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[12:00 PM EDT - No subject.]

Dang, didn't get to finish what I wanted to say yesterday and I don't have time to do it today. Learned the SSD when I got to the link, and then we had the chase. I got a little shafted though. I thought I was one of the judges for the chase, but after the chase had started (the leaders get a thirty second lead) I went to the judging table and they told me that the coordinators were judging so they didn't need any judges. Ahh! Well, there goes my time to find a hiding spot. Gave them a good chase, even though I got myself pretty banged up going through the construction area (which I didn't see until I rounded the corner..).

That morning, I also had a bloody nose. Probably from blowing my nose so much. Made life difficult for a while there. Much better now.

The spaghetti dinner went pretty well. After I rushed around warning some of my neighbours about the impending noise, I went in to help out with the food. We actually didn't destroy the food, nor did the frosh destroy the house (we ate outside). They were so unresponsive in the beginning, but once we got some food into them and got them thinking up ideas for the skits, they really started to get into it! I was happy with that although I spent most of my time serving food and cleaning up.

Werdna, who was supposed to come by earlier but probably didn't, came by in the middle of all this chaos and at the door, he asked:

"Do you have ALL your frosh here?"

Why yes. From our group at least. There were thirty-four frosh and six leaders putting the total up to forty. A fair number, but when none of them wanted any seconds, I was a little worried about the amount of leftovers that we would have after the dinner. Quite a bit I must say, let's just say that I'll be having spaghetti for dinner for the next week or so..

One of the leaders who got to the house early to prepare mentioned that I had nothing in the way of cooking stuff and food. In fact, they claimed that the house was cleaner after they left than before they got there! You know what? I think they're right! I guess this has to do with the fact that the house was inhabited by a group of guys. Guys in general don't clean too often nor too well. Nor did I expect people to ever come and visit me, and to have forty people come for dinner.. well, I'll have to get the pictures sometime.

After the frosh had left I went around cleaning up whatever was left to clean. By which time, Jake had made it back home. Looking at the ceiling in the hallway, he mentioned

"There must be a spider nest around here."

Confused, I looked up and didn't notice anything, so I inquired as to why he made that observation. He responded by saying

"There's a lot of baby spiders around."

So I took a closer look at the ceiling, and lo and behold, he was correct. Just a quick glance revealed four baby spiders running around on that small part of the ceiling, which is probably just a small fraction of the number of spiders that were actually in the house. Ugh.

After catching an episode of Crusade (not a bad one I would admit). I headed out to the bonfire, a little late. I guess I wasn't the only late one because by the time I got there, there were only two leaders from our group who had shown up (including me!). That, was not good. It didn't help that I didn't know any of the new cheers (I was inside cleaning up). Ahh! While I was walking around finding people, one of the (female) leaders was walking around in front of me asking

"I need a male frosh leader to come with me."

At which point she noticed me and asked if I could help walk some people back from the bonfire. I figured that I wasn't doing anything productive so I agreed. After I got back, I was around for a few minutes before being asked to walk some more people back. Okay.. This time, a couple of them had to be walked to various parts of campus, so it took a long time for us to drop people off.

I actually got to know the two girls I was walking with (considering how long I was walking with them if I never talked with them then something must have been wrong). One of them looked awfully familiar, although I know that I've never seen her before (I think).

Anyhoo, after we were finished with that, we walked back to the bonfire where I was asked if I could volunteer for the drive home program.

I should explain. There is a policy that when people are being walked or driven back home, there should be at least one male and one female frosh leader in the group. I guess they were running low on male volunteers..

So back to the story, I was told that it may be very late by the time that we finish (around two in the morning). I wondered how far these people must have lived to require us being out so late (it was only twelve thirty) but I went along. So we drove the first group of girls back home, and came back to the pickup point. At that point, I realized that we would have to keep driving people until people stopped needing rides..


We ended up making two more trips before the lines disappeared. It was way past two by then though. Still, I had an interesting conversation with the driver. It was kind of weird, meeting all of these somewhat outgoing people. The leaders this year are really easy to talk with.

Ended up getting a ride home, after stopping by Toxic Hell for a midnight snack (I was starving!). Just have to say that, although the fries supreme is very good, at two bucks, it's way too expensive.

Got up late this morning. Gah. I don't think I missed too much when I got to the link. I ended up helping out with the food and cleaning up. There was this small (baby?) squirrel that was running around in the BBQ (we were cooking souvlaki). It was so cute! It seemed a little mental, since it was overly tame (it actually came up to people), and it started licking (for a couple of minutes) one of the bags that was filled with the souvlaki.

Just before I went to help clean up the BBQ, I sat down to watch the squirrel with the other guys. Somehow, it must have gotten scared, and hid under one of my legs (I was sitting cross legged). It stayed there even after I left several minutes later (after I realized that it wasn't leaving).

That was pretty kewl though. I wonder if the squirrel will be showing up again tomorrow (we've got a pizza lunch planned). Then, since I missed out on the ice breakers (since I was cleaning up - and got a bleeder) we went on the campus tour. Kinda interesting. Should be helpful, if people actually paid attention. Heh, they'll learn.

Found a great essay about Vader being Ben Kenobi. I'm somewhat reserved and ain't completely convinced, but it's a very interesting discussion if you want to read it.

Some new game reviews out, like Outcast and Final Fantasy VIII. Good games, and I should get my hands on them.. after the other dozens of games which I still have to get..

Monte Carlo night is tonight. I think I'll be showing up late, since I got to find some good clothes..


Wednesday, October 16, 2024 @ 06:35:46 EDT

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