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[12:00 PM EST - No subject.]

What the.. Sciborg just went down. Kaput. No warning whatsoever, like someone hit the power switch by accident..

Oh, Sciborg's back up. Everything is good in the world again.

Finally! KGL's put up some lyrics that I do recognize:

'Til the day that we're together
I'll be missing you

Do you know where this came from?

For those of you who are interested to see if CTRL-A has ever been on national television, look no further than.. oh, we'll have to get permission to put it up, so I think I'll have to wait until then. Besides, it's a little embarassing since.. well.. the only people present in the clip are people we don't want the world to see. (We're not all a bunch of freaks.. well, most of us aren't..)

BTW, Jax was right with the Rip Van Winkle thing. Yay! I owe that kid a cookie or something.

Sparky, Laz, and KGL all have new updates. Sparky's entry was a little nostalgic, although I never really liked sitting near the windows since I had to sit in the front row if I was to have any chance of reading the black board..

At this point, I would like to mention a few things I forgot to in the previous entry (since it was getting awfully long). A couple of days ago when I was walking home, I was walking behind this guy, who was just behind a girl. She looked like she was wearing hose, but I was mistaken. Anyway, while I was a little distracted by the girl, a couple of guys passed by our convoy and one of them turned around and said:


So I turned around and he waved, so I waved back. I had no idea who that person was. That's when I realized that he might be waving to the guy in front of me, so I turned around and saw him looking back. He didn't seem to recognize the guy either. I know they weren't waving at the girl, which meant that he must've been waving at me, but I really didn't recognize him! Dang, I hate it when that happens. (Then again, I hate it when I wave to someone waving at me but not really at me since that person was waving to another person in the same general direction as me..)

Now last night, I forgot to mention how I bumped into this guy at the rink. He asked me if there was a learn to skate lesson, and I told him that it was a figure skating lesson that was starting up. He must've missed out on his lesson or something.

"Figure skating's next?"

Yup. So I went off to put on my skates. While I was getting ready, I saw the guy get on the ice. What the hey? He started practicing his edges. Backwards. Oh.. by the time I was getting warmed up in the rink, he was practicing a few jumps, an axle, a double lutz, a double Salchow..

Boy did I feel inadequate.

Ah well, I found out later that he was actually filling in for one of the instructors who didn't show up today. I didn't feel so bad after that.

One more thing about yesterday, Tiffi's comments about new couples got my attention:

"And unfortunately, like most new couples, they spent so much time together that they alienated themselves from the rest of his friends,.."

I have a question. Why do new couples do that? I remember in high school when I was friends with this guy and this girl. (I really had a huge crush on this girl at that time and we talked quite a bit.) Anyway, after I convinced her that he was a nice guy and all, they started getting along, and before I knew it, they were attached at the hip. I literally didn't see either of them for months after that. WTF was up with that? Am I bitter? Well, I didn't mind them going out, but I never expected them to isolate themselves like that (well, from me at least) so yeah, I guess I was a little bitter.

For the longest time I didn't understand why people would ever do that. Funny how things come back to haunt you..

But I'll leave that for another time. I just hope I don't end up doing something like that next time.. if there's gonna be a next time..

Got a sound card installed into Keel. Stole it out of Hoth since nobody was using that computer. It didn't solve our annoying driver requests, but at least we've got sound! I've been playing MP3's off that thing so I've got something to listen to while I'm surfing. It's also nice to have sound when you're watching video clips..

Crap! I did it again. Well, sorta. Yeah, I did it again. During the lab today, that girl walked into the room again. She was looking in my direction when I was checking down that direction so I smiled and waved. She waved back. Hey, that was good right? Well, time passed and I talked with a number of people. I kept telling myself "go up and ask for her name" over and over (in my head of course). I was thinking of doing this before she left, when I noticed KGL wandering around outside.

So I waved (someone mistakenly thought I was waving at her - oops!) and caught her outside. While I was taking with KGL, she sliped out of the room and went past me. I wanted to say something, but..

Well, that was that. Next week.. there's always next week..

Well, time for me to go and see how many people will come out tonight. I'm getting hungry though..


[4:00 PM EST - Only two games?]

It seems as if my hunger didn't get the best of me. We played a fairly good game although I think we outclassed the other team (which was impressive since it doesn't happen too often). After the game, I went to exchange my ball and got changed. When I got back, I was surprised to see that just about everyone from my team stuck around to play another game! (One of the teams didn't show up.) Crap, and I had already changed..

I sat there for a good five minutes wondering what to do. Jax told me to join them, and I was goaded by a couple of the others. In the end, I tied on my indoor shoes and joined up with another game which had less than a full court (the other game had way too many people anyway). Anyway, I was thinking of sticking around for another game (with some of the elite - or l33t - players) but I figured I'd do that next time, I should get some food.

Speaking of which, these people are getting hungry. It's time for me to go.


Wednesday, October 16, 2024 @ 06:34:28 EDT

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