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[12:00 PM EDT - No subject.]

KNZ found out about the Mononoke Hime release date in Toronto. It should be coming out on the 29th, so I would suggest people go and see what the movie is like!

Guess what? Laz has updated his web pages. Both of them!

Was able to remember to buy some milk last night. I'm already halfway through the four litre bag. With the amount of milk that I go through in a day, I think I should have running milk installed in the house. At least it would eliminate the hassle of lugging home a four litre bag home every few days..

Finally updated my photo album. I had a couple of pictures that I got from MPS a while back which were taken even longer ago. I procrastinated because, well, I had to shift all of the later photos down a couple of slots, and that's just too much of a pain. Well, a pain it was, but at least it's done and over with. I even found out that I was missing a few photo captions as well while I was updating the file. Potential problem solved. Now to print it off..

Worked on two more months. Three to go.. yoiks.

The weather has been getting rather chilly in the past few days. Seems like fall is definitely here to stay. I'll have to see if I can convince the guys to go out and throw the disc sometime, but weirDo has a very low tolerance for cold, so I doubt it. Too bad, cold weather makes it so easy for you to run yourself ragged!

I need a new mouse. The one I have now is starting to fade quickly. I'm starting to have serious gaming problems with the left mouse button, and accuracy isn't exactly top of the line either. When it starts affecting my normal computer use to this extent, I'm going on a road trip for a new mouse..

Any suggestions? I've got my eye on that Logitech Cordless Wheel Mouse.. and then there's that EverGlide mousepad looks enticing too.

Speaking of games, I finished off the first campaign in HOMM3. Not exactly what I was expecting. If I had known that it would be this short, I wouldn't have put so much effort making an uberhero.. Mind you, this guy's stats were insane.. 32 Attack, 32 Defence, 24 Power, 20 Knowledge.. plus spells galore, double lightning damage, and a lot of Archangels.. too bad.

Anyway, I figured that I should start getting games off my hard drive, so I fired up Heavy Gear II again. finished another mission, hasn't crashed yet, which is a good sign. I'll see if I can finish it this week.

While I'm on the topic of crashing, my Polaris account has yet to crash! I'm quite impressed. When they told me the fix, I was somewhat skeptical that it would work. I was pleasantly surprised. No more yelling at the computer huh?

Oh yeah, I volunteered at today's Science Open House. I don't know why, but I've been helping out for the past few years, so I figured that I should volunteer. I was somewhat surprised at the lack of volunteers for this year from the sheet that got handed out.

Now my question is, why did I volunteer for the morning shift when I know that I don't normally get up until eleven? The thing about not using an alarm in the morning means that I will actually wake up when the buzzer goes off. As I did this morning, much to my chagrin, for I had gone to bed less than six hours earlier, on the poor assumption that I needed an unstoppable army in that HOMM3 campaign.

I really should stop doing that.

The Science Open House was okay, it was pretty crappy weather, but we still had a fair number of people show up. I even got two free lunches since SK gave me his lunch ticket..

The girl that was doing the demonstration next to mine looked a little familiar.. but I might have been mistaken. I checked the volunteer sheet, and the name doesn't ring a bell. Oh well. Two of the afternoon replacements did know me, one was a former CHEM 129 student of mine (who I didn't recognize), but her friend was one of my skating demonstrators from last year! Oi, this is a small world huh?

This is one hell of a tirade isn't it? I guess I should shut myself up soon, before I pop a vein or sprain a finger. There's a broomball game tonight against the farm team.. I should get ready..


[4:00 PM EDT - A good thrashing later..]

Well, that was a little anticlimactic. Killed the other team 8-0, but there were a number of reasons why. First of all, they invited a number of their bad players out which diluted their team somewhat. Then we asked a couple of better players to join our team. Finally, some of our weaker players (and some of our better ones as well) didn't show up. Somehow we clicked.. but I think it had quite a bit to do with Birdie. Anyhoo, that was rather.. good for us I guess.

Too bad so few people showed up on my team.. gah.

Oh, went looking for people from my high school. Found very little, but bumped into God's homepage and realized that he had link to my old Sciborg page! Mind you, the last time he updated his page was in 1996, so..

Still, I found a number of other pages through him, so I'll be sticking them into my Homepages thing at some point in time. It only took me.. *looks at watch*

Two hours. Two hours?!?

I'm going home.


Wednesday, October 16, 2024 @ 08:18:58 EDT

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Woody Allen (From The Quotations Page.)