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[12:00 PM EDT - No subject.]

Thought I'd go home early last night to get some more sleep than usual. Thought I could transfer some files onto my computer and go to bed. Thought I could resist the temptation to continue my campaign..

I thought wrong.

Went to bed around two.. pretty stupid since I actually was able to make it home before midnight.. what a waste. It would explain why I got up really late this morning. Got to school just in time for lunch.

It was raining as I was getting ready to go to school, which annoyed me just because I couldn't blade. The rain was coming down really hard and I was wondering under the.. uh.. thing we have in front of our door which stopped me from getting wet (I can't remember what it's called) why I didn't have an umbrella.

Growly's umbrella is still in my office. I'm still waiting for him to pick it up.

Anyway, I figured that a little rain would be good for me despite the fact that I'm not a plant. After I walked into the rain, it actually got a lot lighter, eventually stopping when I reached the end of the street. How serendipitous! Someone up there is keeping my high and dry!

The lull in the storm (while I was walking to school) looked much like the eye of the hurricane. Clouds everywhere you look around, except blue skies and sunlight where I was. Pretty handy when you didn't have an umbrella.

Nearly ran into.. whatsherface on the way in. Literally! I thought the hallway was empty, but after I got my drink, I just rushed around the corner right into her. Whoa.. that was close. (Not close enough though.. dang). I think it was JR.. she's kinda cute.

For lunch, we went down to the Grad Committee fund raising BBQ thing, which was being held despite the rain. The food was fairly cheap but I was a little worried of the way that they were handling the food. ADK was pretty pedantic when it came to safety and care when it came to cooking during our CGSS BBQ's, so when I saw them throwing the raw foods next to the cooked ones..

weirDo and Dusty also noticed a number of disturbing incidences at the BBQ.. but what scared us the most was that some of our food was still uncooked.. Mmm.. nearly cooked beef and pork..

I microwaved what was left of my food after I noticed the meat getting awfully pink..

I hope I don't get sick this weekend.

We had another lull in the storm I wanted to take advantage of for my way back home, but updating this thing made me miss my window of opportunity. Crap. It's pissing again outside, so I might be using Growly's umbrella thing.. (I still have to get milk too.)

Quite a bit of computer news on ArsTechnica and the ShackNews. Can't be bothered to comment.

Great, now it's dark. I best be going now. I'll be back tomorrow.


Wednesday, October 16, 2024 @ 08:31:16 EDT

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