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[12:00 PM EST - No subject.]

Got word from Growly that those stamp things I was talking about in Saturday's entry are called "chops".

He also cast a vote for me to keep my journal thing for another year and gave me this link as a reason. Quite an amusing site.

Well.. that's one vote. I'll think about it.

I don't know about you, but this Indian Summer is really taking me by surprise. It was balmy yesterday, but it's quite warm today. Again, I had to strip down as I was heading to school (I should just stuff the winter jacket back in the closet and break out that jean jacket again). No complaints though, although it's a little wetter than I usually like it, since the wind isn't that bad today, I hope I'll be able to convince people to go outside this time. I don't know how long this good weather will last. Yeah yeah, I could check the forecast, but that would make sense!

I did mention wet huh? On the way back home, it started to rain on me. Fortunately I made it back in time before it really started to pour but my blades got a little wet. Gah.

Oh, here's the first header in the CTRL-A bi-weekly posting:

November 22nd, 1963, American president John Fitzgerald Kennedy was assassinated. The warren report concluded that a lone gunman was to blame, but rumours persist to this day that a shadowy group of conspirators masterminded his fate.

36 years later, on the night of the full moon, the CTRL-A elder council meets to plot its next move.

The original header was all in caps, but I changed that to spare the rest of you from eye strain.

Oh yeah, our next show (the last one of the 1900's) is this Friday-Saturday! Come and watch!

Gah. e-mail woes. It all started off a couple of days ago with a simple little story that someone sent. It started off innocently enough, although I get a little annoyed when I get those types of forwards.. anyway, I just took it, shipped it off to others who'd be interested (i.e. T) and that was that. Or so I thought.

This morning, I checked my mail and found a whole slew of replies, and replies to replies, and.. basically people complaining about the message, those complaining about the people complaining about the message, and of course the generic (me too!) group. Came up to about ten or so message in total, but if you saw how large this distribution list was, you'd wonder why the Internet hadn't ground to a halt yet (alright, so I'm exaggerating). Anyway, the list is for people who came from my high school, and for some reason the boy sent out his story to all of us. It won first place, how nice. Now why the hell did everyone else have to reply to the entire list to complain about it? I didn't want to know your problems! Haven't you heard of e-mail etiquette? (Yeah, yeah, so I learned e-mail etiquette the hard way too..) But holy..

Mind you, I'm complaining here because I didn't want to add to the problem. At this point in time, I'd be responding to a bunch of people just to complain about something that someone else's complained about already. No point. Just wanted to voice my opinion somewhere. There, I feel much better now.

KGL's done a homepage update. Here's something some people might want to look at, although I didn't do the font stuff (nor the comment). Hey, it's not my page.

Hmm.. just got interviewed by some high school student. I can't remember the reason. Hmm.. I think I was told, but I wasn't actually listening all too much (had my mind on other things). Ah well, I have no idea what it's for, but hopefully it won't be too incriminating!

So I didn't go outside to play today. Wasn't able to convince anyone to take some time off of work. How boring. I hope this weather keeps up because I'll kick myself if I let this weather go without taking any sort of advantage of it..

The CTRL-A meeting was today, and we actually finished before our allotted time was up. Funny. Well, went to Red Lobster for dinner, easily blowing twenty bucks for the meal. Luckily I have enough leftovers for another meal, so it wasn't all a waste.

I was able to write up most of the Christmas cards I wanted to send out. Well, these are for the people who I generally won't see in the near future or live far away (the States) so that it would take a month or so before reaching there. Figured I should send KGL one too, but didn't tell her what I was sending. I think that scared her off a bit. Eh, I still have to get stamps and put on return addresses on these things so I still have some time..

While I was going through some of my old garbage back at home, I came across some old papers. One set of papers was some textbook explanation of group theory. I remembered getting these way back in grade twelve when DeeL and I did that math stint at Scarborough Campus. Man, I remember the prof trying to explain to me how group theory worked. I remembered understanding it at the time, but the moment I left the office. Splat! It all fell to the ground. Nothing stuck. Too bad, now I understand what the heck he must have gone through to try to get me to figure out what the heck this group theory stuff did. Boy was I dumb.

Also found the results to my Chem 13 exam way back in 1992. I probably should have done better..

