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[12:00 PM EDT - No subject.]


Stayed on the computer too long.. I'm seeing sprites floating in space..

Finished two Brood War missions last night.. two more today, and even started Rainbow Six (finished three missions). Good game. I'm on the last Brood War mission, so I can get rid of the game as soon as I finish (hopefully by tomorrow). Rainbow Six was much more interesting that I thought it was going to be. Stripes and weirDo are both right. I would recommend this game to anyone.. nearly. I like the planning stage.. very realistic, although your men are sometimes a little dumb..

Mind you, I'm playing at the easiest setting, so despite my rather shoddy planning and gung ho "I'll take them all by myself" attitude, I've been moving along quite well. weirDo said that this would be one of the quicker games to finish.. that will leave Homeworld, Myth II, and Heroes of Might and Magic III to tread through over the next month or so. Then there's Civilization II..

Oh yeah, I dropped by the Web of Secrets yesterday and skimmed though some of the stories..

Good lord! What were some of these people thinking?!? Some of those stories are just BAD.. I mean.. real people would do some of that stuff? Gah..

Then again, this is assuming that everyone who submits a confession is telling the truth, and we know how truthful some people can be..

Hrumph. Seems like I can't see anything beyond Theochem. Makes it difficult to surf or anything else unproductive (news, ftp, telnet, etc.). Gah, I guess I'll be forced to do work before the broomball game tonight.. There aren't any games before ours so I can't even go early and see if I could play.. ah well.

Was able to update one of my pages though.. that still leaves about half my site which I have to work on.. *sigh*.


[4:00 PM EDT - After a good game..]

Just came back from the broomball game. None of our.. uh.. less experienced players showed up so to even things out, we told the other team to play with an extra man on the ice. It turned out to be a pretty good game, since we had to do quite a bit of running, but our passing was still amazing. I think ever since we got Tony, he's gotten us to pass much more often and much more effectively. Riston's team had been much more of a shoot and deflect type of team, but now we've added passing plays to our repertoire. Much more like the farm team in their heyday.

In the end, I got two goals (one lucky one) and the score was 5-1. Most of our goals came from very good passing plays instead of lucky power shots, so I'm very happy at our progress.

As I was crossing the street on my way back from the CIF, a car pulled up into the intersection and some guy yelled out to me

"If you're feeling lazy, I can give you a ride back to the lab."

For a moment, I thought it was Riston who was offering me a ride, but after a bit of thinking (a bit, I wasn't standing in the middle of the road looking dumb or anything.. well.. not THAT long..), I realized that it wasn't him.. it looked more like someone else..

Nah.. it couldn't be, I would've seen him at the CIF.. I declined the offer, since.. well, I wasn't that tired, and I needed to cool down.

Anyhoo, when I reached the lab, sure enough, guess who walked out of the lab? He told me "Good game." and continued down the hall.

No.. Yes? I quickly turned logged on and checked the broomball rosters.. let's see.. uhh.. oh. Oh my. Gah! It was him! Doh! I can't believe that I didn't recognize him at the game, or when we shook hands.. I'm still in shock. How could I not recognize him?

I'm so embarrassed. *hangs head*

I'll be playing their team two more times, so next time, I'll try to remember!

It's getting late, I've been making some headway with LiH and MgH.. but there's still quite a way's to go. I'll have to come back and finish this off tomorrow..


Wednesday, October 16, 2024 @ 08:21:54 EDT

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