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[12:00 PM EDT - No subject.]

On my way out of the building, I noticed a rodent that was wandering around the area under the chemistry overpass, near the bench I normally put my blades on. Being a bit better lit than the Open Text parking lot, I noticed immediately that this rodent was you average skunk. I figured that I'd let the skunk to wander around and not to aggravate it.

It was around this moment when I bumped into someone I knew (who was with his friends ready to battle it out in Starcraft). He noticed the skunk too.

"Hi [QYV]. Oh!"

So I talked with him for a couple of minutes while the skunk was still in the area. Once it had left, I popped my blades on and went on home.

Man, two skunks this summer already, and the closest I've ever been to a skunk before was when it was roadkill.

Speaking of roads, the roads were a tad wetter than I was comfortable with, being on my blades and all. I checked the ground from my office before I left, but the fact that it was already dark, and looking from the third floor made that type of observation a little less than subjective. It was a little unfortunate since I didn't want to get them wetter than I had to, but in a tug-o-war between my blades and stomach..

Got up a little earlier today. Made it much earlier to the office. Mostly because I skipped breakfast. I had no milk, and I wasn't in the mood for chewing on toast. Rather unfortunate, since a few minutes after I got in, I realized that I forgot my organizer at home, and noticed that my passport was in my school bag. Doh! I forgot that I put the passport there, since I never bothered taking it out when I got back from my cross Canada trip, and I must have forgotten about it. Back I went, popped in some laundry (which I just remembered to do) and came back to school. That's my exercise for the week.

The weather today was foreboding again. Seems like the heavens are ready to open up and flood the earth. That would suck. I probably should have left my blades at home. Ah well. Sucks to be me.

Since I skipped out on breakfast, and since weirDo didn't bring his lunch, I suggested that we go over to Pizza Hut and consume mass quantities of pizza. After convincing Dusty to tag along, off we went. When we got there, weirDo noticed something

"Hey look! Twenty dollar bill."

I wasn't listening, nor was Dusty, so when he picked it up and showed it to us, we were both kinda stunned. Some poor bloke dropped twenty bucks. So after doing a bit of math in my head, I said

"Wow! That enough to pay for lunch!"

At which point weirDo gave me that "I don't think so. This money is mine." look. Dang. Still, I did end up paying a bit less than I had to, and he did pay for Dusty, so all in all, not too bad.

Seems like the hard drive situation isn't as bad as it looks after all! We'll see how things turn out..

I'm being fickle again. Playing around with the classes, I figured that I should probably use a tag that I can use anywhere. Figured that the DIV and BLOCKQUOTE tags forced new lines, so they were out of the picture, which meant that the FONT tag seemed to be ideal. Unfortunately, this meant rewriting a whole bunch of tags in the journal..

Man, I really should think out my ideas before acting on em. What a pain in the butt.. took me about an hour to cut and paste in the new tags. I think they work now, my preliminary checks show green.

I have also finally merged my two style sheets. I used to have a separate sheet for tables since tables screw around with the styles for some reason or another, but after a bit of fiddling around, it seems as if I should be able to use a single style for both types of files. We'll have to see.. tables are so finicky.

Cleaned out the FONT tags from the CV. You know, it looks a heck of a lot better now. I think it looked bad before due to the large font size, but adding colour didn't help much. I may want to add some underlines or something, but right now, it looks much less busy, and much more readable.

Man, the rain is really coming down right now. What a pain, I might have to walk home tonight. (Even though I still have to get milk.. Gah.) At least I can spend this time replying to some e-mail that's piled up.. And checking for errors in my HTML.. Hmm.. I really should start taking a look at XML even though Netscrape can't see it. Mind you, ever since AOL swallowed Netscrape, there haven't been any new developments, and no word of Netscape 5. There was an observation by some bloke some time past about AOL. America On Line tends to buy new technology, but doesn't seem to innovate. So I'm looking at ICQ, Netscape, and Winamp.. three big acquisitions, and I haven't seen anything "big" come from those areas at all in the past couple of months. Perhaps, by being swallowed whole by AOL, these programs have been squelched? Perhaps, this is a tad too dark a forecast, but I'm a little worried. The choices are slowly dwindling down to a choice between Microsoft and AOL.. neither which are too appealing to me.

Well, it's late, and the rain hasn't stopped, so it seems I'll be getting wet. I'll leave the last message for tomorrow, and see which program finishes first huh?


Wednesday, October 16, 2024 @ 06:40:43 EDT

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