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[12:00 PM EDT - No subject.]

While Werdna and I were taking the garbage out, since he was dragging out the garbage can (I had the recycling bin) he mentioned to me

"You know there's larvae [maggots probably] growing in this thing?"

Oh thank you for sharing that with me, especially when I was just about to eat dinner. Guess what? I was making rice!

Now I understand how Honeywhite feels.. eww.

While he was asking me if I took any E&M courses (I only took the first two), he remembered that I was actually in the same E&M 1 class. PHYS 253 or something? Anyway, he also remembered little argument that I had with Prof. Smith during the one of the lectures. The moment he mentioned that, I remembered how I completely embarrassed myself in front of the class when he was trying to draw out the cosine squared function. I got cosine squared mixed up with the absolute value of cosine.. well, that's all I'll say about that. Let's just say that I was quiet for the rest of that class. Any one else remember that?

Had a couple of good Starcraft games last night. Needed to get myself reacquainted with the controls and shortcut keys. Gah.. I still suck though. Will be trying out Starcraft: Brood War tonight.. heh heh.

Despite going to bed earlier than usual last night, I still got up late today. Sometimes I think I just can't break out of these bad habits..

weirDo told me this morning about the hazards of oyster sauce. Namely that the stuff that gave the sauce taste was carcinogenic. Oh good. So this stuff I've been eating for the past couple of decades (and quite a bit in the last week) might give me cancer. He told me that he heard about this on Canada AM, so I don't know.. can anybody confirm?

While on the topic of news, he also heard about the huge train wreck in London, England. Yuck. I'm wondering if MJO was anywhere nearby when this happened (around 8am GMT).

Spent most of the day working on one of my subroutines and my scholarship stuff. All I have to do is the hard stuff now (my proposal and current work). Gah.. and it's getting too late and I went to go home.

Oh yeah, seems like Laz hasn't been updating his homepage, but he has been fiddling around with his .plan quite a bit. There's an update from yesterday:

I finally finished System Shock 2... long game... good game. The last few hours had me jumping out of my seat every ten minutes or so, which is pretty good. Very Half-Life-like, especially the ending. In hindsight, I think I could've finished the game with just a pistol and the laser-sword.

Hmmm... except for the very last few bosses. I don't think I'd want to play as a Psionic... gimme a pistol and some AP/Anti-P ammo anyday.

Next game : Homeworld. So far, the graphics totally blow me away.. it's not just that they're incredibly detailed.. it's the magnitude of the playing field and the 3d-richness of the battles. Absolutely gorgeous. It's something you just gotta see. And the music is pretty awesome too.

here's something for me :

the fun never ends :

Funny how he put in the italic tags.. as if he was expecting to stick the whole thing on his page..

..or my page. *blink* Hey!

I should get going.. it's going to be a long day tomorrow (with skating and broomball) so I want to get as much rest as possible tonight so that I can actually do some work tomorrow. I'm probably going home this weekend, but I'm not sure if I can find enough anime to show.. hmm.. must check my sources..

Oh yeah, found the lyrics to "Last Kiss" and "Light in Your Eyes" (by BUOS). A little depressing huh? Ah well, I'll see if I can memorize them by Christmas. It was pretty tedious finding them on the net with the ILS making copying a little more difficult than breaking into Fort Knox. Not bitter of course.. no no.

I'm looking at my notebook and I've got a number of things written down. Unfortunately I don't have time to go through any of them right now (much less all of them). I've been telling myself that I'll put these things up before I completely forget the stories behind each of them, but the fact that I still remember each one makes forgetting them unlikely. I dunno.. Riston told me that I played much better when I was angry. I only got angry playing broomball three times, and only when I was attacked (literally) without provocation. Maybe I write better when I'm depressed?

No, I'm not going to depress myself just to satisfy you guys.. geez. Hey, as long as these entries stay boring and monotonous (or better yet, short!) that means I'm having a grand old time huh? I think I'll take that over a good paragraph or two. Hopefully, I won't have anything interesting to say for the next while. "I want it that way".

Time for me to go, I've spent too much time here. I'll respond to the rest of my mail tomorrow and if I don't get run over (since I'm wearing black today) I'll be back.


Wednesday, October 16, 2024 @ 08:30:05 EDT

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