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[12:00 PM EDT - No subject.]

I got home fairly late. Pretty stupid since I was planning to go home early to cook the food that I got on Sunday. Instead, I spent five hours playing Civilization and was only able to make one dish (out of three). Threw the rest of the meat into the freezer so I hope it should last until I get around to using it next week.

I actually got up early this morning. I mean.. I really got up early this morning. Woke up before seven and actually got out of bed before eight. This, when the sky was still cloudy and the sun had trouble making it into my room! Of course, yesterday when it was cloudy (and rainy), I didn't get up until ten.. but that's because I went to bed at two..

Anyway, I guess either the two extra hours of sleep I got forced me up, or my mind was going through some sort of subconscious alarm bell since I remembered (after checking the clock) that the lesson pickup times was this morning! Ahh! I also remembered about Anime 101, which was also starting this morning! Ahh! (I wasn't planning on staying there that long though.)

The temperature was very low when I left the house.. around six degrees (Celsius) which partially was due to the fact that I was leaving the house early today, and the fact that the high for the day was only fourteen! What a great day to go outside to run around! (Won't have to worry about getting too hot!)

Bladed to school without a hitch. The school is pretty busy with traffic early in the morning, so it takes some getting used to. Went to pick up my ticket from the PAC and looked in the SLC to see how the setup was going. It wasn't really. There were only a couple of people there, although most of the equipment was already set up. More helpers started to trickle in, but we still started a little late, which is pretty traditional for our club.

I was expecting to stay only for an hour or so, but we didn't seem to have that many people present, and besides, a certain person came by who I haven't seen in a long time and I wanted to talk to her. Too be more accurate, to listen to her, since she has a tendency of.. rambling. It's interesting rambling, and she's cute, so I have no complaints.

I promised her that I would help her with her calculus assignment so I basically stayed at Anime 101 all day, watching over the equipment and doing menial tasks until she came back (much later).

Although I've been a TA for a couple of years now, I always feel as if I don't do a good job at explaining the solutions to the people that I tutor. She was no exception. Mind you, she was a little stressed, and I was somewhat rusty, but heck.. I if I understand the stuff, I should be able to explain it at least right? Right?

Well, I hope she's alright, I'll have to catch her sometime later..

My wounds seem to be healing, so I'm on my way to being in full form once the broomball season starts. I can't wait! *cackles gleefully*

My vigil at Anime 101 meant that I skipped out on lunch. This also meant that I missed out on my daily disc exercise. Wah. At least I went over to try out that new Vietnamese restaurant in the University Plaza. It's okay, but it's nice that it's so close to the University.

Talked with TP and she agreed to drive me home this weekend. Yay! Found out that I'd be travelling with a cat as well. I wonder how this will go over, having travelled with cats before and being punctured and scratched for my troubles.. (of course, those - two! - cats weren't declawed..)

Heard some shocking news today. I was a little tipped off when HNT asked me if I got e-mail from someone. Well, not that I don't get e-mail or anything, but I don't usually get e-mail from that person specifically. Well, KZ dropped the news during dinner and that's when I realized the full weight of the previous question.

Man. I don't know what to say. Some things I always thought were.. eternal ya know? Something to compare to seeing how back and forth my life is (except for my position in CTRL-A and broomball). It was just a shock to me. It didn't seem to affect anyone else at the table, but I wasn't exactly turning pale or anything.

Well.. that's about it on that front. I still can't believe that it happened.

Speaking of not believing.. I was being told a sad story yesterday, and I felt kind of sad.. a little for the protagonist, but mostly because the people that were involved were so mean. I always go thorough life assuming that people will be nice to everyone else or indifferent at least (which is the more likely situation), but to have someone actually hate someone else..

Hatred is such a powerful emotion. I felt sad because there was nothing I could do. What could I say? What could I do? I was pretty much helpless to.. help. Funny. Whenever I find myself in a hopeless situation (mostly to do with deadlines), I usually just swallow whatever pill I have to and continue on. No prob, it happens. But when I want to help, and I cannot.. I find that to be worse since you let that person down. I don't care if I let myself down, it happens all the time! But with others.. I dunno.. maybe I'm the only one who thinks this way.

Been out of the loop for news, but just checking up at ArsTechnica I noticed a link about the earthquake in Taiwan (I hope they're doing okay down there), and the easy way to get your own Swiss bank account.. heheheh. I also noticed that ZDNet finally has an article about slashdot's IPO..

Well, enough for today. I didn't get any work done, but hopefully I'll be able to make up for that tomorrow. We'll see how tomorrow turns out..


Wednesday, October 16, 2024 @ 06:40:25 EDT

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