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[12:00 PM EST - No subject.]

Updated the AgentP, JAZ, and Laurana internal links.. running out of people to do..

Holy is it ever hot today.. I got up at a respectable time this morning and actually got to school earlier than usual. I even had time to eat cereal (I got milk last night). Unfortunately, when I left the house, I had my winter jacket on, and my scarf and gloves. I figured that it might get cold tonight, so I kept them on.. which was a mistake. I was quite well done by the time I reached the school.. boy was it hot.

Forgot to mention that I met someone at Rim.. which was kinda odd.

I really wanted to throw the disc around today, since it was going to be a pretty gorgeous afternoon. We went out to our usual two twenty-five burger place, and I was all geared up to burn it off, when we noticed the wind. It wasn't so bad when we were walking to the restaurant, but on the way back, the wind was coming at us with gale force intensity! Holy jumping lizards Batman! That killed everyone else's thoughts of going. Crap.

Found out that I screwed up with one of my calculations. Oops. It'll only take me a day to fix it up, but I really want this paper written and published asap..

Also found out the competitive broomball schedule from Riston. Noticed that the wedding conflict was no more (since the later dates got scheduled earlier) except that our first game is.. tomorrow! Gah! Right after skating no less. But it's against a team we beat 10-1 (or 14-0 or 10-0 I can't remember) so I have no worries.

The science banquet was tonight, and should top off my free meals for the past couple of weeks. It was enjoyable though, I haven't eaten so many vegetables in months!

When I went down to the banquet thing, I realized that I should have gone a little earlier. I had basically gotten there and picked up my name tag just before they called people to sit down. Well, it would've helped to have known where people were so I could find a place to sit, but I did notice some people down in the corner (with a very empty table) so I joined them.

When I went to pick up my tag, I searched for my name and found

"Jennifer Seto"

Doh. They did this last year too! Why those little.. anyhoo, they did allow me to write my own name tag, but that only went to prove my point that anybody could've gone in and written up a name tag and joined the banquet. Security is pretty lax.

Ah well, I had hoped to see more people down there that I recognized. Saw AgentP as well as a number of grad students down there. I was a little surprised to notice one of the frosh leaders down there. Well, maybe I shouldn't have been, I recognized a number of frosh leaders at the banquet, but this one was cute (reminded me a bit of LC.. actually, looks more like HaremPresident's sister..). Anyhoo, I waved to her when she went to the washroom, and she actually stopped and talked to me when she came back (ain't that sweet?). I don't think she remembered my name, and I definitely didn't remember hers. Name tags do help though. Doubt I'll see her again though. *sigh*

There was another frosh leader down there who I should have gone to talk to, but I only noticed her from across the room and didn't want to hunt through the traffic to find her. Surprised me when I first saw her, since just a moment before, I was flipping through the awards booklet and noticed her name. Bizarre.

Speaking of frosh leaders, I forgot to mention that I bumped into another frosh leader at the library yesterday. Another cutie. Talked to her for a bit before looking for that time travel paper..

Other people seemed to notice the lack of a printed name tag for me.. but I won't mention any names.. I'll fix them good once they stop laughing at me.. muhahahahaha.. hack.. ack.. crazy pomegranates..

Oh yeah, this was the first time I tried out pomegranate seeds. When I first saw them on my chicken, I was wondering what the hell they were. They looked like reddish see-through corn. Then I popped one in, and it tasted like a grape! How intriguing.. it was pretty good, except that they were so small..

I didn't actually know that they were pomegranate seeds until I asked one of the waitresses (and NS told me).

I wasn't really in the mood to eat though (although that was the whole point of going). I was still digesting lunch by the time I got there, and since our table was right next to the kitchen, we got our food first. Oh good. By the time dessert rolled around, I was ready to pop. I couldn't pass up free food though, so..

Well, I think I should be able to make it home in one piece. The weather tonight is amazing, much like a cool summer's night than a frigid fall evening. I think I'll enjoy the trip home.


Wednesday, October 16, 2024 @ 06:28:24 EDT

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