That's it, that's all. I was driven home late in the afternoon. Got in touch with the rest of the world again, hearing about a mudslide that blocked the Trans-Canada near Banff (which we had passed by the week before - whew!), and another shooting.. I think in Kansas City. I heard about the Atlanta shootings earlier, and is it just me, or are people using violence as the last refuge..?
Also read up on this ex-model that was killed in a park in a hit and run. Geez, you can't be safe anywhere..
I got home without incident and updated by books. Took for-ever. Catching up on two weeks of bookkeeping is quite a chore, and I made a lot of purchases during the trip. (Check out my cost breakdown)
My family was wondering if I'd stay for the weekend, but I wanted to go to Wall's party and get back to work (I was away much longer than anticipated). When I got back, I found my Visa bill, which was due by August the 6th. Whoa! Lucky break!
Apart from that, I hacked on the computer for a bit, and couldn't be bothered to go by the school to check on e-mail or update the page. So I went to sleep.