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[12:00 PM EST - No subject.]

Happy Thanksgiving Day!

Well, seeing as most people coming down here aren't from the States, that statement was pretty much useless. Still, it's a good excuse to go home and pig out.

Although.. who really needs an excuse?

New .plan from KGL:

It's all about the money....

"There are a number of things more important than a little money, one of those is a lot of money."

Gah.. I'm so tired today. Serves me right for playing Baldur's Gate all night. It was quite interesting though. I had planned to finish one quest in Ulgoth's Beard, but it required me to head into Baldur's Gate. No problem, the building was only on the edge, so I should be able to sneak in and sneak out. Well.. wandering into the city, I ended up spawning a quest to save myself, then realizing that my original quest had me heading into the middle of the city, I ended up spawning off around four more quests! Gah! My ten minute foray into the game turned into a five hour marathon!

It was quite well done though. The first time I played the game, I played very meticulously, clearing out each map one at a time so that I don't end up missing anything. However, by jumping right in, you still end up wandering around like a headless chicken, completing most of the major quests without looking for them. I was quite impressed.

Impressed or not, I still didn't get much sleep last night. I figure I should stop this madness before it consumes me..


Speaking about computers (well, indirectly I guess), here's a link to CNN's The Digital Century: an interesting computer review of the past couple of decades..

Finally got the request for time extension away. I don't get it though. The sheet asked for a one page progress report and action plan, so I wrote up a little glib about what I've done and what and when I plan on doing. Handed it in, and was told that.. well, I didn't have to write so much. Huh? Ten lines is too much? It's even in twelve point! Good grief. Had I known that I only needed a one line response, I would've done this a long time ago!

I figure I might as well pay for my tuition with a cheque this time, just in case I don't get what I plan on getting next term. Besides, it'll save be ten bucks, which I'll put towards a new mouse. I'll have to do it tomorrow though, it's not like I keep a pack of cheques handy on me every day..

Oh yes, I forgot to mention yesterday about Dusty's turn of events! He's got himself a scholarship and is now getting nearly as much money as I am! (He was definitely happy.)

It's so dark out, and it's only a bit past five.. man, I keep forgetting how dark it gets in the wintertime, probably because in the winter, there's usually more snow, and the street lights tend to reflect off of snow very well. Makes the winter nights somewhat brighter in the cities than normal. Of course, we don't have any snow..

That isn't a complaint mind you. If there was snow, I'd be hard pressed to come up with a good reason to blade to school, apart from finding a way to break my neck. The good weather we've been having has been a boon to activity aficionado's. I've seen quite a number of bikers on campus and around (even though there's still quite a number of bikers in the wintertime - I was one of them!). Just a couple of nights ago, I saw a couple of bladers enjoying a night trip around Ring Road. This ain't Autumn, this is just a cold Summer.. and I love it! (Heck, cool days, cool nights, semi-sunny days, and no allergies? Who couldn't enjoy this weather?)

I still have two loaves of bread in the fridge. How the hell am I going to finish them all? Oi. Quite a bit of food in the fridge I might add.. I wonder what I'll make for dinner..

Well, I should get going.. yeah, yeah, it's early, but it's going to be a long day tomorrow with the show, and all of my other chores I want to get out of the way (gotta check out on rec skating times..). Hopefully I'll be able to relax this weekend, and ponder life's mysteries..

That or play more computer games.


Wednesday, October 16, 2024 @ 06:38:13 EDT

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