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[12:00 PM EDT - No subject.]

There's a news link that MJO found. Pokes fun at Microsloth, but that's a good thing right?

Just got word from Stripes that there might be a paintball game this weekend. Wee! I haven't played that since last year.. boy that was fun. Unfortunately, we'll be playing with a large group and we'll be the walkins.. which means that we probably won't know too many people. Funny enough, I didn't know too many people last year! Heheheh.. let's see if this pans out..

Hmm.. Growly's umbrella is still at my office.. it hasn't really rained much, but I'm worried someone will take it (and go stabbing people or something).

Cashed the cheque HKL gave me.. just matches the cost of the games that I got this weekend, so I basically broke even. I was even able to mail off that rebate form which actually makes me break even with the cheque. Handed the two games over to weirDo who'll be taking a look at them while I try to finish of Brood War.

Speaking of which, I ended up finishing another two missions last night (which would explain why I woke up so late today). I'll be trying my hand at the rest of the Terran missions tonight..

Not much happened this morning, but we had a planned trip to London to watch Bob Field give a talk. This meant checking the van to see if there was any gas in the tank. Guess who got volunteered? Well, there was gas alright, but not enough, so I went down to plant ops to get it filled up. I hung around for a minute or so, before getting impatient and going inside to see what was happening. I saw a bunch of them eating lunch and asked them if I could get gas. One of them told me

"Come back at twelve o'clock."

Oh? It was quarter to twelve.. don't people usually have lunch before noon? Ah well, it wasn't like I could force them, so I went back and decided to fill up before we leave.

Being Tuesday, we went down to the Noodle Factory for some two dollar hamburgers (I had forgotten, as did weirDo, but Dusty's always on the ball when it comes to food). On the way to lunch, I saw a girl walking past us who looked awfully familiar.. unfortunately, I'm pretty bad with people who seem familiar to me (especially if I had a crush on her at some point in time) and I tend to stare.. Funny enough, she was looking straight at me. After a number of seconds of staring, she said

"Hi [QYV]."


Oh man! It WAS JY, and she did remember me! Wow, that was pretty crazy since I hadn't seen her since high school, and she hasn't changed a bit! Wow. I'm still in shock actually, since.. well, this was the last place I would've expected to bump into her (I thought she had graduated already). Funny enough, BH was surprised to find out that I was still in Waterloo. *scratches head*

Still doesn't rate as high on the coincidence ladder as that Squishy thing.. now THAT was pure coincidence!

Ahh.. Now that I think about it, I've bumped into quite a few people that I knew today, just walking around. This is a bad sign. I must get out of here before I meet more people..

Anyway, on with the story. After lunch, I went to do the bank thing (where I signed some sort of petition for more driving testers.. apparently there's a few month's backlog.. alright whatever.) and then came back to the office to pick up the keys to get gas. Both JSI and weirDo were swamped with some kids looking for help on chemistry..

What I noticed the most was that all of the students were female.. and there were quite a number of them as well. weirDo dragged me into trying to answer one of the questions that I had no clue on, but I was saved by the call to go to London for the talk.

Heheh.. thus, leaving the two Romeos with the (not particularly bad looking) students, I left to get gas. On the way to plant ops, there was a van in the driveway, so I figured that I could take the other entrance. This entrance was right next to a bend in the road.. very dangerous since very few drivers slow down as they come around the corner. Anyhoo, I couldn't see any cars so I started making a turn, but noticed a no entrance sign up ahead. Crap.. don't cha hate those one way streets? Just as I was turning to face the street again, I saw this car barrelling down the road and we were able to miss each other (squealing tires - his - and all). That was close, and I also missed the entrance. Ah well, at least I was still in one piece.

Went to Western without a hitch. The talk was okay, in effect it was an attempt at dumbing down chemistry so that you didn't need to use Quantum Mechanics to explain some properties of diatomics. Interesting, very empirical, but there should be some sort of explanation for it all..

Noticed while I was on campus that there were quite a few females floating around.. maybe I'm a little biased as to what I notice or not, but heck, Waterloo isn't known for it's great gender ratio eh?

On the way back, heard on the radio about the coup d'e'tat in Pakistan. Oh boy.

Speaking of radios, this reminds me about the cross Canada trip a couple of months back. To keep awake in the Rockies, I tried to turn on the radio and listen to music (we had exhausted our music collection by then). It was interesting how quickly we lost contact, but when we were in the prairies, getting signals were quite easy, and even if we were far from the source, once we went to the top of a hill, the signal came in loud and clear. What a difference.

This gave me a good laugh. KGL (who's been awfully communicative lately) changed her plan to read

"Just remember...
The fastest way to a man's heart is through his chest with a sharp knife"

Just as good as the Steven King one..

Found on the ShackNews a rebuttal to the article I found last month. I guess we're not all going to die after all.

Time to go. Gotta eat.


Wednesday, October 16, 2024 @ 08:24:01 EDT

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