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[12:00 PM EDT - No subject.]

Heard on the news this morning. Some dopes robbed a newlywed couple and took three hundred bucks off of them. Then they proceeded to dump the two hundred and seventy dollars in Canadian funds to keep the thirty American dollars..

They were eventually arrested, but I didn't think our dollar sank THAT low..

Bumped into one of the (male) frosh leaders on my way to school, who promptly showed me a couple of rolls of film that were developed recently. It even contained a couple of pictures with my mug in it! (Although seeing myself in a rainbow coloured afro wasn't exactly awe inspiring.) Still, it was quite good to see that most of those pictures came out well. Gives me hope that some of the other group photos will come out just as well. (Now all I have to do is get myself a copy..)

After listening to my complaints about not receiving any constructive criticism (specifically about typos and spelling mistakes) MJO sent me a rather short list (it looked longer when I first looked at it) with a number of corrections. Interestingly enough, they were all from the same paragraph! The fixes were made, and the credit goes where it should go. Any more errors?

I should probably write a little less colloquially. My speech tends to be horrible when it comes to grammar, although it's tough to make spelling mistakes when you have an oral conversation! (Of course, you should hear my pronunciation!)

Found out why there was all of this road construction going on around campus. Something to do with putting in some water pipe.. Of course, this may only be part of the reason, but either way, the fact that they started this construction before the frosh moved into residence was a little shortsighted and inconsiderate. Heck, if I was a frosh, I would be a little ticked off to move into a city that I've never really seen before just to find out that all of the roads were being worked on. Top this off with the crazy traffic from a couple thousand frosh and their parents piling into the tiny university roads and you would understand their sentiment. Hopefully everything went well though.. seems like these new students are settling in..

Oh. Seems like Laz has clarified the link on his .plan somewhat:

Here's something I came across while looking up "tool" on ditto.com:

Now it makes more sense.. (either that or I was blind the first time)

There are a number of interesting news clips I found at ArsTechnica. One being an article at the Economist about the impact of computers on the wage gap between skilled and unskilled workers. The gap may not be caused by computers after all.. but check it out for yourself.

The second interesting article was about someone attempting to produce quark-gluons. Here's a quote from the article:

"It has been theorized by Steven Hawking that from this quark-gluon plasma other forms of matter are also produced. The most dangerous being a black hole."

Unfortunately, I didn't delve deeply enough into particle physics to figure out that we can actually do this with the energy that we have at our disposal. Anyone want to clarify?

The last interesting article is a big happy belated birthday to the Internet (which was considered to be born on September 2, 1969). I was wondering why they were airing a "Birth of the Internet" show on TLC around that time. Now I know. Here's a great quote from those guys without pants:

"Now we know how the Internet's parents chose to celebrate New Year's Eve ;-)"

Got me to chuckle.

Oh yeah, for those of you who don't frequent the ShackNews often may want to check this link out. I sure hope I don't go as far as that.. As them ShackNews boys put it:

"Ladies and Gentlemen, this is not how you do it."

Hmm.. seems like the boy took the page down just after I found it, replacing his little outpouring of emotion with:

"Shugashack sucks :)"

Luckily enough, I have it cached.. but I think he probably got humiliated having his page put up for public display like that, so I'm not gonna post it anywhere. I still can't believe he did that.. If you want to see how you might have reacted to the post, you can check out the comments.

Last night, the wind must have shifted since we were getting the most putrid air from the farms out around the city. Pee yew! Made going home quite a chore. Speaking of chores, while I was blading to the store for milk, I was holding on to the tackle box. Unfortunately for me, I also wanted to save my brake on the downward slope of the walkway and tried to slalom down. I probably shouldn't have tried to do this while I was a little less balanced with the box since I went into one turn, realized I was turning into a wall, and couldn't turn back the other way. In the choice between crashing into the (glass) wall and falling, I went down in a crumpled heap. Suffered a nasty bruise on my right forearm (from the tackle box) and a nice red contusion on my left knee (from the concrete). Found out later I scraped my pinkie as well. I even managed to break my key chain.

I was pretty lucky I didn't go down in gravel. That would've been very messy. I'm still having problems walking though, but my wounds are healing pretty well. (Up to four falls without a fatality!)

It was another cool day today, and it was only Dusty and I that were able to go outside to throw the disc during lunch. weirDo opted out today. Something about having to do work.. whatever!

I was able to respond to some of my e-mail, but I still have a few to sift through. I was going through one of them.. and I since weirDo was around, I told him who it was. He said something to the effect of

"If I can recall correctly, she was not particularly unpleasing to the eye."

Took me a minute to register. I can agree, but his statement only excludes the negative, which still allows the neutral or positive statement. I personally would've said that she's pretty darned good looking and would've jumped her if I had the chance ;)

Man, Civilization is such a fun game.. It's getting late, and I should go home and finish off some of that spaghetti I got lying around in the fridge. I should get ready for the show on Friday so I best get going. Much work ahead..


Wednesday, October 16, 2024 @ 06:42:03 EDT

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