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[12:00 PM EST - No subject.]

Both Laz and Growly have updated their .plan files again.. Laz put up

Hey, here's an easy way to see what's being filmed in Ontario :

"We hope you find fun and laughter in the new millenium"
- Top half of fastfood gamepiece
"Thanks for Playing. Please try again."
- Bottom half of same gamepiece

Originally a link from Growly, someone porting MAME to a DC265:

Homer: Mmmmm... 64 slices of American cheese 64, 63... *eating*
#Time passes.. it is now dawn and homer is bleary-eyed
Homer: *eating* ...2, 1
Marge: Have you been up all night eating cheese?
Homer: I think I'm blind.

I saw the MAME link originally from ArsTechnica. Quite amusing. While Growly comments

Now I've got my eye on the Matrox G400 video accelerator. I'm not sure why, but I'm sold on the damn thing after reading one review (PC World) and some specs from the Matrox site. Not very thorough, I know, but I think it's partly because I used to go by the Matrox plant in Dorval (Montreal) every day on my way to school... Maybe their signage has subliminal messages.

Now I gotta decide how much to cough up. DH-16, DH-32, DH-Max, G400-TV even! I'm really starting to feel cheated with this old PCI Millenium bottleneck gumming up the works.

Hey, it's only a .plan -- i'm allowed to mix metaphors.

Indeed, I would get myself a G400 too if I had the cash (which I don't). He also has a link:

I hope this shuts up Jerry Falwell:

Interesting read.

Long day, nothing that would interest most of you. It's interesting when you meet so many of the people who were only names on articles that you've read up to this point. Quite amazing.

Speaking of which, most of the people who came to this meeting are on the older side of the century, which TCM and CD pointed out during the first day.

"The average age here is more than our two ages combined!"

A hyperbole perhaps, but not by much.

I figured that I should finally check out the recreational facilities that they had here at Nav Canada. There was a pool, little arcade thing, billiard tables, and fitness room. Quite well stocked these people are. I signed out some balls and a cue and figured that I could knock some balls around before I went to dinner around half past seven. I wasn't particularly hungry, so I didn't care about eating that much (even though I missed breakfast - boy was I hungry before lunch).

I couldn't sink balls for the life of me. Did I ever suck. Never mind, nobody else was there to watch my failings, so I didn't mind. Eventually I brought the equipment back and headed to the dining hall. I was a little surprised to see that the doors were closed. Hmm, I thought dinner was early. I looked at the time schedule on one of the tables.. Tuesday.. Tuesday.. Dinner: 18:00 - 19:15.

I looked at my watch:



Then one guy came up to me, telling me that I could probably still sneak into the side door. However, I had seen someone come out of the front doors, so I grabbed a tray, slapped on some utensils, and rushed on in. I was too late. They had just taken out all of the entrees. There wasn't much else left to eat, so I went over to the sandwich area, whipped up something with what was left, filled up on chocolate milk, and pigged out on rabbit food. I think it was the smallest meal I've had here yet!

Geez, I got kicked off the line. What the hell? I mean.. what the heck? I hate rewriting stuff I had written since it ultimately will be different than what I originally wrote. How annoying.

Well, one more day left to go. We should be leaving right after lunch, so I think we should be able to make it back in time. Time will tell though no?


Wednesday, October 16, 2024 @ 06:30:08 EDT

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