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[12:00 PM EST - No subject.]

Guh. Tired. Better than yesterday though. I should explain that yesterday's entry was a little short because I got called off, then got sick, and somewhat tired. Will explain.

A very interesting link MJO sent to me about some new chip research. He also sent me a funny forward that poked some fun at women (A nice change after all of the male bashing forwards I've been getting). Anyhoo, right after I forwarded the message, I got two responses from two girls with basically the same message:


That was definitely worth it.

Anyway, there were a couple of things (A couple? Ha! More like a whole truckload.) that I wanted to say yesterday. First of all, that X-Files episode. "Luke.. I mean Fox, I am your father.." Okay, whatever. I also noticed a skunk on the way back home. It was pretty obvious since it was brightish in that area and the stripe was quite evident. This time, it was when I was going across the tracks, I didn't actually notice the rodent until it started running away from me..

I'm glad it noticed me before I got there! I many not be able to smell skunkstench, but I know most other people can.

Oh yeah, I only played System Shock 2 at normal. Trying the game at impossible only makes it easier to get assimilated by the many. Also, those midwives.. ew! One more thing, that last level was quite a blast from the past. Too bad I think I was the only person I know who actually played the original System Shock (and only the first level at that).

I got in late yesterday (I can't remember, I was half comatose), but at least I was able to blade to school. The weather's been slowly turning colder, but I'm somewhat surprised that we haven't had that much precipitation (although that's not a complaint). It was completely overcast for most of the afternoon, although the clouds did break up later in the day (at just the right spots to shine right on my screen), and eventually cleared up last night.

Oh good, there I go talking about the weather.

Coming back to the topic at hand, which wasn't particularly interesting to begin with, while I was helping out with the Quantum Chem assignment (after seven), I got a call from HNT asking me if I wanted to go shopping tonight. I figured, hell, since I didn't go shopping this weekend, this would be great! I asked him when we were going. He told me,


Oh. I guess I won't be finishing up my entry anytime soon.

We went to the Price Club and grabbed some of those huge packages of meat, cereal, and other goodies. There was this one girl who was shopping with her dad who looked.. nice I guess. Well, she had these huge eyes.. maybe I've been suffering anime withdrawal or something, but anyway, she had a nice figure except the thing that caught my attention was how much her hips swayed when she walked. I mean, it was like watching some pendulum or something. She might have knocked over little children if there were any running around. Anyhoo..

Got myself a pecan pie.. Mmm.. Pecan pie.. *drool*

Oh yeah, I also got myself a box of Coffee Crisp. I haven't had any snacks and stuff in my room for a couple of months now, so I think this was a good idea. Somehow I think that these bars will disappear quickly with the amount of traffic I usually get in my office. Let's see how well I can hide these little treats..

We went to Future Shop after to see what they had to offer. Not much in my price range, except that HNT told me to get a raincheck for a DVD that was on sale. Twenty bucks! Oh yeah! I headed down to the cashier and asked her for a raincheck. She asked me for my phone number and I told her. Then she stood there for a second before asking,

"Do you guys live in the same house?"

Nod. Ah.. must have caught her off guard or something. Well, now I've got myself a raincheck, so I'll have to come by again sometime next week..

Kewl, started playing around with gvim (which weirDo found). The colour helps when looking for screwy tags and stuff like that, although the default colour scheme is somewhat.. ugly.

Oh ho! Seems like weirDo and MJO have both been busy with their homepages. (Actually, weirDo's only been working on Area 51B.) Check out what new things they've added!

Rather chilly day today. Still bladed to school though. They put so much padding on those things that they'll keep you warm even in sub-zero weather. I'm quite happy with them. How they'll hold out during the winter I don't know, but I'm gonna see how much punishment those things can take.

Went out to Jose's again for lunch. I'm surprised that the waitresses don't recognize us by name yet (well, maybe not by name, but at least by face.) since we're the group that always orders mayo on the side.

Didn't really get that much work done today for some odd reason. Been working on some Perl script as a side project. I'm just about done. Then I can go back to working on Rb2. The next thing I have to do is so tedious. Gah.. I'm particularly looking forward to it. I still have three other molecules to study.. this sucks.

I got mail from Squishy and Laurana! Yay! That means that I'm not expecting mail from anyone anymore so I should actually start responding to mail.. Doh. This will take some time.

Got reimbursed for my Cornwall expenses! Time to go to the bank!

Stayed for the Lasers course tonight. Figured I might as well learn something while I'm waiting for the broomball final tonight. I've missed so many classes that most of the stuff that was shown went right over my head. I'm glad I'm not taking it for credit.

On my way to broomball, I bumped into someone I nearly crashed into a couple of weeks ago. She was getting ready to go home so I walked with her to the rink since she was going in the same direction. We had a nice talk, although I couldn't convince her to play broomball. Dang.

Anyway, I got to the rink in good time, and we had a very good game. It was the most aggressive I've seen our team play, and that's including me! Perhaps we only turn on the juice when we know we're playing against a good team? Well, For some reason, they weren't playing as well as they did against us during the regular season since it was basically a repeat of their semi-final game. We controlled the ball for a good fraction of the game, and we put quite a bit of pressure on their defence and offence. We were also somehow able to solve their goalie (which the PFBS weren't able to do in the semi-finals) and the score ended up being 4-0. I got the winning goal! *beam*

Mr. Broomball's significant other was taping the game on their digital video camera thing, which is cool, since we can watch the game and comment on how good/bad we did. We did this last term as well, just before we dove into the Seven Samurai (which I still haven't finished yet). Can't wait to see it!

Oh yeah. We are the champions.. Okay, that's enough.

I'm gonna go home now. It's pretty chilly out there. Hope my blades won't seize or anything..


Wednesday, October 16, 2024 @ 06:35:19 EDT

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