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[12:00 PM EDT - No subject.]

Been cleaning out my address book on Theochem. Kind of sad to go through the list, deleting all of these addresses that I put in of people who I don't talk to anymore. Most of these addresses I keep just in case I have to contact them, but to tell you the truth, I probably will never talk to these people again. It's a little depressing, like when I was first cleaning up my homepage, realizing that I still had all of these links to people that I don't talk to anymore (in the Spods list).

Another cool day today. A little more cloudy than I liked, but it was still great weather to throw the disc around a bit. Dusty and RHS both came out of the dungeon to participate, although I couldn't throw worth crap today. The breeze didn't help with my aim either. I guess you have good days, and then you have me.

I'm actually quite hungry at the moment, been showing weirDo a bit of Civilization with Dusty looking on (making snide comments) driving me crazy! (Got that song playing on the radio right now.) I've been getting some progress with my LiH and MgH fits. It's doing a lot better than anticipated, although I was anticipating to crash and burn, so any results would've been good. It also helps that my runs take less than an hour to run. It makes it difficult to start anything else though. I'm so used to starting a fit, and going off to do something for an hour before coming back. Now I have to stay at my desk to check my results after it finishes. I guess that makes me a little more productive huh?

Skipped out on the scholarship meeting. RHS didn't expect to get anything out of it so we took off just after it started

"Oh, there's a[n information] book? And I can read it?? Well then, goodbye!"

Heard from people who did stay that it really wasn't very informative. Good, I guess we didn't waste any time then huh?

Just like yesterday, I'm not very e-mail responsive today. That's kind of unfortunate since I keep getting more and more! Ahh! I should sift through my messages tomorrow since I know for sure that I won't have time this weekend to respond to any of my e-mail. Hmm.. I'm not saying that I don't want e-mail, just want to warn people that I might be taking a little while to respond that's all. In fact, I do like getting e-mail (of the personal sort). I cracked up when a certain person asked me if any of the new people working at the lab were cute (and female). This coming at the heels of my conversation with one of the leaders about my lack of a significant other.

Thanks for the concern, but I should be fine. Something will fall into my lap eventually..

Read whatever you want into that last statement.

I still don't know the homepage situation. I would like to find some sort of permanent location for this thing, but I would prefer to set up my own connection somewhere and have a little Linux box or something running a tiny web server. That would be ideal. I'll have to figure something out at some point in time.. I'm not sure what to do now.

I should get going soon. Dinner is calling..


Wednesday, October 16, 2024 @ 06:29:35 EDT

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