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[12:00 PM EST - No subject.]

Happy Halloween! Hope you all remembered to switch back to standard time (well, those of us who use daylight savings time that is).

Last night, I forgot to mention when I was using one of the computers here, after I opened up a telnet session, two of the last connections (well, the only two previous connections) were to Sciborg, and watsci. What coincidence!

Managed to make it to bed around one in the morning, so I got some decent sleep last night. The beds are awfully comfortable, although they are singles. I found out this morning that I didn't bring enough Bristol board to fit all of he pages I printed off last night. Time for some fancy arranging huh?

The heck? What's up with IE? It's not registering some of the links..

One of these days, I'm just going to switch to Opera..

Hmm. I can see why Laz has a hankering for relative page widths. It's pretty kewl in IE, I didn't know that it refreshed the page instantaneously (as opposed to the thirty second wait on Netscrape). Decisions, decisions..

Whoa.. got word from FlyingS that Ian's revamp of Emiko's page is done! Kinda kewl, so check out Emiko's Genesis!

Dang, I nearly lost my book when I left it in the computer room last night. I did say nearly..

I probably should have tried to get a camera up here to Cornwall with me, there are some pretty cool things up here in the middle of nowhere that sorta surprised me. Also, for you spectroscopic buffs, some of the biggest bigwigs in spec are up here, for example, during dinner, this really weird old guy sat down next to me, so I did my usual "ignore them and they'll go away" routine. Later, RJ sat down and asked me if I knew Klaus Huber, motioning to the guy next to me. Most of you guys don't know him, but let's just say that my eyes went wide open and I sheepishly introduced myself. Heh heh.. maybe I'll be a bit more sociable next time..

Dang, I also seemed to have forgotten my deodorant..

Oh.. I mentioned something about voice mail yesterday.. I tried it out today. Boy was it a zoo.. press one if you want.. press two if you want.. you have pressed seven. Press one if you want.. press.. you have pressed five. Press one if you want.. press two if yo*click*.

I hope nobody ever sends me any messages.. I won't be listening to them.. to much of a hassle.

Speaking of voice mail, for some odd reason it reminded me of when I had voice mail down at Gary's place (and then at our place). In particular, I remember the messages Honeywhite left for me. Man, she had such a nice cute voice. I don't know why I liked it so much.. oh well, another regret.

So I got my poster up.. sort of. I was.. needed for a meeting while I was putting up my stuff, so I left it, on the assumption that I would return to finish the job. When I did go back (a few hours later), the room was closed, so I guess I'll be getting up early tomorrow.. *groan*

I can't believe how much food I'm eating down here. It's pretty good, and when I'm just sitting around all day listening to lectures.. this is really gonna start going to my hips. Ha! (I like being a guy) But really, I'm starting to get a little stir crazy down here. With talks from nine till ten, I don't get to do much but sit and listen..

I think something about the page's CSS is playing havoc with some of these browsers.. funny that it should do that since it's verified. Ahh well.

There was something else I wanted to talk about, but I completely dropped off the face of.. well, it completely dropped. So I'll just leave you guys with this to think about.


Wednesday, October 16, 2024 @ 06:38:09 EDT

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