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[12:00 PM EST - No subject.]

Seems like Growly and KGL have both updated their .plans. Growly had something he wanted to say:

.plans are cooler than homepages. srclark@sciborg has his, do you? did you have one and stopped updating it? for shame!

People who neglect their .plans:
sdmcleod, rlcassel, jyseto, a2chow, remartin, amdeslau, et al.
The litany of shame goes on!

People who think a period before a filename is da bomb:
hhong, srclark, kgluk, tboogara

Apparently, i'm finding out on Nov. 9 whether I won a Palm Pilot from those RobotQ people or not. I accidentally found their office...a "suite" in one of the squat buildings on Columbia/Philipp. Whatta hole...

My response?

Hey hey.. who needs an up-to-date plan when you have an up-to-date homepage? Methinks the plan is much less accessible than the web page is.

I think Growly is just trying to cover up for his lack of work on his homepage. =) Here's KGL's new thing.

I don't care what songs you sing
Or how you think up all those pointless things
Sweet nothing's what you bring
So fly away on sugar coated wings
All those tricky things you said
On angel wings they're flying round my head
You were cheap but I was sold
I should forget you
but I won't be told
Sweet and sour as gold and coal
A sugar iceberg stole my soul
And hid it deep within my heart
Threw it through me like a poisoned dart
I'm sinking deep
I'm going under
Your sugar coated, Iceberg taste
So sweet
Until you tumble
Those sugar coated lies

Lyrics I believe.

Ya know, that girl is making way too much fun of me. I think I'll have to get back at her sometime when she gets back.. *cackles evilly*

Good grief, was it ever windy today. The darned trees were all at an angle, and I would've had trouble moving if I had an umbrella. It was quite interesting when we left Cornwall in our tan.. uh.. van. The head wind and gusts kept pushing us around like a frigging pebble in a raging river. Had me a little worried there..

During the talks, people were using the standard red laser pointer, but there was also a green laser pointer being used. Quite bright and noticeable. I want one. Unfortunately, it costs a couple of hundred bucks.. Maybe later.

I ended up paying for my room. Over four hundred and fifty dollars for the four days and nights. Oi. I should be getting that money back though..

On the way back from Cornwall, we made a couple of stops for coffee and washroom breaks. At the first stop, we got gas, and.. gasoline alright? Anyway, we filled up on gas, and before we left the station, I checked outside the door just in case we forgot anything, and RJ asked me if I wanted to bring anyone else along with us. Ha ha. So as we were pulling out, we passed by this girl, and I had to do a double take, since she had the same face as Squishy! The resemblance was uncanny, they looked so similar! This observation was also made during the day, so I didn't have the light problems I did during frosh week except that this time, this girl had long straight brown hair. Brunette huh? Awfully similar though..

At the second station that we stopped at, there were a disproportional number of teenage kids hanging around the station. Perhaps a school trip or something, but I was looking at them (maybe 17-18) and thinking.. man, they're so young. When the heck did I get old? A couple of them were definitely worth a second (or third or fourth) glance, but come on.. I was travelling with a bunch of old guys..

On the way down, we got hit by a number of storm cells droping rain and snow on us, but it surprised me quite a bit to find a layer of snow on the ground here in KW when we arrived in town. Just a few days ago when we left, it felt like summer. Now we had winter come by like that. *snaps fingers*

I didn't make it back in time for skating, but I was able to catch the broomball game. They really didn't need me. We won 10-1. Oi, I felt sorry for the other team.

Should get going, I didn't get a really good nap on the van, so I should get a good night's sleep tonight. *yawn*


Wednesday, October 16, 2024 @ 06:23:44 EDT

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