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[12:00 PM EST - No subject.]

Today is a good day. Weatherwise at least. Sunny day, sweeping the clouds away. On my way to.. er.. anyway, I took advantage of the good weather and bladed to school this morning. I actually made it in a little after nine as well. Another good omen! I was even able to book a time for my thesis this morning so I won't be usurped by someone else for my coveted time slot (the day before Good Friday I think is a good time right? At least I get to enjoy the weekend.).

Mind you, I've got quite a bit to do today still. Money to get, shows to see, thesis to rewrite.. (*groan*). A jam packed day indeed.. (speaking of which, I've got a peanut butter and jam sandwich for lunch..)

BTW, thank you Webster:

1an \en, (')an\ indefinite article
[ME, fr. OE a^-n one -- more at ONE]
(bef. 12c)
usage see 2A

Grr.. just want to confirm that you use the word an in front of words that start with a vowel or vowel sound right?

Here's a suggestion from FlyingS:

Yo, [QYV]. webter[sic] sucks. Use OED. :)

OED 1, Webster 0. I still like finding the interesting typos they have in Webster though (should keep a tally).

Oh, I got this a while ago from AgentP:

Did you know the plan is to call the new five-dollar coin the "Woodie"? No joke. Or so I've heard.

Can anyone confirm or deny?

Went to pick up the floats. I was able to get a signature from AgentP so I had no worries there. On the way out of the building, out of the corner of my eye, I saw something on the ivy patch next to the doors. It was a (Canada) goose. It was just sitting there. I found that quite odd as most of the geese around here generally afraid of people, but this one was just sitting there even though there was a bunch of people talking no more than three feet away. I was quite impressed actually and waddled up next to it. Either it was scared stiff or just didn't care cuz it just sat there. Hmm.. maybe I'll take a picture..

On the way down to the bank, I bumped into JCYH who was going in the same direction. Tried to convince the kid to show up at the show tonight. "We'll see" was the answer. Heading towards the bank, I bumped into one of the players from what was left of the farm team. Seems like he won't be going to be here next term (or any term afterward). That's unfortunate since I know at least two others on their team (three of their better players) won't be here either. Oh well, I guess that's the end of a legacy..

Oh yeah, after I got the order, I noticed that the person behind me was from my figure skating lessons (the very oriental kinda cute one), and JCYH was also in line! I repeated the question about showing up to the show and I think the response was downgraded to a "maybe". Mind you, I don't know how "we'll see" compares to a "maybe". On the way back to my office, I checked up on the goose. It had moved, which indicated that it wasn't dead. That's a good sign. I think I'll be going out to take pictures at some point in time..

Just got a reminder from FlyingS that this weekend is the daylight savings switch. That means that I get one less hour to work on my thesis. Doh!

Actually, FlyingS (busy boy) also sent me this contest for "vague" photos of campus. Hmm.. I've got quite a few already. Anyway, it gave me more incentive to go down and take a couple of shots of the goose (which had moved again).

For those of you who haven't been in KW for a while may want to know that they changed the name of the transit system here. It's not Kitchener Transit anymore, It's Grand River Transit now (GRT). Crazy. I haven't used public transit in ages and it shows. (I'm so pampered.)

Speaking of changes, it seems as if I forgot to mention something. I heard about this about a month ago, but I thought I wrote about it already. Anyway, the Fox & Pheasant is closed. Apparently they haven't paid rent in a while and the owners locked them out. How sad. I liked the place. The food was good and it had a good atmosphere.

Seems like Laz blew a TV and Jax (lucky dog) got lots of free food. That's about it with updates.

Just came back from the show. Too tired and hungry to stay. Could've went out for dinner but we didn't have enough cars. JCYH and Jax both showed up, but that's a story for another day. Right now I want to go home.


[4:00 PM EST - You wonder, I wonder.]

Some of you may wonder if I explicitly tell people about my page. The answer is no. No? Why not you ask? Well, the two people who I actually told about my homepage got very angry at me and stopped talking to me completely. It was a little disconcerting, and I learned a valuable lesson from it: Don't tell people stuff. Simple. Now I go on my merry way as if I don't have a homepage, although word of mouth seems to be spreading the word much more than my mouth ever would. That too is a little disconcerting.

In the end I don't care. I say what I want and you can read it at your leisure. Besides, most of you will just come here once a month, use the search engine to find out what I said about you, and then leave. More power to you.

Either way, I think those of you who do come to visit should think about this: What would you do in my shoes? I keep asking myself this. What the heck am I doing in these shoes? I shouldn't be showering with them! *looks down* Crazy.

Yes, I'm procrastinating. I don't want to fix the corrections to my thesis. Writing code sounds much more exciting at the moment (and that's actually saying something). Oh well.. back to work.


Wednesday, October 16, 2024 @ 04:51:14 EDT

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