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[12:00 PM EDT - No subject.]

Last night, I got to bed late, but I was still awake for quite some time after I had gone to bed. Sometime past two, I heard.. what sounded like a garage door being forced open. Then a few more sporadic sounds before hearing something the kept being repeated. My window was actually closed, but since sound tends to travel well in our neighborhood, I could tell when someone was speaking, or if it was some other type of sound. Whatever was being repeated seemed to come from a person, so I got out of bed and opened up the window. Then I heard what sounded like

"Darren! Darren! Oh my god! Darren!"

being repeated over and over again. I couldn't see anything from the back of the house, so I had no idea where the commotion was coming from. Had I known.. would I have checked it out? I don't know. It wasn't long before I heard police sirens.. and then it got quiet again. So I went back to bed.

Sort of reminded me of the commotion a couple of days ago. Jake and I saw some police or ambulance from our kitchen window (which faced the back). They were at some house for some reason or another. Never found out what all that was about..

You know, I was thinking a little while ago. Laz seems to find all of these interesting and bizarre web sites. Yes, he does seem to have a fair bit of time, but even with time, the fact that the Internet is so vast, and so.. difficult to navigate around, I'm surprised that he found anything interesting at all! I mean, when I go surfing the net, I don't come close to finding anything as interesting as his discoveries (nor Growly's for that matter).

But perhaps I'm looking at this the wrong way. During my excursions into the net, I usually have a goal in mind, a destination to reach, some information to acquire. However, the path to discovery is not just to reach the destination itself, but to see all of the wonderful scenery on your way to that final stop. Instead of looking for something, I should just go and let something find me.. it is the surprise of not knowing what I will find along the way that makes wandering so enjoyable. Which is why crossing the country by car is much more interesting than just flying across.

This also leads me to an article I read in the August issue of Physics Today by N. David Mermin. In it, he recalls a conversation he had with a W. A. Mozart where they debated about strategic and curiosity research. Quite an interesting read, and at a low enough level for most people to understand. I won't tell you what the article said, but you should go read it if possible.

There is one good analogy that I can think of:

Life is a journey; Death, its final destination.

Maybe I'll go out and enjoy the sun for a while..

Maybe later. This travelling thing has brought to attention two trips that I've taken recently. The cross Canada trip last month, and a Spod trip I took two years ago. Both trips where long, although the cross Canada trip was LONG. The difference was that the cross Canada trip was to see Canada with people I knew, while the Spod trip was to see people who I knew in the States. I found out something. It's much more fun to travel with companions.

Travel with companions, live by yourself.

Yeah. Something like that.

Well, been surfing a bit.. played around with turning of java and java scripts on Netscrape. Seems like it interferes with my style sheets.. which means..


Well.. my page doesn't look THAT bad without the style sheets. The colours are a bit.. wrong, since the default background is gray, not black. Apart from that.. I dunno.. maybe I'm biased or something. I'm just glad it doesn't make my page look THAT crappy.

Alright.. this is REALLY bothering me now.. our new PC, Keel, has this annoying habit of hanging. A lot. I've guess it to be around once every twenty minutes. It's not just me either, Cosmo seems to be affected as well. This is on top of all the Netscrape crashes which I think I've alleviated by turning off java and java script commands.. hmm..

Well, that's enough for now.. time to go home and eat.. perchance to digest.


Wednesday, October 16, 2024 @ 06:30:55 EDT

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