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[12:00 PM EDT - No subject.]

In my rush to get home last night, I dropped a number of things I wanted to mention. The first was to say that I woke up late yesterday.. like way after nine.. In fact, I woke up late today as well (around ten) but that's because I stayed up late last night (around two) creating my other two composites. You can see them with the rest of the pictures. My trip pictures are basically done now!

I wanted to quote MJO on his comment about my pictures.. but I can't. *hangs head* Ah well, I'll just leave the rest of you in suspense.

The weather was unseasonably warm yesterday. I hate hot days, but it wasn't just hot, it was also somewhat humid.. a calling sign for a possible storm ahead (since it should be much cooler). That made my signature errand a little more icky, but heck, I bumped into PC (a former high school teacher), who I probably should talk to more often.

We went to Jose's Noodle Factory for their two dollar burgers again. It's becoming a tradition now. I was surprised I finished the whole thing despite not being hungry. I guess my stomach is bigger than my eyes. On the way back from lunch, I passed by whatsherface (Ali?).. it took me a little while to recognize her since she looked different, sort of.. more mature I guess. But she was still really cute. Talk to her? Unlikely.

On the way back from school, I hit two large rocks (maybe the size of small grapes) that nearly made me fall on my blades. That was a little scary, seeing as I couldn't see anything on the ground since it was so dark. I even nearly jaywalked behind a police cruiser.. not like it would matter much, since I crossed the road as he was making a U-turn in the gas station..

Speaking of the gas station, they've changed ownership. It used to be a Sunoco station, but now it's owned by GTO.. whatever that is. I think there will be a Timmy's opening up there at some point in time, since the street sign has a partially covered Tim Horton's logo on it. But it's sure taking a long time for that to happen.

As I mentioned before, I got up late again this morning. It was also raining, but it wasn't very heavy when I was walking to school. Yes, I was walking, I'm not going to purposely ruin my blades by using them in the rain! That meant that I got to school really late. Still before lunch, but not by much.

I ran another errand, but I stayed late because of my figure skating lesson and broomball game. It actually started to rain very heavily late this afternoon, with lightning and thunder.. gah. Made me worry about getting my skates wet when I headed over to the CIF.

Since I was getting hungry, I tried out that noodle in a cup stuff that I got when I went home last weekend. Breaking open the bowl, I was surprised to see a silvered pouch inside the Styrofoam bowl, opening it up, I saw chunks of beef with some gravy. Real beef! My god! I'm so used to having your token meaty soup base and bits of meat with the powder, but this was pretty good! For two bucks, this was a pretty good deal. The meal wasn't as tasty as I had hoped, but I wasn't expecting that much anyway. It also didn't help that there were no instructions to be found anywhere on the thing, in any language. That sort of ticked me off. Still, for the money, it was a pretty good deal, I shouldn't complain that much.

Except maybe that I would've liked more?

Laz has finally updated his homepage journal! After a month long hiatus, he's got an update on the life of physicist cum computer gamer guy.

Checked out the Simple Guide to Online Shopping on ArsTechnica. A good read if you're interested in picking up some electronics, computers, games, human organs, pot, AK-47s or whatever you feel like picking up.

After their i820 chip fiasco, Intel seems be having a problem with their Xeon processors.. The article can be found on CNet.

..and again in the non-computer related news, Yahoo! News has an article about Mattel suing some porn site for using the Barbie name.

Oh man, I was just surfing around and I came by Honeywhite's homepage (remember her Laz?) there was a link on there.. well, there were many links on there that I haven't checked. This time though, I was bored enough to see what she had linked up, so I checked out The Dialectizer and.. I'm sorry, it was hilarious! I was just checking my page with the Redneck converter, and you can even click on the links to see my other entries written in "Redneck". Tres funny. I should have checked her stuff more often!

Just came back from our first competitive regular season broomball game. Boy was it a tough game. Our goalie didn't show up, and we were one player short. We stuck one of our newer players in net and hoped that the opposing team didn't have too many breaks. It wasn't long before we went down by a goal, but Mr. Broomball got that one back. Then we were down another goal, but Riston got that one back. I got a screened goal that put us up 3-2, but a defensive relapse tied us up. By the end, I was way too tired to go running back and forth on the rink, so I was happy when the whistle blew.

Then the ref came up to us, and told us to get ready for half time. What? Oh.. Well. Overtime lasted a whole fifteen seconds. After the face off, the other team tried to clear the ball, but it bounced off the net and SDS was able to knock the loose ball into the empty net. Game, set, and match. A pretty cheesy way to win, but we each got a goal (not including the goalie) and I was happy about that. Hopefully, we'll have more people showing up next time.

Oh yeah, I recognized a couple of people in my skating class. They were a little too self conscious to join up with the advanced course, but since the beginner course was so.. beginner, I opted to swallow my pride and look stupid with the advanced kids. One of the people who showed up was that cute girl that reminded me of SG (who always seems to be smiling). She only came as a spectator so I don't think she'll be showing up that often though.

Now I'm so tired.. I'm worried about being overly sore tomorrow. We'll see how I last the night.

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Wednesday, October 16, 2024 @ 08:30:47 EDT

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