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[12:00 PM EDT - No subject.]

Boy did I get up late today. Went to bed way too late last night, seeing as I had to wipe my old hard drive and get it prepped for transport today. Good weather tho, too bad I haven't gone outside to enjoy it, which is too bad since we're supposed to get poor weather for the rest of the week. Gee.

Allergies not being nice to me. Days like these are ripe with pollen. That's what I have to suffer for nice weather. Bah, I did get to go outside to mail off that hard drive, but that's about it.

Been reading AgentP's journal on his site. Holy moly, it's actually quite interesting! I was rather surprised to be drawn into the details of someone else's life (No wonder why some people actually read this site.. they have no lives!). It's too bad he doesn't have anything written for this year, his entries stopped around the time I started taking my own notes of life. I liked his comments about the food and goodbyes in his Victoria series. Quite.. colourful.

I also noticed that AgentP noted the time (as well as the date) of the entry. Laz did that for a while as well, but switched to simple date quoting instead. I thought about putting up timed entries, but I couldn't be bothered. There's no extra bonus for finding out what time I go to update the page, and it's too much of a pain in the butt to keep track of.

Speaking of AgentP, he introduced me to a comic series known as the Preacher. Oi, Magnifica would probably freak (with a capital eek!) if she saw this. I though that it was pretty cool, albeit gratuitous.

While weirDo was playing around with my roll of toilet paper (also known as my tissue paper substitute), we were reminded of a question in first year physics, the hardest question that they ever gave us. It was the only question that I couldn't do (without help). It took us a while sifting through Serway (the 3rd edition) before we found it. Chapter 11, question 60:

A large, cylindrical roll of tissue paper of initial radius R lies on a long, horizontal surface with the open end of the paper nailed to the surface so that it can unroll easily. The roll is given a slight shove (an initial velocity of approximately zero) and commences to unroll.

  1. Determine the speed of the center of mass of the roll when its radius has diminished to r.
  2. Calculate a numerical value for this speed at r = 1 mm assuming R = 6 m.
  3. What happens to the energy of the system when the paper is completely unrolled?

(Hint: Assume the roll has a uniform density and apply energy methods.)

Good luck! It seems so easy now that we know the trick, but back then.. oh boy.

I was skimming through KNZ's homepage and came across his Anime proposal for Teletoon. In it is included a primer, which was a much more interesting read than I had anticipated, since he throws in his own observations on the whole thing.

What interested me was his use of a site map. It may be a good idea for my page as this monstrosity is getting much larger than I had anticipated. I'll probably work on it tonight. (It's up!)

Remembering a little debate with Laz and BSB about tops, I went to my favourite dictionary (the on line Webster) and checked up two definitions:

tank top n
(ca. 1950)
:a sleeveless collarless shirt with shoulder straps and no front opening


1hal-ter \'ho[0xC7]l-ter\ n
[ME, fr. OE haelftre; akin to OHG halftra halter, OE hielfe helve]
(bef. 12c)
3: a woman's blouse that leaves the back, arms, and midriff bare and that is typically held in place by straps around the neck and across the back

So I think BSB and I are right!

Also, while I was perusing the definitions in Webster, I looked up the proper pronunciation of clique, seeing as so many people were using "click" (I say "cleek"):

clique \'kle^-k, 'klik\ n
:a narrow exclusive circle or group of persons; esp: one held together by common interests, views, or purposes

Well, I guess we're all right (unless you pronounced it "kly-cue" or something else).

Hmm.. I've still got a bit of food at home, so I don't have to worry too much about going shopping today. However, if the weather is supposed to be bad for the rest of the week..

I still have lots of instant noodles.. I should be fine!

There was probably something that I was planning to do today, but I guess it's slipped my mind. Apart from fixing some more things here (more typos! more mistakes! Ahh!!) I can't remember any of my other chores! Ahh.. did check up computer stuff.. nothing outrageous to mention tho. Gonna go.. read the newspaper I bought (first one in a couple months - was going to use it as packaging.. then didn't need too). Dinner's a calling..


Wednesday, October 16, 2024 @ 06:40:19 EDT

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Sir Winston Churchill (From The Quotations Page.)