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[12:00 PM EST - No subject.]

Oops. Forgot to mention that Laz told me that Growly's entry into the PhotoImpact Challenge didn't make the deadline. Oh well.

KGL's got a new .plan up:

Eat right. Stay fit. Die anyway.

Can it get any more depressing?

Later this morning, RJL wandered into my room and asked me

"[QYV], are you sick or something?"


"There's free food downstairs!"

What the..? So JSI and I went on down to the link to see what all the hoopla was about. I noticed the BBQ set up and already going at full steam when I came into school, but I thought it was for some fund raising event. As we were going downstairs, I remembered about the free lunch to all science students on the calender a couple of weeks ago. I had completely forgotten about it until now. When we got outside, we saw a sign that confirmed my suspicions. Gee, I could've missed out on some free food! Anyway, we both got a burger and headed back upstairs. Since the even was going from 10 AM to 2 PM, I figured that I could grab some more food as they were closing down to tide me over until dinner (I wasn't particularly hungry ATM since I had just eaten breakfast).

Well, around one thirty rolled around and I figured that I should go and make a photocopy before I go and grab some food. As I crossed the bridge, I looked outside and noticed that one of the BBQ's was completely stacked with cooked burgers. Good sign. Unfortunately, someone was already on the photocopier so I had to wait a few minutes for the guy to finish. By the time I got back to the office, everybody had already gone to grab another burger (or two or three), so I went down by myself. I got there and found.. nothing! They gave away all the burgers already! The injustice! I had to settle for one of the remaining hot dogs instead. Grr..

I've got in my hand, a copy of OpFor! Yes! I'll be playing (and hopefully finishing) the game tonight sometime, so I can pass it on to some other interested parties. (Werdna is interested I believe.) I also have a copy of Revenant that I'll be putting on my system at some point in time. Until then, I've got a Baldur's Gate character to finish up..

I think I'm finished with the picture script now. I thought it was silly to write a script that showed a black background and an image, so I added in the titles and stuff. I might add in a more descriptive caption, but that will take more time and space. One of which I don't have much of. Still, it's alright, so you can check out that great picture we took (okay, that Laz took) in Banff.

I have to warn you folks that Theochem will be going down for a couple of days while we upgrade the operating system (IRIX 5.3 to IRIX 6.5 for those of you wondering). The job itself shouldn't take more than a couple of days, and it should leave all of the files intact (knock on wood). I'm going to be doing a bit of backing up over the next few days or so just in case. Anyhoo, the system may still be flaky for a few days after the operation as we work out the bugs.. I mean features of the new system, and figure out what was broken (apparently we're running on the operating system formerly known as IRIX 5.3 - it's been modified all to hell..o!).

So if you can't seem to connect, don't fret. You can get your daily dose of QYV on Sciborg on my other account in the meantime.

Been getting a number of responses to the survey thing that I sent out. I might put up a tally of the number of correct answers people have put up with part marks for close ones and bonus marks for extra information that applied to the question and was correct. But I've come up to the general consensus that you guys know too much. I'll have to kill you all now..

But until then, I think I'm gonna go home and fire up that computer of mine.. I've got some Freeman hunting to do..


Wednesday, October 16, 2024 @ 06:41:17 EDT

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Woody Allen (From The Quotations Page.)