weirDo gave me addresses to a couple of sites of interest. One of them is Stupid Computers - Your All Canadian Internet Computer Store! (Not to confused with sTupidPC - note the extra "s") which has a number of good deals (note the CD spindles). The other site is Dynamic DNS Network Services which should not be confused with Dynamic DNS which I think does the same thing. Oi.
Geez, another shooting? Another teenager?!? This time in LA.. what the heck is going on here?!? I thought the two I missed during my trip were bad enough..
I wonder why I remember things the day after much more clearly? After seeing my tail, I was told by Ed that it was tradition for the mother-in-law to cut off the tail. Hmm.. I didn't know that.
Man, my notes tell me of this "When will you finish your thesis" comment, but I forgot what the punchline was. This is going to bug me for a while.
Someone also told me that she met someone who looked and acted exactly like me. Probably had social skills even worse than me (which is impressive). I felt sorry for the guy. In fact, I feel sorry for anyone who looks or acts like me. I'm not exactly a shining example of humanity, nor would I win any contests unless they had to do with apathy or ignorance.
I'm gonna fix up some of the pictures that I have.. some are a little too fuzzy (there was a complaint, so I'll try to make her.. uhh.. I mean the picture stuck out more!).
I've finished with my trip thing, and now I have to get the pictures ready. No complaints, so it seems like I'll be putting most of them up sometime soon..