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[12:00 PM EST - No subject.]

Boy was I tired yesterday, I completely forgot to mention the coffee and donuts yesterday. I had figured that I could make it to the coffee and donuts after the AV training which started around three-thirty. So when YH and I went down to DC for training, we passed by the staff lounge. Odd.. there are quite a number of people in there. So I checked the sign on the door. The coffee and donuts started at three! Doh! I poked my head inside and grabbed a donut (telling YH to do the same) and took off since we would've been late otherwise. Alright, we would've been more late otherwise.

I felt kinda bad since I told JSI and weirDo that the coffee and donuts was at four-thirty.. when I got back to the office, it was around four-thirty. There wasn't much food left, but heck, they're young, they don't need that much food right?

Got home, and figured that I could update my books and dump some files before going to sleep. When I had the computer on Thursday night, I noticed a very quiet oscillating noise coming from the computer.. probably the CPU fan. It didn't bother me much, so I didn't do anything about it. Well, when I turned on the computer last night I heard a terrible noise coming out of the case, and immediately turned it off. Well, as immediate as I could, since it was the type of case which you couldn't turn off with the front power button (I had to use the power supply switch).

I got awfully worried when I heard that because weirDo's computer died a few months ago when his CPU fan shorted and took out the power supply. If he was any more unlucky, it might have fried the system.. fortunately it didn't. I guess I'll have to look into it when I have the time. For now though, I don't have a computer to work with.

Came in on time this morning, so I was actually able to set up some of the stuff for the talks today (compared to the circus yesterday). I sat in for a few of the talks, but I was definitely not in the mood for absorbing information. I did get around to putting up my poster after lunch. Unfortunately my poster area was under direct sunlight at the time, so I had a pretty warm experience.

During the first half of the poster session, I was talking with TG and Dusty when I get a kick in the foot. I turn around to see JI standing there! Wow! Well, I talked with JI for a couple of hours (ended up going into my poster time, but heck, I'm not complaining). I have to say this though. Out of all the people who's seen my hair, JI is the only one who actually liked it. Mind you, it was only after I gave her my explanation (which I gave to other people who'd just look at me and roll their eyes). Still, that made me happy.

The poster session was pretty good actually, a few of the bigger wigs came by my poster, and I had a good time explaining all the ins and outs of my work. I got some of them telling me to give them e-mail so that they can send me a reference for a paper that might help me with my work. Whoa.. didn't have that happen at Cornwall or anywhere else actually, which came as a small shock. A good shock I guess, since I probably should relish the attention, but a shock nonetheless.

I went to check on JI after the poster session, wasn't hard to find, although talking in the library isn't a good thing. Tried to help a bit with studying and stuff, but I'm a horrible teacher. Gah.i I eventually left for the (free) banquet which was being held at St. Jerome's this year (instead of Conrad Grebel).

Funny story (of sorts). During the dinner, while I was at the bar getting water, RJ called for me and wanted to have water, so I started pouring a glass for him. Then, he told me to stop, and motioned me over. He told me that he wanted to have a word with me, and mentioned that he's been using me too much since I do all of his tasks. That was somewhat embarrassing.. and I figure I mention this before Dusty spreads the story (after JSI told him).

Went to broomball after the dinner. Had to skip out on the Grad House informal meeting tonight. I got to the CIF early, and noticed that the rink was empty. Curious, I asked the custodian about the lack of people, and he told me that there were no games scheduled for that time. What?!? You're telling me that we could've come early and played around for an hour? What a waste! At least we had pretty good ice today, even though a few of our regular players didn't show up.

The first game was against a less experienced team, although they had a couple of good players. Since Big Jim didn't show up, we had to take rotating positions in net. I took the first shift, and it wasn't long before they got past the defence and scored. Gah, I was rotated out pretty quickly. I did save Riston's butt when I swept the ball in the crease, but I can't seem to save any goals when I'm the keeper. How annoying. We still killed the other team, we spent most of the last half of the game trying to get our other players to contribute, with minor success.

The second game was actually mine, and the other team was short a couple of people. Since we had seven on our team, and they had four, I figured that I could give Stripes some practise and chose Riston and me to play for the other team (I have a tendency of playing against my own team). We played five on four for a bit, until KNZ made it to the game, at which point both teams were even.. well, all of the less experienced players were on my team (which I was playing against) so we basically dominated the game, but their defence was fairly good, and we couldn't really capitalize on our shots. I got the first goal, really lucky shot coming out from behind the net, which they got back on the next rush.. man, that was quick. Then near the end, I gave a good pass to our big player who.. well, I didn't see it for myself, but he scored. The score stood at 2-1 in the end. A close game, which was played fairly well on both sides, so I was quite happy with my selection.

A bunch of us went to McGinnis's Front Row for a few drinks, and stayed there for over an hour.. man. Not too interesting, although any gathering with Stripes and louder is always interesting. I wanted to mention that our waitress was kinda cute, and sorta reminds me of VanPi, if she were fifteen pounds lighter. Hrumph.

Two stories to mention for those of you who haven't noticed already. Microsoft got shafted in the DOJ case (heh heh) you can find articles everywhere, and there's a kewl monitor I'd like.

I was asked if I wanted to play paintball tomorrow. Man, too bad I still had to go to the conference.. which means I have to wake up tomorrow, which means.. well, off to sleep I go..


Wednesday, October 16, 2024 @ 06:31:44 EDT

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