, we passed by this Chinese girl who I thought I've seen before (but probably haven't). Did my eyebrow wiggle and got a little smile. Hee hee.

On the way back (after picking up some envelopes - 15 cents each! That's highway robbery!) I noticed while I was walking on the wall under the DC bridge something really small that rolled down the slope and stopped at the wall. Odd. I bent down to take a look and saw the mouse (or whatever it was, it was small) dive into a hole in the ground next to the wall. Whoa! I didn't know we had rodents that small running around campus! Hrumph. Too bad I didn't get a better look.

Just as I was going to enter the building, I saw this blond chick heading in my direction. I thought she looked cute (yeah yeah, like everyone else), but I thought she was looking at me. Odd. After walking into the building, I turned around to check and I saw her looking in my direction! (You know, the eye contact thing?) No smile, no wave, just a stare. That was freaky.

Hmm.. now what? Broomball tomorrow, and much marking to do (assignments and labs.. oh hurray.). Let's see what people have written first.

Jax has a new .plan:


She forgot the "da ba deeL da boo di".

Homepages.. Hmm.. Laz has a couple of new entries. The thing about my dad.. whew! He seems to be bumping into people I know left right and centre! First Squishy, then my dad.. (Probably bumped into Tiffi, Sparky and co. while they were in TO for all I know.)

Jax (who should be studying) has been busy with a number of updates. I liked the spider story, and now I have someone else to add to the list of coffee haters! (I'm on the top of the list if you haven't noticed. Some things are to be smelt, not tasted. Oh g.. get your mind out of the gutter!! *slaps SDS silly*)

Sparky's got a new entry up, but no new Canada stories.. (aww). But, she's thinking of moving her homepage! (Ooh!) Tune in and find out more!

Well, I should get going soon. I ate my lunch late (since I didn't eat it during lunch since I wanted to throw the disc and I was a little delayed with other stuff and don't eat as fast as the rest of the guys anyway) so I'm not that hungry, but I should still eat something. (Great, now I'm hungry.) I've got to decide what team to join for Future Trek, and I still have one section to finish in my thesis. Busy busy busy..

Anyway, best get going..


Wednesday, October 16, 2024 @ 06:30:38 EDT

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