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[12:00 PM EST - No subject.]

Happy Saint Valentine's Day!!

It's still snowing. Holy, there's about half a foot now.. kewl.

Two new plans to talk about. KGL has:

Cuz I'm a brat,
And I know everything.
And I talk back
Cuz I'm not listening
To anything you say

While Jax has:

Just... one... more... week...

Should we cheer on Jax? Nah.. (She'll be fine =)

I was sent a link for a picture of the CTRL-A execs for this term. The picture's done by Daniel Kim, and I'm so glad I'm not in it =)

Hey, there have been a number of updates on Laz's page, but the one that caught my eye was the comment about me and Dance Dance Revolution:

I have the sneaking suspicion that he's practiced.

For the record, before that day, I had only tried the game once. That's it! Honest! Now I've played the game a whole four times. Plan to try again with Jax, cuz that kid can dance..

Oh yeah, he also mentioned something about Kim. Personally, I think she's "okay" (I remember seeing her in Vancouver, and when we bumped into Growly). I dunno, I think our tastes in women are different. (I like chocolate.)

KGL's also got a short update, a little on the less happy side. I was thinking of sending her a rose under someone else's name, but that would've just freaked her out (but I would've had a good laugh.. Hmm.. I'll talk to TY about it..).

I checked up on Tiffi's page, and was treated to two (Two!) long entries. Before I continue, the calculus problem that Tiffi had up was a little confusing since "derive" suggests generating the function shown. Anyway, I believe that:

f(x) = x - ln(x+1) + C

But I've been wrong before.

Anyway, she seems a little sad since.. well, it's "Oh god am I lonely" day. So I suggest all you folks to go and send her some nice e-mail and/or flowers and/or a new car or something along that line and cheer her up!

Speaking of sad, Sparky's thinking of ending her journal!

Well, you see, the time has come for this journal to come to an end.

Oh no! What is going to happen? What am I going to do? What will all of the wandering souls who read her page because it gives their life some sort of meaning do?!? Tune in next time..

Hold on, there might not be a next time! Waitaminute, let's think for a minute here. Now, what would Brian Boitano do?


Man, I have no clue. But anyway, I also went through two rather awkward situations with this page `o mine. Both instances nearly stopped me from continuing. (It was a pretty bad sight folks, body parts and madness everywhere! Definitely not for children.) Still, I'm putting in my vote that Sparky should continue on with her endeavors, the world needs to know!

`Tis a dark day indeed. *hangs head*

*moment of silence*

On a brighter note, I just found out that my memory is just as bad as I thought. FlyingS has indirectly informed me that I forgot when I first met him. Hopefully it's correct now. (If not, I'll just change it again! Ha!)

Speaking of updates, Jax has completely overhauled The Distinguished Dabbler. I.. Salmon and Ella? *groan* Anyway, It seems like Jax has been busy developing this site for the past week or so (when studying would've been suggested - bah, studying is for wimps!). Anyway, Jax mentions that..

Uhh.. I can't quite remember what I wanted to say. This is what happens when you walk away and then come on back to something you were doing a couple of hours ago. Quite annoying. Well, I think the new page is a good idea. Now I won't have to keep pestering to find out what new and exciting things have happened. It's all online! Funky! So you guys all go on down to that page and sign that Guestbook cuz.. just cuz!

Ooh, the thing about thinking your thoughts.. er.. visably. KGL told me that many bad things would have happened to me had I tried sending that rose. Okay, okay, not in so many words, nor in any words to that effect for that matter, but the implication was there.. and the kid knows where I work..

*eyes widen*

Hmm.. I think it's time for me to invest in some life insurance..

Something interesting while I was trolling around Jax's site. The Matrix parody is finally done. Check it out if you wish. Oh yeah! I remember now.. I wanted to mention how I remember using those public toilets in China when I went there as a kid. I don't remember them being THAT bad, although I was a kid, and.. well.. I think you have either less inclination to remember the bad things or more tolerance of your surroundings. I dunno.

I should get going. Been writing up this appendix for my thesis (yeah yeah, I should be writing the actual text..) but I've got quite a bit of polishing up to do. I came across this Wired article from ArsTechnica. What can I say? Sign me up!!

Oh yeah, I got a Valentine's Day e-card! Ain't that sweet? Pffth, like I'd tell you guys who it was..

Well, you folks go on and have a nice "exacerbate the lonely people" day, I'm gonna go and give my stomach a treat.

One last thing before I go (A treat from Jax).

I've been searching for a man - all across Japan -
just to find, to find my samurai!
Someone who is strong - but still a little shy!
Yes, I need, I need my samurai!
Ai-ya-ya, I'm your little butterfly...

Butterfly, DDR

Sad thing is, I can hear this song in my head..


Wednesday, October 16, 2024 @ 04:46:19 EDT

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