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[12:00 PM EST - No subject.]

Moving things around..

As you can see, I've moved everything back to Theochem. The cgi scripts still don't work, although I've done a bit of fiddling around to have them run through Sciborg. Just the clock and the counter, so the front page doesn't look so bad. The other scripts are still FUBAR, so you'll have to bear with me for a little while.

Growly has updated his page, so you can see what he's been doing recently (a car? Man!!).

Not really that much interesting news wise (that interests me that is) except for some CNN article about hackers that I first noticed at ArsTechnica.

I got home last night, and was greeted by a new addition to my collection of DVD's.. Now my total is up to.. one! Yeah!

Bladed to school today. It was a little wetter than I liked, but the weather was acceptable (hoping of course that it wouldn't rain later today). Been working on my subroutine and fixing up a couple of errors I had with the improvements I made. Man.. it's a never ending process. I should start writing my thesis though, I have enough stuff, and I should start wondering what I can cut out..

Been working on the constrained fits now. Hopefully I'll finish by the end of next week, which would leave me with just the rounded parameter fits, and then I'll be done with the paper! Oh yeah! I gotta start looking at the other molecules I've got lying around here, but.. eh.

Been making some changes here and there, mostly updating links and stuff, but I gotta put some descriptions on those few people I've got left in the high school homepages.. hmm.. but what can I say?

Speaking of high school, I just remembered about last year's annual Christmas party, and how God told me how he came across The PIT and was amazed that it was updated recently! I wonder if this is the time when people check up on their old connections and see how everyone's been doing. Hmm.. and to think that they all fade back into the woodwork a couple of weeks later..

Oh yeah, I wanted to share a story about this boy I played chess with in high school. Actually, I can't remember which school he went to, but he was one of their better players.. Oh, I should probably give a bit of background information first. I played for the Woburn chess team during my four years in high school. I actually had an [Sunday, August 15, 2004: Nearly.]undefeated streak in grade nine, but it probably had to do with the fact that I was playing on the bottom boards and those games were pretty much a joke. SLWD may still be a little bitter because there was only one spot left in the team, and the two of us were the two leading contenders. He played in the first competitive game and lost his match, and that was the only reason why I got a chance to play on the team. I think he would've played if I lost a game..

Well, I'll go on with my chess stories later, but for now, I'll finish up with the background. These guys we were playing were fairly good, although we still outmatched them. I was playing first board against this guy, and I've played against him many times.. he has beaten me before, but towards the end, I don't think I lost to him. Anyway.. (getting off track a lot here) during the playoffs, we play a best out of three game where there are three matches at five boards a piece. Each win gives one team one point, a tie gives half a point to each team, and a loss garners no points. In the event of a tie.. I can't remember what happened. Anyway, we were in the first match against this team, and the guy starts talking..

..and kept talking. He talked quite a bit, but before we started the game, he wanted to make a bet with me. If I won the match, he'd forfeit the rest of the games (I think, I can't remember exactly). If I lost the match, then he'd get a date with my sister.


Uh huh. Whatever. Not my choice to make, so I had to turn him down. (Although who'd want to date my sister? Pah!) Anyhoo, I won the match, and all the other games I had against their team and ended up going to the finals that year.

I still remember that part when he asked for the date, and all I can do is laugh.

Well, it's time for me to go. I'll go through the rest of my chess stories some other time..


Wednesday, October 16, 2024 @ 06:28:24 EDT

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