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[12:00 PM EDT - No subject.]

Well, seems like he didn't come by after all (last night at least). Amazingly enough, I was able to avoid using my computer when I got back home by turning on the television. Unfortunately, I was staring at that radiation tube for most of the rest of the night (and part of the morning). There were two interesting movies on last night. One was "Close Encounters of the Third Kind", an old sci-fi classic, and the other was.. I can't remember.. I keep thinking that it was "Sneakers" (another great movie that I've seen recently) but I didn't think it was it..

Ah well, another testament to my horrible memory.

Got up earlier this morning. Not too much earlier, but as usual, I sat myself in front of the computer until Werdna and Laz came by. Jake came by to bug me a bit, saying something like

"You're STILL playing?!?"

and other things. Did tell me some interesting stories from last night, but I won't divulge them here.

Werdna and Laz got to my place somewhat on time, and I helped them move some of the stuff out of the mini. After a bit of goofing off and a little bit of VooDoo 3 (2000) grandeur, we hooked up with Growly down at SJ's place. They were planning on checking out this network gaming place in town, but they were apparently closed today. Without any fallback plans, we went out to lunch at the Noodle Hut. We still hadn't figured out what to do for the day, even after lunch, although I was a little partial to the idea of going go-karting. Unfortunately, it started to rain a bit (spitting) so it didn't seem like a good idea (and the fact that it was expensive) since the only place open was an outdoor place. The last time I went go-karting in the rain was at Family Kartways, and it was fun! Yes, we were all fishtailing like mad, and boy was it dangerous, but heck, I was only seventeen.. I was still indestructible!

Eventually, we decided to go to Dairy Queen for some dessert (I passed) and then the guys went to Dooley's for some pool. Since there were four of us, we paired up for each game, rotating after two games. We realized, after a little while, that Laz was the best of the bunch, while the rest of us sucked. During the last game, Laz and I started the game up by five balls against Werdna and Growly. Unfortunately, Laz and I couldn't get that last ball in (excluding the eight ball). Soon, they clawed their way back and Werdna had a couple of good shots, that put them just one ball behind us, so Laz complained

"Now we're only ahead by one ball."

Werdna's next shot was a straight and easy side pocket shot, but before Werdna made his shot, I replied

"Soon, we'll be up by two."

That made everyone crack up (since Werdna has a tendency of making.. dramatic shots). After we recomposed ourselves, Werdna missed the ball. Funny thing tho, for the next fifteen minutes or so, neither side could sink a ball (except for the cue ball). In fact, there was a stretch where we had four scratches in a row, one for each of us, although mine (the last scratch) was a bounce shot which actually hit the ball (yes!) before rolling into the corner pocket (doh!).

Eventually, Laz was able to sink our last ball that put us up by two, fulfilling my semi-prophetic statement.

After our two hours at Dooley's we went back to SJ's place to figure out what to do. While we were outside on the balcony, SJ heard some noise in the balcony above and mentioned

"There are people up there."

She then proceeded to sniff the air, as if she could figure out what they were doing from whatever scents they were emitting, so I took a couple of sniffs and said


SJ gave me a weird look, and realizing how she interpreted my statement, I decided to clarify my comment


Of course, I smelt nothing, but it's always fun to make fun of someone.

The rest of the gang's gone to Phil's to party the rest of the night, while I figured that I'd finish doing my chores and get ready for tomorrow. Oi.

Well, seems like some people are actually signing the Guestbook! Ain't that grand? I guess I'll have to pay Jax a visit..

That's enough for now. You can bet that I'll be busy for the next few days.. let's see if we can make these frosh have a good time huh?

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Wednesday, October 16, 2024 @ 06:29:17 EDT

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