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[12:00 PM EST - No subject.]

Hmm.. I guess there were some things I missed yesterday. First of all, Jax did have a .plan update (after the show), but basically put a plug up for the Distinguished Dabbler.

Homepagewise, Laz had some sort of dream that didn't involve me this time (whew!), although it is still quite interesting.. Tiffi on the other hand had some remarks on her previous entry and an optimistic look at their upcoming vacation to the great white north!

Pretty slim pickings updatewise, but hey, I wasn't expecting much this weekend.

Oh yeah, links. I got a "What's Your Wu-name?" link from HaremPresident. Too bad it doesn't work. The guy must've taken it down or something. Anyway, here's the link to the page. The perl script is FUBARed, but there were two older scripts on there which I'm debating on putting it on my page for the time being. Hmm.. it's pretty big, but I want to check it for holes first..

In regards to my new Zip drive, Growly sent me a comment about the infamous "click of death". I remember HKL telling me about this a couple of years ago, and I have read up on problems with the backwards compatability of the 250 with the 100 MB versions of the Zip. I haven't heard of any problems with the 250 itself so I might get around to doing a bit more research in the area, but most of the people I know who have had Zip drives haven't had any problems yet. Mind you, most of them have 100s and I seem to be the one that attracts all the hardware related problems.. (yeah yeah, it's called stupidity, now shut up!)

On the topic of the Palm and Quartz, MJO sent me a couple of links for the Quartz dates, and the possibilities of a Palm partnership from the Register. BTW, anyone know of a good web site to do day trading?

While I'm talking about MJO, the boy's got a new update with a very interesting recollection of a fire alarm.. (I still think his story of waking up in the middle of a phone call is better though..) Another recent update can be seen at weirDo's Area 51B which is back up and running now. It's been down for a while, but since nobody here checks it out I didn't bother mentioning it. Anyway, it's back up and there a couple of updates on it..

It's been awfully wet and humid for the past week. A price we have to pay for the abnormally warm weather we've been getting, which coincidentally, coencided with reading week. This should be all coming to an end next week when a cold front pushs through, although I don't think I really care either way. Warm weather can't be enjoyed to it's fullest when every step you take is always into mud or water. Speaking of which, just about all of the snow in the area has melted away, leaving in it's wake the sand and grit used to make the roads and pathways safe during the winter. How yucky. Something else that's been exposed is all of the garbage that people just dump into the snow during the winter. With each successive snowfall, the garbage gets buried deeper and deeper into the snow, but when spring arrives, the total accumulation of this trash appears in less than a week. It's quite disgusting actually. One of the less appealing parts of spring.

Oh yeah, I should probably talk about the show last night. First, I should probably mention how my gloves have started to bleed. Actually, they started to bleed a while ago. They've gotten wet a number of times when I go skating since I have a tendency to fall. The last time I went back home however, I was skating on a snow-covered pond, and ended up soaking my gloves pretty baddly. This in turn leached out the blue dye in the cloth which in turn started to turn everything blue. My hands, my jeans, the ice.. ah well, I ended up putting a number of handprints on the ice in the rink yesterday, but hopefully nobody noticed..

Back to the show, we were actually able to start the show on time, stick to the schedule, and finish early! It's been a long time since we've done this.. perhaps a year now? Two? I dunno, it's pretty impressive, trust me. We even screwed up a number people who anticipated us starting late.. and the kicker is that they can't complain this time! Heheheheh.

The show was fairly good last night, cliffhangers, conclusions, and revelations.. let's see if today's show can do better. What surprised me the most was the number of people who showed up. Despite reading week/two-days (or maybe because of it) we had our usual Friday crowd last night. Quite impressive.

Time to go set up..


[4:00 PM EST - Long, long day..]

I'm a little tired, even though it's pretty early. I'm gonna see if I can get to sleep early today. The show went well, apart from the one miscue, we basically had a flawless show. We started on time, and we were even ahead of schedule! Crazy!

Well, for the few hours that I've been away from my terminal, it seems as if the Wu-name page us up again (I'm Auxillary Priest or Optimistic Lyricist). Also, KGL has gotten up a short update for the .plan:

I hate making decisions

While Tiffi has a long entry on another one of her interesting days.. I think it's kinda cool that they're actually coming up to Canada for their break. Then again, we might get a huge blizzard the week they decide to visit, but hey, excitement is the spice of life right? Right?

Oh man, it's retro Saturday night on the radio I'm listening to, and they mentioned Tiffany's name. That got me thinking about one of her more popular songs (a remake at that), which lead me to remember grade seven. Specifically the project that we had that year. I can't remember when it was specifically, although fall sounds about right. I think it was the first time I really bumped into.. oh, I should actually explain what happened first.

My memory is a little hazy, but I think our grade (probably just our class) wanted to set up some sort of uh.. desert thing during the parent-teacher interviews. One of the classrooms was renovated so that the parents could come in and sit down, while some of the students would show them menus of various baked goods, while some other students would take turns providing musical entertainment (mostly piano). I remember actually playing a number of times. I ended up playing the same song over and over, but since I got rotated, I don't think the adults noticed. Anyway, I completely forgot about that little project of ours, and although I was scared out of my wits at presenting, I think I was able to make it through before diving for cover.

Anyway, although MPS was in my grade seven class, I think that was the first time I knew that the kid could play the piano. Play the piano and play it well actually (something like grade seven our eight at that time). I guess it was the first time that I realized that she existed (calling her quiet would be an understatement), although I didn't make much of it at that time. Funny.. *reminisces*

Hrumph, it's funny ironic that they're not playing that Tiffany song. They're playing a different one.. *shakes head*

Oh well, enough of this nostalgia. I'm gonna go home now. The group went out for Egyptian food, but I skipped out since I wasn't particularly hungry since I pigged out on Harvey's burgers for dinner. Curious, I originally typed in happy instead of hungry. How odd.

Oh yeah, I did end up finishing the roll of film at the show. I'll have to find some time to develop it. A number of people who were planning to show up at the show didn't (*nudges Jax*). I never got to ask my question, although I think it's kind of moot now.

One should always view from a distance. Nothing looks good up close.

See you guys. *points at you guys* I'm going home. *points home*


Wednesday, October 16, 2024 @ 06:27:38 EDT

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