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[12:00 PM EST - No subject.]

KGL's got a new .plan again.

Too often, we lose sight of life's simple pleasures.
Remember, when someone annoys you,
it takes 42 muscles in your face to frown,
BUT, it only takes 4 muscles to extend your
arm and bitch-slap the motherfucker upside the head...

Is it me, or does KGL seem a little bitter?

Been working on security on those scripts of mine. Been getting some progress in that area as well as with my Rb2 fits. Let's see if I can get that paper out by Christmas..

Number of things that I forgot to talk about. One of them would be forgetfulness. I forgot to pick up the performance refund for the broomball team on Friday. I picked it up today, but I could've used the money earlier for sushi..

After getting the camera back during my last trip home, I went a little picture crazy. I went through half of the roll during the show, and that was only because people had a tendency of avoiding the camera. During my video tirade, FlyingS asked me if I wanted to post them on the web page. Well, the thought didn't cross my mind.. but if I can put all of the blame on FlyingS..

Woke up this morning and took a peek outside the washroom window. What the.. It couldn't be.. Yes! It was snow! There was snow everywhere!! Funny how I didn't notice any snow falling last night. Unfortunately, this meant that I was unable to blade to school today, (and probably not for the next little while).

What annoyed me this morning tho, was the fact that we had no hot water when I got to the washroom. Doh. I'll either have to wake up really early or really late to have a warm shower in the morning from now on (we seem to run out of hot water so quickly in the wintertime).

Just as I closed the door to the house, I realized that I had forgotten something. My keys. *hangs head* Fortunately, Werdna's home, so I should be able to get in without a hitch..

It was a little chilly on the way here, but it wasn't too much of a bother. When I made it to school, I noticed that the fence around the egg was broken. Knocked down actually, as if there was some shock wave that emanated from the egg and blew the railings away from the thing. Noticed the footprints in the show too. I have a funny feeling that the weight of the snow didn't have anything to do with the structural collapse..

Seems like MJO has something new to say on his homepage. Wander on down and compare notes.

I found out something disturbing. While I was playing around with Lynx, I was able to bypass the standard index.html file and view the directory structure directly to my site. Hmm.. Time to change those permissions..

Mind you, if I can do that with other sites..

Oops, I think I know what I did. Nevermind.

Found out that I won't be getting any NSERC next year. Drat.

You know, for the amount of stuff I had, I'm not really talking much. Don't really feel like talking. Feel more like eating.. Much food to consume.. Mmm.. food..


Wednesday, October 16, 2024 @ 04:46:57 EDT

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