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[12:00 PM EST - No subject.]

Got a link from Riston in regards to the Brian Berard incident. For those of you who don't watch hockey, or more specifically, the Leafs, then you might not be interested, but accidents like these are pretty tragic, especially since he is only 23..

Watched parts of "Patton" last night. I was actually impressed. I liked the movie, and although it's no "Saving Private Ryan" there were many short battle scenes (not stock war footage - like in "Midway") which really showed how terrible war could be. Very good movie for any war buffs who haven't seen it yet (even for you normal folk who have a passing interest on the second world war). I especially liked how well they portrayed the Germans and the other world powers. It's too bad I missed out on the part of the movie where Patton is standing in front of the American flag, doing his little speech. Ah well, I'll catch it again sometime.. (What the.. he died in 1945? Oi.)

Yes, it also means that I've been watching the History channel. Some of the stuff that they have on there is pretty interesting, although much of it has to do with war. Namely the second world war. I dunno, how many of you out there watch the History channel?

Oh.. I forgot to mention that TY told me how to treat a bruise. I've never done this myself, although KGL was a little more skeptical of her advice.. but anyway, what you're supposed to do is.. uh.. *scratches head*. Hmm.. well, I'll get back to you on this.

While I was down in the chem lab downloading my.. er.. stuff, one of my former students came up to me with an excel question which, for some odd reason, I was able to answer despite never seeing the problem before. Must be a few lucky clicks or something. When I sat back down, I turned to look around and I saw that cute frosh leader (who I know one of you out there knows) looking at me!

Hey! So I started talking with her for a bit before going back to my downloading (it was taking such a long time..). Didn't talk for long, so I was left there sitting, wondering how long this thing would take (it was taking a lot longer than I had anticipated). While looking around, I thought I recognized someone but I'm not usually good with the backs of people's heads. After a few minutes, I looked around and she had turned around. It was her! Oh man, I was right. Well, I waved and went back to sitting doing nothing (You'd think I'd go up and talk to her but what the heck would I talk about? Besides, she was doing work.). The wait was pretty much unbearable. Anyway, to make a long story short, after I finished downloading, I talked to frosh girl for a minute and then I took off. Nothing too exciting.

Finally paid back TP, hope she's happy.

Jax came by to visit. Made me happy since.. well.. I always need a reason to procrastinate! I was shown a number of pictures and such and somehow got myself into a candid one as well.. Hmm.. I just got to see what it looked like and let me say that I hope it never makes it to the net.. or to visual range of anybody for that matter.. *nudges Jax*

Jax came by while I was finally doing the photos for our group. I had been planning to put up some sort of picture thing in front of the lab to show off that there were actually people down in this corner of the building. The last one that had been up there (until it was taken down last year) was made around 1990. A little on the old side. I finally got this one up and ready using the pictures I took a while back and some leftover bristol board from the posters I made for Cornwall and the Chem Phys Symposium.

We had a little trouble putting the frame back up on the wall. When it was taken off, the anchors came out with it, and although I wanted to just stick the whole thing (fram, anchors and all) right back into the holes, they (namely weirDo) wanted me to do it "properly" by putting the anchors in and screwing the frame back in place. What I hadn't realized at the time was by doing that, I couldn't put the pictures in without opening the frame, but I couldn't close the frame if I wanted to screw it into the wall.. Quite a dilly of pickle there. We got some help from a couple people from the lab across the hall. It took us a little while to figure out how to do it but heck, we're grad students, we should be able to figure it out by ourselves right? Anyway, it's up and it's over. I think it looks very amateur, but heck, I'm no professional. I'm just happy I finally got this thing out of the way..

KGL came on by too later in the afternoon. Only wanted to use the phone tho.. Maybe I should go into details, but maybe you might be able to read it on her homepage..

Anyone heard of the Promise UDMA/66 controler card? No? Any of you know what RAID is? Anyway, apparently one can actually change the controler card into a RAID card.. If that tickles your fancy, then you should do some digging around..

The CTRL-A meeting wasn't very interesting, although a few of us did go out to the Two Goblets for dinner (mmm.. German food..). Afterward, I went down to the Cove to check out the all night gaming thing. I saw that I wasn't mislead by the note that they had on the door. Indeed it seemed as if they were having a five dollar games night down at the Cove. I had told the CTRL-A people about it, but it seems as if the only people who were actually interested were people who didn't actually (or haven't ever) gone to UW! I found that really funny.

So I bumped into VanPi, AG, and a couple of their friends. They were playing pool so I decided to check out some of the other games. Not too much out there to check out actually. I played a bit of the fighting games, finished Lost World, Virtual On, and Sega Rally. I even got in a few games of pool. I never did get to play with VanPi and the gang (although I didn't see VanPi after I first got there.. I did see AG again). I was getting my second game of Sega Rally in but just after we got two laps in someone pulled the plug. At that moment, there was a collective "Aw!" that could be heard from the crowd. I got to play around for two and a half hours so I didn't complain.. (I definitely got my money's worth..)

I heard from KNZ that tomorrow is Pi day. Yes, you read me right, tomorrow is Pi day. Math is celebrating tomorrow by selling pie. Now some of you may be wondering why they would be selling pie, and the rest of you would slap these people upside the head and say "are you stupid or something?". Then there are some of you wondering why the heck tomorrow is Pi day. Well, let me explain (although I can hear the groans already). This month is the third month of the year. Tomorrow is the fourteenth day of the month. See it yet? They will start selling pie at 1:59 pm. *shakes head*

There's not much I can say about that. I think I'll go buy some pie tomorrow..

Jax sent over some pictures that might be going up on the DD. Hmm.. let's just say that I have looked worse, but not on film. Oi. We'll see how my pictures come on out..

It's getting late, I'm going to finish with the homepage updates (since there aren't any .plan updates). Laz (who's finally got the site back up and running) has gone and seen (and liked!) Mission to Mars, while Jax has gone and developed some film.

Hmm.. that's it. Quite a small batch this time.

Well, I think it's time for me to go home. I'm getting tired and I want to sleep. *yawn* Tomorrow's going to be a busy day..


Wednesday, October 16, 2024 @ 04:54:29 EDT

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