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[12:00 PM EDT - No subject.]

Went through the old list of CHPS addresses and found a site for someone I haven't seen in a while. I gotta check out her music sometime, but you can check out HeatherDale's site for yourself.

Funny thing, a few hours after I put up the link to HeatherDale's site, I got a message from a rather interested party.. I just broke out laughing when I read it.

Oh yeah, Laz pointed out an error with my disclaimer link. Fixed now methinks.

Laz and Growly have both updated their .plan files. Here's Laz's

"Creation science has not entered the curriculum for a reason so simple and so basic that we often forget to mention it: because it is false, and because good teachers understand exactly why it is false. What could be more destructive of that most fragile yet most precious commodity in our entire intellectual heritage - good teaching - than a bill forcing honourable teachers to sully their sacred trust by granting equal treatment to a doctrine not only known to be false, but calculated to undermine any general understanding of science as an enterprise?"

-Stephen Jay Gould, "The Skeptical Inquirer", Vol. 12, page 186

He also has a new link:

a pimp tells all: "Fire the bitch. Ha ha! Fire her ass."

Growly's new thing is an excerpt from an animated thing that I think I've seen before.. long ago..

Woody Woodpecker: Ha-ha-ha-HA-ha! It'll never get off the ground. Hmph -- no propellers!
Cartoon Narrator: Rockets do not employ propellers. They use jets.
Woody Woodpecker: So do gas pumps, but they don't fly to the Moon.
Cartoon Narrator: Obviously you know nothing about rockets. Now, let's pretend that umbrella of yours is a shotgun. [It turns into one.] Shoot it.
[Woody shoots and goes sliding backwards.]
Woody Woodpecker: Who pushed me?
Cartoon Narrator: The gun, Woody. The charge not only fired out of the muzzle, it kicked back with equal force against the barrel.
Woody Woodpecker: Ahhh, it wouldn't happen again in a hundred times.
Cartoon Narrator: Shoot it at the ground a few times in rapid succession, and see what happens. [Woody shoots and becomes airborne.] That same principle applies to rockets. It is the same shotgun kick of the explosives that throws the rocket forward. That kick, incidentally, is quite independent of the air around the rocket. It works just as well in a vacuum, or in outer space, which is a vacuum.

- Destination Moon (1950)

Man, these .plans are getting awfully long..

Went to the Math C&D for lunch. As I went in, I noticed JI in line, so I snuck up and poked JI from behind. Told me that I shouldn't do that.. (funny, didn't you do that to be two weeks ago?) Anyhoo, talked for a bit and I was told to get my food first, so as I went in, I bumped into Will.. (more like he bumped into me) and I asked him about Rouge Spear. He told me that he had the expansion on him, and since he was ultra busy, told me to bring the CD up to weirDo. Ah well, what the heck.

Talked to JI a bit after I got my food, found out that today was JI's date of birth! Wow eh? You should all wish JI a happy birthday or something.

Not much else going on that I can remember for today. The weather was pretty good today. It was a little windy, but it was nice and warmish in the sun. I threw around the idea of tossing the disc around after lunch. I was met with a bit of skepticism and a whole bunch of apathy, so I dropped the idea. How unfortunate, I really wanted to run around a bit.

Took me the entire day to find a couple of bugs in my code. I think it's working now, but with all of the debugging code, this thing is so slow.. If it actually works tho.. well, then I shouldn't complain too much then huh?

The CTRL-A meeting was a little less than exciting, and we had dinner at the Vietnamese restaurant. That's about it. Now I'm waiting for my fits to finish, although I doubt that they'll finish tonight. Got some new data this morning, and it seems like it fits in with the rest of the data nice and snug. Good!

Oh yeah, Intel unveiled their new chips this morning, and there are tons and tons of reviews on the new chips.. you can probably find something with very little effort.

Seems like the Leafs beat the Stars tonight.. woo woo! Let's see if they can make it all the way to the cup this time huh?

Time for me to go, I don't think I can do much more here until my runs have finished.


Wednesday, October 16, 2024 @ 06:22:48 EDT

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