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[12:00 PM EDT - No subject.]

I was debating last night if I would put in a quote.. well, here goes..

I was working away yesterday after lunch, when I hear a shout from weirDo:

"Hey [QYV]! Dusty has something he wants to say to you!"

Okay. So I go down there and they both clam up. What can I do? I kept bugging them about what they were talking about (probably me) and after a few minutes of heckling, I found out what they were talking about. Apparently, they were talking about the girl who was working at the place where we got our subs. weirDo made the observation that she was probably thirteen years old or something, and Dusty replied:

"Don't tell that to [QYV]. I think he was trying to hit on her."

Phfft.. hahahaha! Ah. First of all, she can't be thirteen, and secondly, I wasn't hitting on her. Casual conversation doesn't count as "hitting" on someone, unless you're really desperate or something.

Laz has a new link on his .plan

er, something for me.. maybe :

as well as a new quote

John von Neumann said, ``Anyone who attempts to generate random numbers by deterministic means is, of course, living in a state of sin."

Oops. I was wondering why all of my AD&D characters had such high stats.. I might look more into Edmund's. If there's a good deal on there, I'll jump onto it (but will most likely be beaten by Laz).

Curiouser and curiouser.. check out this article if you want to know more.

You know, I have a SBA coin. It's pretty crappy, but I ain't letting go of it. Here's what they're doing down south.

While I was waiting for everyone else to show up, I finished up my poster. Once I was done, I wandered around a bit wondering where everybody was. I peeked into the lot and noticed a rather large van sitting there, which I should have assumed was ours. Dang. Instead, I went back inside and dinked around a bit. I figured that I might as well print something out, so I sent something to the printer. Checked the printer and noticed it was out of paper. While I was loading the tray, I was notified that we were leaving.. No problem, my job should finish in a minute or so. So I fired up the printer and checked out the queue.. what the.. some dolt put in a seven meg print job onto the queue and didn't load paper in the tray! Good lord! There was no way my jobs were going to finish anytime soon, so I made a copy of the postscript file, and away we went.

The weather today was a little short of phenomenal. Just a little. It would've been a great day to enjoy the sun and the warm temperatures, but I spent most of the day inside the (rather large) van. Six hours of driving. Yay.

We reached Cornwall at a respectable time and when we got to the building, I though the place looked like a residence. I wasn't far off. The building that we were staying at is like a cross between a modern residence and a hotel. The rooms were placed in really bizarre places, and the hallways were NOT straight. It was very bizarre architecture. Renee would probably have though this place a little interesting (she has the most original designs).

When I walked in, one of the guests came up to us, and did the usual greets, and even recognized me!

"[QYV], right?"

I was rather amazed.

This place is called Nav Canada, and it's the location where air traffic controllers are trained. Very interesting place for interesting people I guess. My room has a very similar design to the room that we rented at the Best Western Inn out in Kenora during our cross Canada trip. I like it! I got to see one of the other rooms later, and it was much more residency like, so I'm glad I got my room. It's also a single, with it's own (spacious) bathroom, television, etc. etc. Man, these Nav guys sure must be loaded!

I inquired about finding postcards and getting onto a computer to print off my stuff. The security guard told me that I could get postcards from one of the shops they have in the building (there's also a cafeteria with semi edible food!). I went to the shop and the girl told me that they were all out. Doh! Told me to check back on Monday. Great.

I went to the (rather small) computer lab that they had in the building and proceeded to print out my pages. At least I tried to. They had a couple of programs on the computers here (like Word, and Excel) but they didn't have and postscript viewers (like Ghostview). Odd. No problem, I'll just download it! What a pain, they have it configured so you can't download stuff via IE4.0.. okay, I'll FTP it. Found out you can't copy files into anything but the \temp directory. No problem, that's where I'll install the program. Woo hoo! The thing can see my stuff, so I send off the print job and..

Uhh.. it's nor printing. What the.. unknown device?!? But it said.. Grrr.. Okay, I'll just readjust some of these parameters and try again.. Good, now it's pri.. hmm.. error message. Hmm.. it's not stopping. Hmm.. I wonder how much paper there is in this printer. Hmm.. I guess I found out. *sigh*

To recap. I couldn't print out my stuff. I tried many times, and I just kept hitting a brick wall. (I tried PDF's as well. No dice.) It had to be Microsloth and nothing else.

Dejected, I went down to check out the reception (free food and beer..).

What a coincidence. During the reception, I was standing around, wondering what I should do, when TCM and CD walked up to me! Good lord! I didn't expect to see any grad students here, much less them! TCM told me that he saw my poster abstract on the schedule, and I blurted out that I didn't notice his.

"So you didn't read the abstracts again did you?"

Yeah, yeah, I know.

So it was good seeing those two again, but I had to go back to finishing my poster.

"[QYV], I told you that it would catch up to you. You did this in Ohio.."

Yeah yeah, I know.. off my back already!

So here I am, rewriting part of my poster in Word. What a pain, (broke a nail too) and it looks pretty crappy too. But now it's late, I'm going to bed. If I'm lucky, I'll find a Kinko's somewhere around here tomorrow..


Wednesday, October 16, 2024 @ 06:24:53 EDT

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Woody Allen (From The Quotations Page.)