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[12:00 PM EDT - No subject.]

Although I was prepared last night to spend some time playing Brood War, I had only expected to try out the game. In other words, I expected to try the first couple of missions and then go to sleep early. The night started off pretty good, finishing my dinner and installing the game. Werdna came in after I started up the game and gave his constructive criticism while I was busy trying to fend off the Zerg onslaught. Anyhoo, by the time I realized Werdna was there, it was just before midnight.

Oh. Boy. Well, I figured that I would just finish that last mission and then go to bed. (It was one of the longer ones) It took FOREVER.. I had time in the middle (waiting for my shields to regenerate) to go and brush my teeth and get ready for bed. In the washroom, I made a horrible discovery. When I tried to extract my soap from my soapbox, I found out that my soap was a little moist and broken! Now, I should tell you that I remember using my soap that morning, and it was in one piece when I put it back in the box. Upon closer inspection I noticed a strand of hair stuck to one of the pieces.. it was auburn. I don't have auburn hair.

Eww!!! I immediately threw away the soap and washed out the container. Despite what some of you might think (including Joey) soap is not self cleaning. This was even worse then the time someone used my toothpaste. *shiver*

Alright, I have used other people's stuff, but this is usually after telling people about it (although I have been pretty bad sometimes, like when I broke MJO's computer). Using someone's stuff without asking is not good, sometimes it can't be helped, but at least warn the person you took the thing from. But soap? Yuck! That's just wrong!

There is only one person in the house with auburn hair, and I have yet to see him since this incident. Guh.

I went back to finishing my game and by the time I checked the clock again, it was three. *hangs head*

No sleep for me.

Needless to say, I woke up late today. Since I was already late, I figured that I might as well eat breakfast. I went to grab some milk, but nothing came out. Shaking the jug, I heard the distinct tinkle of ice. *groan*

A couple of days before, I had some food in the fridge which was not cold. In fact, it was somewhat warm. It was at the bottom of the packed fridge however, which would explain the symptom.. but to be sure, I turned the fridge colder one notch (it was already set at the warmest setting).

While I was cursing shaking my milk trying to melt some of the ice, Werdna came down and told me how he found his beans frozen one day. (Really?) Ah well, I set the temperature gauge back to the warmest notch. Winter is coming after all.

Speaking of which, it was pretty frigid last night. My room is the warmest in the house, but the house isn't exactly the most well insulated in the neighbourhood (and if it is, I feel sorry for all of my neighbours). It was difficult to convince me to get out of bed, especially knowing that the washroom is the coldest room in the house excluding the basement. Gah.

From my plea for information, I got some e-mail from girl that shed some light on that Oyster Sauce fiasco.

VANCOUVER -- High levels of a cancer-causing chemical have been found in Chinese sauces used in many kitchens.

Health Canada is investigating after British authorities ordered stores to clear the shelves of Amoy Oyster Sauce because it contains dangerous levels of the carcinogenic chemical 3-MCPD.

The sauces, including the hugely popular Lee Kum Kee oyster and soy sauces, contained as much as 3,000 times the recommended amounts of the chemical.

In Hong Kong, manufacturers Amoy Food and Lee Kum Kee said they planned to solve the problem by changing the recipe by the end of the year.

Amoy said it has stopped supplying its oyster sauce to the European Union until the recipe is changed, but it will not withdraw the sauces from sale elsewhere.

"Amoy and Lee Kum Kee have been around for generations. They are the Coca-Cola and Pepsi Cola of Chinese sauces," said Victor Wong of the Vancouver Association of Chinese Canadians

What is 3-MCPD you ask? Well, HKL found out.

Did some digging on this topic. 3-MCP is 3 methylchloropropanediol. (Great, chlorinated....). Apparently it's a byproduct of using hydrolyzed vegetable protein (or the process that makes it).

So now you know, and knowing's half the battle. I'm not too worried, after a couple of decades, my body must be used to metabolizing this junk. Right? Right?!?

I wanted to go outside to toss the disc around a bit. It was actually quite sunny outside, but it was too cold for weirDo. Aww.. poor bebe. Unfortunately, he was also one third of our group and the only one who could actually throw the thing with any skill, so we all went inside.

Figure skating was very tiring. I could tell that the instructors wanted us to chop up the ice a fair bit. Someone must have complained last week since the ice was so bad (for broomball). It was way too slippery, but heck, it adds to the game doesn't it? I've played on flooded ice before, and it can be quite a different experience.

Anyhoo, we did quite a number of drills, and now I'm quite exhausted. Oh yeah, I still have a broomball game tonight. Oh joy. Against the farm team. Oh hurray. I think I'll sit on the bench.


[4:00 PM EDT - After comedy on ice..]

Well, less people showed up to the game than I had expected. Still, a couple of people showed up surprisingly, and one of the refs stuck around to play for a little while, so once he left, we were actually able to get some goals =). We were down 2-0 until Mr. Broomball and I got some nice goals (I nearly had another two.. gah!) so we ended tieing the farm team two all.

Yes I'm tired. Yes I'm going home soon. But first, I was checking some .plans and found one from the person who's been sending me sporadic e-mails.. I doubt any of you know this person, but the plan is quite interesting..

Grant me the serenity to accept the things I cannot change, the courage to change the things I cannot accept, and the wisdom to hide the bodies of those people I had to kill today because they pissed me off. And also, help me to be careful of the toes I step on today as.....they may be connected to the ass that I may have to kiss tomorrow. Help me to always give 100% at work....12% on Monday, 23% on Tuesday, 40% on Wednesday, 20% on Thursday, and 5% on Fridays. And help me to remember that...When I'm having a really bad day, and it seems that people are trying to piss me off, that it takes 42 muscles to frown, and only 4 to extend my middle finger and tell them to bite me.

I like it.

Time to go.


Wednesday, October 16, 2024 @ 06:38:40 EDT

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