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[Sunday, December 5, 1999: So I never made it to school..]

I was planning to come to school and update this page after I had finished OpFor. Unfortunately, a certain ALee was pretty insistent on doing something today (watch a movie, eat dinner, anything) and came by as I was finishing up the game (around five..) so I never made it to school.

Well, I should talk about last night. The hotpot was pretty good. There was a lot of food, and we had a fairly small number of people show up for dinner (around six.. plus the three girls who showed up for a few minutes). We ended up staying for longer than I had anticipated, since we watched the end of the Raptors/Wizards game and the Iron Chef while we were resting to go for a second run at the food.

As I mentioned before, the food was pretty good, and we should do it more often, but what I wanted to mention was the show Iron Chef. I came across this show once while I was flipping channels and found it to be rather bizarre. What I didn't know at that time was that the show was based in Japan and all the voices have been dubbed over except for the host (where subtitles were used). Anyway, the show was (the show ended just recently) very popular in Japan, and I was rather surprised at the number of CTRL-A execs (and ex-execs) who watched the show.

I should actually explain what the show is about. Well, this guy in Japan was interested in creating an arena where chefs could compete against some of the best chefs in the world, so he created Kitchen Stadium and found some of the best chefs in various fields. He called these chefs the Iron Chefs and sought chefs from around the world to challenge their culinary skills. There are four Iron Chefs: Chinese, French, Italian, and Japanese.

Here's a quote from IronChef.com:

The premise behind Iron Chef is that a wealthy and eccentric gourmet (portrayed by Kaga Takeshi) lives in his castle with a battalion of fine chefs. He delights in staging food battles between his honored Iron Chefs and premiere chefs of the culinary world.

So that's a better explanation than mine.. so what?

It's quite an interesting show, although I find it a little too melodramatic, but the food usually looks very good (don't watch it when you're hungry). The host (Kaga) chooses a type of food and the chefs would then have to produce dishes with that ingredient as a theme. The also only have one hour to complete their meal. They usually produce four to six dishes by the time limit, with help from cooking aids, which is pretty good since the only thing I end up making in an hour is burnt pasta.

I've only seen two complete shows, but it's fairly entertaining to watch, and you can probably learn some new cooking techniques if you're an aspiring chef. Iron Chef is being shown on the Food Network Friday and Saturday nights at ten post meridian eastern standard time. So check it out sometime.

On Saturday, despite ALee's attempt at finding people, we were only able to come up with FlyingS. Hmm. We ended up going to "big store" area at the south end of Kitchener, where we stopped by Future Shop (and I got a new game.. more on that later), Chapters (where I got a new book.. more on that later), and East Side's for dinner. ALee wanted to watch a movie, but I was already itching to play my new found game so we headed back to our place where we watched the Iron Chef.

At Future Shop, Werdna was deciding whether he should get himself a copy of Unreal: Tournament, or Quake: Arena. I was actually surprised that Quake 3 was already out in shelves, but it's already the end of the week, so I should have expected as much. In the end, he decided on Unreal, but decided not to buy it for some reason or another. Ask him yourself.

I went to see if any copies of the Matrix had arrived. No dice, so instead, I picked up a copy of Ultima: Ascension. I figured that I would try it out since I didn't know anyone else who had the game. When I got back home later that night, I installed the game and to my dismay, the game was unplayable. Even at the lowest settings, the frame rate was horrendous, and it crashed twice. Mind you, my system isn't a pushover, and I've got more than the minimum specs, but I'll have to add something to give my computer enough power to run this resource hog.

We tried to go to East Sides after our little voyage through the aisles of Future Shop. Unfortunately, the hostess told us that we'd have to wait forty-five minutes for a table. Gah! Me stomach's aching! We didn't have much of a choice, so we spent our time in the nearby Chapters.

While we were in Chapters, ALee was looking up books on Linux and wasn't very satisfied with any of the books that he found. FlyingS then gave his one line "Linux For Idiots" guide:

"Idiots shouldn't use Linux."

How true.

I got myself an Atlas of World History. It's a very interesting book, since I've always had a little interest in history, and especially in social geography. The book is pretty inclusive (from 500,000 BC to 1999 AD) although because of that, it is a little sparse on details. I'm finding it a good read, and the maps are well done (it even has a fair bit on east Asian history.. trés kewl.

During dinner, we had a couple of discussions, of which I can remember none. However, I do remember some of the commentary that FlyingS made. He reminds me of MJO by the way he talks and his sometimes subtle remarks. Quite bizarre.

Well, that's about it. I went to bed later than usual since the guys stuck around to watch the end of Diamonds are Forever.


Wednesday, October 16, 2024 @ 06:39:11 EDT

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