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[12:00 PM EST - No subject.]

Despite starting off cloudy (and probably rainy during the night and wee hours of the morning), the weather has started to clear up somewhat (more than I can say about my face) and the sun is actually noticeable through the clouds! Add to this the rather warm wind from the south and it was a good day to go outside (if you didn't mind getting your shoes a little wet that is).

The day started off pretty slow, and to be honest, not much really happened. Got packed, ate lunch, listened to more 80's songs, and then got a ride back here to KW.

Hmm.. seems like girl mentioned to my mom that I was saying things on the Internet. I wonder how they'd react if they did start reading this stuff. I mean, I haven't told many people about this thing (like a whole two). They both stopped talking to me for some reason (well, one is still talking with me, but after a month of silence). Anyhoo, we're approaching the one year anniversary of this journal thing, so I've been wondering if I should keep up this page or if I should quit while I'm ahead (i.e. while I still have a head). I don't see any benefit that this page brings me or the world, except for grabbing unsuspecting people who were looking up bus schedules and plopping them in front of my life. I dunno.

Seems like SGI wants to sell off Cray. For a bit more than a tenth of what they paid for them.. Why the heck did they get them in the first place? Gah.

Was able to remember to pop my laundry in the washer. Now all I have to remember is to write up those Christmas cards..

Well, finished yesterday's entry, so I should get going. I've got some laundry to do and some cards to write..


Wednesday, October 16, 2024 @ 06:34:38 EDT

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Woody Allen (From The Quotations Page.)