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[12:00 PM EDT - No subject.]

Whew. The end of the month, and not much has changed. I'm gonna be pretty busy this weekend so I won't get anything done at all. Gah. I woke up late again today. This is becoming a habit. A bad one at that. I figure that if I keep going to bed around two and getting up at ten, I should be able to go to bed around midnight and get up at eight! Now the hard part will be getting to bed by midnight..

The rain finally stopped this morning, and I happened to wake up late enough for the ground to be dry enough for blading. After walking back and forth yesterday, I realized how much time I save by blading to and from school. I wonder what I'll do when winter comes around..

Werdna came by and had lunch with us. This proved to be interesting when we found out how windy it was this afternoon. Throwing into the wind was near impossible, but we were able to arrange ourselves so that only one person was throwing directly into the wind. The other three (due to building deflections, etc.) were able to throw downwind. I ended up in the bad spot for most of lunch. This made weirDo a little peeved since he had to chase down most of my throws. Eventually, he switched with me and realized how difficult it was to throw in my position (and I found out how much running he had to go through! *pant* *pant*). Werdna did well, when he wasn't throwing into the wind, but all in all, despite the wicked wind, it was a good time had by all.

Later, we went to a little presentation that was offering Palm Pilots for people who gave the best feedback for their software, and pizza for all. We got this tip off from Laz (the uw.forsale troll). The talk was somewhat interesting, although we realized that we wouldn't be contacted about the software until next week. Gah. To top it off, the pizza didn't come before we had to go (we left after fifty minutes). Ah well, let's see what this robot of theirs can do huh?

Right after this little runabout, we had a CGSS welcome BBQ to go to. Free food is always a good reason to go somewhere, and this time, we weren't disappointed. Lots of free good food will make any night enjoyable. While drinking a pint, someone wondered what it would be like to show up to class drunk. weirDo looked kind of confused until I reminded him that we had a class tonight. His response:

"Oh no!"

That, coupled with the standard wide eye surprised look. We left the BBQ a little early (because of class), but I think the alcohol made the boy a little more edgy than usual in the (abnormally warm) room.

Got a link from Squishy, with a comment:

"Essentially, a hamster ball for humans."

Quite right, but I would like to try one at some point in time..

`Tis the season for scholarships. Got to scramble to get my NSERC and OGS application forms filled and ready. Need transcripts and references, proposals and information, patience and time. Bah.. it seems like too much work for naught (especially if I don't get anything). The payoff makes all of this worth it though. Ah.. then there's that travel scholarship..

I must apologize, but I must say this right now:


Also known as a famous last word. I feel much better now.

Seems like tonight will be another late night for me. Gah. I tried to make one more composite photo from Laz's collection of pictures, but this last pair of photos were taken too far out of position to join. That was somewhat unfortunate, since they were taken at Banff National Park and had a great view from the side of one of the mountains. Perhaps next time..

Starting to pare down on my inbox.. chipping away much too slowly than I want, but heck, I'm renowned for my procrastination right? Well, there's quite a bit of work to do relating with the show and some errands that I forgot about.. oops. Then there's all that scholarship stuff (doh..) so I think I'll try not to get too distracted. For tonight though, I think I'm going to go home and grab some shuteye..


Wednesday, October 16, 2024 @ 08:23:54 EDT

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