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[12:00 PM EDT - No subject.]

One thing I forgot to mention yesterday. Being the first ones at the room for the show, we noticed that the chairs were arranged differently. In the previous term, a number of the yellow chairs were replaced by black ones and these chairs took up the back three rows in the lecture hall. Probably due to some frosh week stunt, those black chairs were interchanged with some of the chairs in the middle to spell (I'm not sure if spell is the right word.) out the number 2004. Namely, the graduation class of 2004. I thought that was kinda neat. FlyingS noticed it first, but I'm not sure if many people actually noticed. Anyway, we had to remove a couple of the chairs to make space for the AV equipment. When we put the chairs back today, we put them in the wrong spots. I tried to warn them, but nobody was listening to me (which isn't a bad thing mind you). Ah well, they can fix it if they want.

There's another thing I forgot to mention in the past couple of days. I forgot to do my laundry. I've been planning to do my laundry for the past week, but I always end up coming home late. I tried to throw my laundry in in the morning, but I got up before HNT on Friday morning (now how often does that happen?). Ended up doing it this morning since I wasn't planning on going to school with a bathrobe. Made me late for the show, but seeing as I wasn't bringing anything critical, it wasn't much of a loss.

I guess I forgot to mention that we had an answering machine. Well, when Werdna moved in, he also brought his answering machine with him. Unfortunately, the phone line in his room doesn't work, so I attached the answering machine to the phone line in the hallway (we still have to get a stand for it). So it's sitting on the floor, ever so conspicuous. I was thinking of putting a message on the thing, but I never got around to it. Anyway, this morning, as I was putting on my blades, getting ready to go to the CTRL-A show, I noticed that the light on the answering machine was blinking. One blink. One blink? One message?!? I never really was paying much attention to the answering machine in the past week or so, so this message may have been pretty old. Since I was in a rush, I hurried down to where the machine was and pressed the play button. As I was busying myself with my blades, I wasn't really paying much attention to the message, since I thought the message was for HNT, until I heard

"It's Saturday, twelve-thirty.."

Waitaminute.. today is.. the time is.. the voice is.. what the?!? Laz is in town?!? Well, then I really had to check this out. I phoned up the number and sure enough, he was in town for the weekend (like just about every other weekend) so I invited him over to the CTRL-A show. Man, and to think that if I wasn't paying attention..

Oh, for some of you gamers out there, the Unreal Tournament demo came out yesterday. You can go and pick up a copy here.

I was rather surprised today. I didn't expect us to rake in more than one box of food for the food bank for the two days. We got two full boxes. I hope it will be put to good use.

Seems like our frosh still left a little mess after the spaghetti dinner last week. Hrumph. I never noticed the bag or the forks, although I did find the plate that was under the plant. I guess one finds what one is looking for huh?

Oi. Seems like Laz has been getting a number of vivid dreams recently. So have I actually, but I never bother writing down what they are so I never remember them. All I remember is that they were quite vivid.. and somewhat bizarre.. Anyway, his .plan file reads (with different formatting):

Sept 17/99.

Okay, another dream. With vampires this time. I'm with a couple of other people.. [QYV] might be one of them, I'm not sure. We're standing in the courtyard of this large building/castle. We're there for some reason, I don't remember what. Anyway, there are these ghosts walking around in the courtyard with us, which sort of spooks us out. One of us tries to touch the ghosts but it claws that person.. they're not as immaterial as they seem.

However, due inspection reveals that the ghosts are holograms of some sort, built by two projection cameras from windows on the wall of the castle. Suddenly I'm in one of the projection rooms, wondering how the ghosts are able to interact with the physical world.

I walk around the castle, looking around. I find a ladder leading up to a small hole in a wall, a hole too small for me to fit through. I'm confused as to what the hole and ladder is for when one of the vampires comes up from behind and shows me : the wall rotates in such a way that the entrance way I came in replaces the little hole, allowing someone to walk through a small hall into a bedroom.

There's more to the dream, but I think it involved women.

Interesting.. someone's been playing too many puzzle games recently.. I'm wondering if he's going to write it down for posterity, or if he's going to erase it when the next .plan update comes along..

As I mentioned before, today was the second day of the CTRL-A show. Things went fairly smoothly actually, so I really don't have too many complaints. I'm feeling oddly tired though. Surprising since it's only ten-thirty. There's brunch tomorrow, so I'll probably show up for that. I also have some money to count and e-mail to respond to.. but I think they can wait until tomorrow. Besides, Sunday evening sounds like a good subject title..

Oh, I forgot to tell ShadowWhyspr and Lizard about the CTRL-A show.. maybe next time..


Wednesday, October 16, 2024 @ 06:30:45 EDT

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