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[12:00 PM EDT - No subject.]

I never did go shopping last night. I dunno.. I'm feeling a little lethargic as of late. May have something to do with this hay fever. Then again, I'm also going to be participating in frosh week next week, so food is less of a priority than is sleep. Speaking of which, I'm slowly going to sleep earlier, but I'm still getting up late. I can't figure out why I feel so tired lately, unless it's another one of my symptoms. I'll probably have to go out and by some antihistamines sometime today. Bah, at least the weather's nice. I should go out and enjoy it sometime.

Got a link to Hugo's page. Who is Hugo you ask? If you don't know, then there's no point for you to visit is there? (I like his counter tho)

I haven't been eating very properly for the past few days, and I definitely haven't been drinking enough. I figured that I should go and grab a drink from the water fountain and fill up my water bottle (those Gatorade bottles come in so handy). So, I went to take a drink and filled the bottle. Funny.. the water looks kind of.. orangy. Okay, so it was the orange Gatorade bottle I had, but it's been cleaned, and I've had water in there before and it was clear, so I dumped the water and filled it again. Orangy. Eww.. time for some observational science. I wandered down to another fountain down the hall and filled it up with water. Hmm.. clear. Trying out the water, I barely noticed a difference. It was a little sharper, but that's about it. Okay, perhaps it was the lighting, so I brought the bottle down back to the other water fountain. Clear.

Then I felt kind of sick, since the fountain I've been drinking from has been leaking for the past two weeks. I haven't used my water bottle in a long time, so if the water's been like this since it started leaking.. Oi, I'll try not to think about it. I'll tell one of the green people tonight about the leak.

Hmm.. I would've have confirmed this observation with weirDo, but he hasn't been in yet. In fact, out new student hasn't been in yet either. It was a little surprising since he's usually in way before I stumble to school. The fact that they're both still not here is a little disconcerting. Ah well, at least I get the computer to myself, and I'm taking full advantage of that fact.

Great, finished off my nice cookies. Now apart from my hot chocolate mix, Robitussin, and vial of mercury, I have nothing here that's digestible. Oh wait, I'm wrong. I've got one last Ferrero Rocher left.. although I might just save that for a special occasion. I guess this means I should get some food soon. I went through my food cache (although it was all junk food) pretty darned quick.

Hmm.. weirDo must have come in recently. Anyhoo, we took his bottle to check out the fountain and sure enough, the water looked a little discoloured.. eww.

Later, I went to the washroom after lunch and I was disgusted to see that the urinal was filled with brownish water. After flushing it a couple times, I realized that the water supplying the washroom was spewing out brown water, which made sense since the water fountain that was giving me the orange water was hooked up to the same water pipe as the washroom. After showing it to weirDo, I called up plant ops and told them about the problem.

Cosmo came by one more time to pick up the rest of his stuff. Well, good luck to him in his new career!

Got volunteered to flip through some output files to find some bad lines, and helped out Dusty's crew with their program. Hrumph. At least I got to go outside and throw around the disc. Even got an extra person out this time. Heh. I was somewhat surprised at how hot it was despite the fact that it was already past four. Gah, I guess going out later in the day doesn't make it any cooler.

Okay, this is bizarre. Found out on ShackNews (as most of you may have discovered already) that Stevie "KillCreek" Case will be featured in Playboy in a couple of months. Oh yeah, Stevie is female (which I didn't figure out until the pronoun "she" was used). I just found it.. odd that a female, who basically kicks serious butt on FPS gaming, is good looking enough to show up on Playboy.


I don't know, what do you think?

Oh yeah, for you Linux fans, you might want to check this out. Found it at ArsTechnica.

Alright, those of you buddyboyz who are using IE4 or IE5 should check out the patch that Microsoft released fixing a couple of security problems..

Time for me to go, I really should go shopping today seeing as my food stores at home are dwindling pretty quickly. Seems like they're open late. Good, time for me to mosey on down to the grocery store..


Wednesday, October 16, 2024 @ 06:27:57 EDT

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