I've been thinking about the stuff that happened on Saturday, and then it got me thinking about Omohide Poro Poro, which led me to my experiences in grade five.. and how, as a child, I always picked on the girls I liked. Silly thing, I only probably did that just to get their attention, but.. whenever girls picked on me, I always wondered if they did it because they liked me, or if they wanted attention.

I remember back in grade five, I had this crush on this one girl.. Sarah was her name I think. Back when I was young (oi, feeling old..) I was (and still am) shy around girls that I liked. Couldn't talk to her for the life of me, and it didn't help that the general view of girls (from the boyz point of view) was that they had cooties. Mind you, I didn't know what cooties were back then, but I knew it was bad (had I known, I think I would've freaked.. I hated bugs back then). Anyway, I remembered how one day, NS came up to me with a card, stating that he was a member of some sort of anti-Sarah thing (and had a picture of her face when she wandered in front of his camera when he was taking a picture of an animal at the zoo - so he told me). He always called her a turnbuckle and I followed suit, but..

I dunno.. I wonder if he liked her. Sometimes the people you pick on the most are the ones you like the most. This is not always true, some people are picked on because they're too fat, or they talk funny, or they smell, or just because.. but there are those that are picked on, because you want some sort of reaction, some sort of attention from them.

I was never really good at picking on girls. Liked them too much. Unfortunately, the feeling wasn't usually mutual. I was harassed throughout grade five and six by Madelaine.. but I never did mind. I guess any attention is better than no attention?

Looking back, it all seems so trivial and childish. Being "mature", we can socialize better with others and fit in with people you like and don't like. But this world is filled with children. No matter where you go, there will be some kid running around at knee level that you're sure to crash into.

Still, I can recall a number of times when I've been picked on by kids, one of which I alluded to a few months ago. I was mentioning JTK's sister in that previous entry, and I remembered the times we went to his place to play on his Nintendo's (he had a couple of them) or pool, or whatever. This boy was loaded with stuff, although we tended to pick on him so much.. but that story I'll leave for another day. I'm to talk about his sister. Despite being JTK's sister, I thought that she was really cute. She was also something like four years younger than us, which at that time (like grade eight) was pretty darned young. Hey, what can I say? I have an eye for the future..

Getting back to my point, I remembered being picked on by her, but there was this one time.. I think we stayed at JTK's place for the night, I remembered playing on his Nintendo, with the other guys in the room, and she came in and started harassing us. Well.. me. She sat in my lap and bounced around, making it a little difficult to play whatever I was playing.. I couldn't get her off me. I wasn't exactly being forceful, but then HKL stood up, picked her up, dropped her outside of the room, closed the door and barricaded it.

Wow. Don't get this guy annoyed.

The other time I can still remember was when I was playing on the Nintendo (yet again). She and one of her friends took out some make-up and started putting stuff on me..

I figured.. hey, what's the harm in this? The other guys weren't exactly coming to my aid either, so I figured that I could wash it off once they left.

Well, after they finished, I went to the washroom and saw their handiwork. Ugh. A flower on this cheek, and a face on the other cheek.. whatever, I washed it off.

This was the day I learned that make-up was designed to be water proof. Heck, it would be silly to put on make-up and watch it disappear if you get a little wet right? Funny how I didn't know that when I was a kid. I spent ten minutes in the washroom going through a good chunk of the toilet paper trying to wipe the stuff off of my face. In time, I gave up. Wandering back into the room, the rest of the guys just laughed at me when they saw how ineffective I was at removing the girls' masterpiece..

I haven't seen her in a few years. The last time I saw her was at girl's commencement (which was a few of years since I last saw her previously). She and her mom actually came up to me and said "hi". *blink* That girl had grown up (literally, she was nearly my height)! Man, puberty does strange and wonderful things. Anyway, I was surprised how much she had grown, and she was still really good looking as well! Hrumph. I wonder how she's doing now? Funny. Sometimes the people grow up, but the relationships don't. I guess I won't get into that today, I should get going.

Oh yeah, some news bits: Laz has a new update on his page. Check out what he said, although I must protest, my stomach isn't THAT big..

Enough with that though. It's getting late and my leftovers are starting to fester. (Yeah, yeah, I exaggerate.) Still, I should get going. Hopefully I'll be able to do some chores and get these cards off by tomorrow! Until then!


Wednesday, October 16, 2024 @ 06:40:51 EDT

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